I completed the challenge mostly on the solo queue
Had a few games on the group que, but funnily my position didn't change during this time.

Whilst pugging I had two stratergies:
If my team worked together and was coordinated, I would lead from the front.
If my team was uncoordinated I would lead from the back or middle.
Clues were:
1) Team postioning according to my radar. - Scattered or deathball
2) Did teammates return fire when a team mate recieved fire or did the just watch or runaway
3) Were team mates timid
4) Was focus fire a thing or did it take 3 minutes for 11 mechs to kill one mech etc
The reasoning, Dieing early due to lack of team support wont help the team win or help my leada bored aspirations.
Sometimes you just have to salvage what you can from a bad situation. That means staying alive and dropping mechs and perhaps just maybe a possible victory for the team.
Believe me I tried to be the hero in every match, but without support from team mates, I just got rekt over and over.
So I resorted to the above strategy
Edited by OZHomerOZ, 28 September 2016 - 06:28 PM.