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Blaze A Trail: Bushwacker

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#21 Steel Raven


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 01:37 PM

Hey, look at what camo pattern it comes with. Reminds you of anyone?
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#22 FerretboysRevenge


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 01:37 PM

Decals instead of Modules? That does not inspire me to preorder.n

#23 dirtnapnub


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 01:40 PM

Like many people have stated in other threads about this being their favorite MW 3/4 mech, it was mine also. My main problem and only problem with this mech and several in the last year or so, are the graphic models. If you would show a person who played MW 3/4 or the TT (and never played MWO) a picture of a Atlas from MWO, they would definitely know what that mech was. And I believe you could include mechs to this list. However, several of these new mechs many of these same people would struggle to recognize them. Mechs like the Warhammer and Marauder are classics and IMHO really just do not look like they should, but they still have some resemblance to the mechs from TT readouts. But if they released the Bushwacker mech without a name or spec info, very few people would have correctly guessed this was a Bushwacker. This new Bushwacker looks nothing like a Bushwacker should and looks nothing more than a mini marauder, which it should look nothing like.

Now some of you people are like "great another TT moron". I have never complained about anything before, but to call this a Bushwacker is a joke. I understand that MWO cannot be like the TT or the old MW3/4 games, but the mechs still should have some resemblance to the TT game. I believe if you are going to use all the lore from the Mechwarrior universe and base your game on it, you should make the mechs identifiable to people familiar the Battletech/Mechwarrior universe. Otherwise PGI should never have taken the Mechwarrior name and just made a generic big robot shooting laser's game.

#24 Mycroft000


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 01:58 PM

I have to admit I was totally on board to buy this right away, but with the the early adopter reward being such a step down from the MAD-IIC(which I did not buy, however that extra mech for buying early was extremely tempting), I'm not quite as intent on buying right away.

#25 Xoxim SC


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:00 PM

I pre-ordered the standard pack, not going any higher though because these rewards are complete garbage. Not to mention the hard points are kind of garbage.

#26 Kuaron


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:02 PM

I'll join the "disappointed with PO rewards" ranks.
And I was really looking forward to this one, expecting it to become one of the few mechs I'd spend real money for. Now I don't know what I should do. :(

I mean, a couple of ugly decals, really?
Include some colours instead, at least I can imagine how to use them.

#27 Lizardman from Hollywood


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:20 PM

Wells I stand corrected didn't see the cbills advert at the bottom. BTW cheap is spelled the way it's supposed to be and Dekkels is Canadian for decals.

Edited by Sephrus Shanadar, 08 September 2016 - 02:20 PM.

#28 -Ramrod-


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:20 PM

Why does PGI continue to shoot themselves in the foot? Not including modules or another variant in PO is probably one of the dumbest ideas. The decals are crappy and will probably be available for mech credits in February. They are going to lose quite a bit of money because of this. I'm not whining. I'm just saying what's probably going to happen.

#29 Evil Ash


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:28 PM

Posted Image YOU, ARE, A, TOY

#30 Felbombling


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:41 PM

View Postdirtnapnub, on 08 September 2016 - 01:40 PM, said:

Mechs like the Warhammer and Marauder are classics and IMHO really just do not look like they should, but they still have some resemblance to the mechs from TT readouts.

Dirt... PGI has to alter the classics to side-step possible copyright issues with another company. They could make them look exactly alike and possibly get sued, or they can do what they have done. There is reason behind the art design.

Also, and this may be your issue with the Bushwhacker... the original TRO artwork did not depict a torso linkage of any kind... and for the game, torso linkage is fairly important. Some artistic licence has been used to create a viable Mech for in game use.

#31 Kifferson von doober


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:42 PM

View PostSteel Raven, on 08 September 2016 - 01:37 PM, said:

Hey, look at what camo pattern it comes with. Reminds you of anyone?
Posted Image

if it walks like them too that would be amazing :)

#32 Tavious Grimm


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:43 PM

Not sure what I'm going to do...never was a big fan of the Bushy. The loss of modules doesn't bother me at all. I usually get the collectors edition for the C-Bill bonus as well as the 60 Day play time. IF I buy this I'm accepting the possibly horrendous changes to FW.

#33 Tordin


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:46 PM

View PostStaggerCheck, on 08 September 2016 - 12:29 PM, said:

No more modules as part of the bundle? /sob Not sure that's a grand idea, PGI. Those modules were a major influencer for pre-orders from my standpoint.

Yeah, even though I refuse to use modules most of the time, you could get a nice bunch of c-bills by selling them.

Now that I think of it, I haven used more than 1% of my modules. So I dont care, so I think I'll buy the collectors pack at least.
The BW have some interesting builds coming for it, the thinner front profile makes it at least somewhat survivable with an xl engine so theres that.

Edited by Tordin, 08 September 2016 - 02:54 PM.

#34 Kaptain


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:51 PM

View PostTavious Grimm, on 08 September 2016 - 02:43 PM, said:

IF I buy this I'm accepting the possibly horrendous changes to FW.

And condoning their arrogance at the same time. Just wait, It will be out for C-bills and when this game finally fails or dives in popularity you will feel better with that money in your pocked, spent on something else or otherwise not investing in Russ/Paul doing whatever they want despite community feedback.

#35 Fobhopper


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:52 PM

I am happy with the looks and the hardpoints of this mech, and when payday comes, I am definitely going to preorder. I like missiles and ballistic. Apparently most of the whiners dont like it because this isn't "laser warrior online". Go suck on an egg, not every mech has to be laser vomit so you can relive laser floyd while tripping on acid.

If you dont like getting shot by missiles, instead of loading that 7th laser, put an AMS or ECM on your damn mech. If you dont like being hit by ballistic, well there isn't anything that can be done about that except use your buddies as shields. There is more to this game than "no skill alpha strikes".

View PostKaptain, on 08 September 2016 - 02:51 PM, said:

And condoning their arrogance at the same time. Just wait, It will be out for C-bills and when this game finally fails or dives in popularity you will feel better with that money in your pocked, spent on something else or otherwise not investing in Russ/Paul doing whatever they want despite community feedback.

You are aware that no matter how much you *****, people have been saying "when this game finally fails" for about 4 years now, you start sounding like one of those fundamentalist rapture believers. Maybe if you keep saying it every day until the cold death of the universe, you might finally find yourself correct. But more than enough people enjoy this game and keep playing it, regardless of your close minded view of how a mechwarrior game should be. Just because something works on the tabletop does not mean it will work in an FPS. For all your nostalgia tinted glasses when it comes to MW3/4, there were hilariously broken mechanics and systems that let you completely game the system to the point of hilarity.

Edited by Fobhopper, 08 September 2016 - 02:59 PM.

#36 PraetorGix


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:53 PM

View PostTercieI, on 08 September 2016 - 12:46 PM, said:

Wow. That's a whole lot of meh.

Exactly this. I was hoping for some ECM, at least behind a paywall like previous mechs, or JJ, MASC, or... I dunno, something. This is beyond Phoenix Hawk levels of Meh.

#37 PraetorGix


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 02:59 PM

View Postdirtnapnub, on 08 September 2016 - 01:40 PM, said:

If you would show a person who played MW 3/4 or the TT (and never played MWO) a picture of a Atlas from MWO, they would definitely know what that mech was. And I believe you could include mechs to this list. However, several of these new mechs many of these same people would struggle to recognize them.
(...) But if they released the Bushwacker mech without a name or spec info, very few people would have correctly guessed this was a Bushwacker. This new Bushwacker looks nothing like a Bushwacker should and looks nothing more than a mini marauder, which it should look nothing like.

You know, I agree. Someone said this mech is Alex's most loved chassis. Well in that case Alex has a weird way of showing love... Why does this thing have to be so thin and ugly from the front, why does it have that exxagerated hump in the rear, why is it so tall and lanky? I think people would recognize it as a bushy nevertheless, but only because of the lurm launcher at the side.

#38 MrKvola


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 03:08 PM

Preordered ultimate. Still wish there were a radar derp or something useful instead of the decal. Oh well.

P.S.: writing this after a couple of beers and bourbons. ow.

#39 Deathz Jester


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 03:09 PM


Does this mean you guys are gonna start adding IS Omni-mechs, and new tech? Since the Bushwacker is from 3055?

#40 Nik Reaper


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 03:09 PM

Not sure, but that profile seems XL friendly ( provided they don't mess up the hitboxes ) and that P1 has 6 missile points , an shield arm ( or strip armor ) and an option for the x1 to go slow with 3 Ac5 witch might be in decently high torso mounts.

It brings some options , more so if energy draw ever goes live, it can be build fast , and is anorexicly slim, more so if the top missile pod goes away if not mounting anything there.

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