When I first saw the 9 missile hardpoints on the 5W, I knew I was going to boat the ever living **** out of LRMs. AND NOTHING ELSE. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. The mech performed more successfully than I ever expected, and the thrill of dancing on the edge of LRM minimum range while the enemy is after me, is something else entirely. I have not reached the pinnacle of lurmbending, yet. I still struggle with the Archer's super low cockpit and vulnerable hitboxes while trying to get a lock, but otherwise, it is a deadly design.
I managed to reach second place at the end of this event on the Archer leaderboard using my 8xLRM5 build, which is more than I could hope for, given the massive amount of AMS I faced while climbing up the ladder.

And here is the 5W's general stats, with over 200 matches played in Solo-Q. It is one of my best mechs in Puglandia. I thank all my teammates who had heeded my calls, respected LRMs, and cooperated with my play style. They were the ones who usually won alongside me.

My LRM5 stats. 42.8% accuracy will at least shush those who might accuse me of lobbing LRMs from 900 meters away in the back. I admit there were plenty of games where dual or triple AMS mechs had greatly reduced my damage output, but there were always some bumblers on the enemy team who strayed far away from the AMS umbrella for me to take advantage of.

*Edit* Here is the new loadout that I find superior to my old 300XL 17 DHS build, after testing it around. Still has 1980 rounds of LRM ammo but with 340 XL, it adds 10 more KPH speed at the expense of 2 less DHS, which I find as an acceptable trade. I chain fire my eight LRM5s 4x4--which seems to be the most ideal DPS to heat ratio for me. I also pack Coolshot and UAV as consumables. BAP is non-negotiable. Despite its low leg armor, I don't remember ever been legged in my Archer.

I had mad fun with my 5W, I really did. It is gonna be a mech that I will always feel comfortable to strap myself into. Now though, with the prizes I won from this event, I bought a trio of Rifleman to play with. And JackalBeast had again gifted me with a pack--The Night Gyr pack. Those mechs will definitely occupy my time, so I must rest my trusty 5W in the garage for the foreseeable future, to the relief of my opponents no doubt. I am sure they are sick of getting pummeled by LRMs from nowhere.


Edited by El Bandito, 01 October 2016 - 08:18 PM.