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'current' User.cfg

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#41 Gator the angry pimp


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Posted 17 April 2018 - 10:42 AM

once again, NARC BAIT you are my hero!

finally got an AMD a6-3670k (2.7ghz w/ unlocked multiplier and same radeon 6530D integrated gfx) which made a noticable difference. now i just gotta find a gpu (frys is the only shop in town with any gpu's and theres 5 flavors to choose from, gtx 730, 5xxx series radeon, gtx1060, gtx1070, and gtx1080 and they want a pound of flesh plus my second born child for em)

View PostTarl Cabot, on 01 April 2018 - 05:10 AM, said:

While waiting for NarcBait... What is your high FPS and what is your "avg" FPS, and do you have a sys_MaxFPS in your user.cfg file and what is it set at?

on the home screen i idle at 32 fps@768x1024 resolution and 44 fps@600x800 using NO user.cfg, as far as average fps goes, if i have ANY other applications open while attempting to play mwo and my frame rate starts hitting single digits so FRAPS has not been an option for me. I just set my "max_FPS" cvar to 25FPS so it doesnt "spike" as hard resulting in smoother play

View PostTarl Cabot, on 01 April 2018 - 05:10 AM, said:

Also, system Power Options, it is set to High Performance and in the Nvidia options, is everything else set to High Performance and then Power Management Option set to Max Performance?

ive gone thru the paces optimizing my install of windows. from power management, to service start-up, etc etc

View PostTarl Cabot, on 01 April 2018 - 05:10 AM, said:

Also, when was the last time the heatsinks (in the computer Posted Image ) cleared of dust build up?

when i put my new a6-3670k in :)

View PostTarl Cabot, on 01 April 2018 - 05:10 AM, said:

And have you considered a GPU upgrade to get away from the built-in AMD [color=#000000]GPU Type: Radeon HD 6530D[/color]? With it being low spec, is this is a SFF, either a Nvidia 1030 or 1050, to have a GPU that has its own discrete memory and a much higher GPU/memory speed.

I was just getting ready to ask yall about this subject actually. so we all know the integrated radeon 6530D gpu is slower than 2 turtles fornicating when it comes to clock and memory. passmark has a gtx750ti beating the 6530D by a landslide my question is, would i see any performance increase out of say a 2gb gtx730? or should i just save for the 750ti



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Posted 17 April 2018 - 07:37 PM

personally, its been a long time since I've brought an nvidia card underneath a '60 model .... 1050ti seemed quite good, for 1080p .... my 760 did ok, until I pushed the resolution out past 2K ....

#43 Deffias


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Posted 18 April 2018 - 09:22 PM

View PostNARC BAIT, on 14 April 2018 - 09:22 PM, said:

my understanding is that the underlying engine only properly auto detects nvidia SLI setups, and that you should 'manually' tell it to 'allow extra overhead for SLI/Crossfire
--; intended for SLI setups | 0) disabled / 1) extra overhead to allow SLI or Crossfire / 2) normal - auto, nvidia only(?)
r_MultiGPU = 1
the only other option that specifically mentions ATI, relates to shadows ... not sure if/what benefit you might get from this ...
--; shadow texture format | 0) R16G16 / 1) R16 / 2) R32F / 3) ATI DF24 / 4) NV D24S8 / 5) NV D16
r_ShadowTexFormat = 3
are you getting the resolution that your wanting ? because it can be manually set to values other than whats available in the settings, the settings should display a list of valid resolutions, obtained from display info, but there are other freaky things you could do with it ... like set a resolution your monitor cant display, and have it run quite happily in a fullscreen window ... I've done some 8K screenshots before, 16K was asking a bit much of my gtx 1060 ...

Added the suggested changes to my user.cfg, including the requisite tuning.cfg file. Still cannot achieve positive scaling from crossfire. Even after the suggested tweaks in this thread and this thread (https://mwomercs.com...83#entry6074383), no such luck. Tried multiple Crysis predefined crossfire profiles, AFR friendly, etc...

However, with the added tweaks, i'm getting a big enough jump in performance with one GPU that I can still run 5760x1080 with 45-60 fps in game. I may just cut my losses and play with 1 card in Eyefinity. Ty for the helpful pointers!



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Posted 20 April 2018 - 12:29 AM

I was going to release a file, just before solaris ... but it wasnt so friendly within solaris ... so im looking at which bits causing what before doing a bigger update ...

#45 Larsh


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Posted 21 April 2018 - 09:59 PM

I tried this current user config, and it really helps a lot! But, it hides the decals in game and I would like to enable them again. I thought I had them set back to enable after changing the settings in this config. Can anyone review my settings to confirm? Thanks!

--; *************************
--; * SYSTEM *
--; *************************
--; 85 = 0/2/4/6
--; 170 = 1/3/5/7
--sys_affinity = -- 0) all / >0) this is a proper control for which 'cores' to run on, IT USES DECIMAL INPUT
sys_MaxFPS = -1 -- 0) normal - Limits the frame rate to specified number, unreliable ...
--; setting the cvar helped OBS consistently grab the screen for me ...
cvGameName = "MechWarrior Online"
con_restricted = 0 -- 0) normal / 1) restrict access to console *and commands*

sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 4 -- 1) normal / 4) smooth curves by 25% less than normal /
--sys_flash_edgeaa = -- 1) normal - enable? / 0) disable? * enable/disable edge anti aliased rendering of files
sys_flash_warning_level = 0 -- 1) normal - log warning / 0) omit log warning / 2) log and display message
sys_job_system_enable = 1 -- 0) disable / 1) enable
sys_job_system_max_worker = 8 -- 0) auto - as many 'cores' as available / 4) consoles / 8) pc
sys_SleepIfInactive = 0 -- 1) normal - reduce frame rate if alt tabbed / 0) use full resources

p_net_interp = 0.02 -- 0.1) normal - The amount of time which the client will lag behind received packet updates. High values result in smoother movement but introduces additional lag as a trade-off.

--; *************************
--; *************************
--; when using a full screen window, you can desync the window size to the engine render size
--; for example, you could render 1728x972 and display it at 1920x1080 for very little visual
--; difference, but save 10% on GPU workload

--; 1/8 less than the lowest selectable mode, going any lower will mean things wont fit
--r_Width = 896
--r_Height = 672

--; 1/8 less than 1080p
--r_Width = 1728
--r_Height = 976

--; 12% less than 4K, saved me around 20% GPU usage
--r_Width = 3360
--r_Height = 1890

--; *************************
--; *************************
--ca_thread = -- 0) disable character animation multi threading / 1) enable
--ca_thread0Affinity = -- affinity of first ca thread
--ca_thread1Affinity = -- affinity of first ca thread
--e_ParticlesThread = -- 1) normal - seperate particles onto own thread / 0) disable
--e_StatObjMergeUseThread = -- 1) normal - Use a thread to perform sub-objects meshes merging
e_VoxTerThreads = 4 -- 7) normal - no info
r_MultiThreaded = 1 -- 0) disable / 1) enable / 2) auto *UNRELIABLBE*
--r_WaterUpdateThread = -- >0) Enables water updating on separate thread (when MT supported).
sys_limit_phys_thread_count = 1 -- 0) normal / 1) Limits p_num_threads to physical CPU count
--p_num_threads = 4 -- number of physics threads
--p_num_jobs = 6 -- 6) normal - number of physics jobs / 0) *crashes*
--sys_main_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index main will run on
--sys_physics_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index physics will run on
--sys_streaming_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU file IO thread run on
--sys_TaskThread0_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread0 will run on
--sys_TaskThread1_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread1 will run on
--sys_TaskThread2_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread2 will run on
--sys_TaskThread3_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread3 will run on
--sys_TaskThread4_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread4 will run on
--sys_TaskThread5_CPU = -- Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread5 will run on

--; *************************
--; * SOUND *
--; *************************
s_LoadNonBlocking = 0 -- 1) normal - block ?
s_MaxChannels = 96 -- 64) low / 128) high
s_MusicEnable = 1 -- 1) normal / 0) Disable
s_NoFocusVolume = 1 -- 0) normal - silence on lost focus / 1) play sound anyway

--; *************************
--; * NETWORK *
--; *************************
cl_packetRate = 60 -- set this to min framerate?
gp_mech_movement_collision_boost_priority = 0 -- 1) normal - boost network priority during collision / 0) disable
--net_breakage_sync_entities = -- 1) normal - allow network sync of breakable objects
--net_bw_aggressiveness = 0 -- 0.5) normal / 0) aggressive? / 1) friendly?
--net_maxpacketsize = 1450 -- 1000) normal / 1472) tcp normal max (too high, will fragment packets)
--net_max_block_bytes_per_second = 0 -- 1024) normal - Max bytes to send across the network across all blocks per second.
--net_max_block_size_bytes = 1450 -- 1024) normal - Max block size in bytes.
--net_min_block_size_bytes = -- 0) normal - Min block size in bytes.
--net_minTCPFriendlyBitRate = 4096 -- 30000) normal - Minimum bitrate allowed for TCP friendly transmission
net_new_queue_behaviour = 0 -- 1) minimize packets sent on channel / 0) seemed better for me
net_ping_time = 3 -- 5) normal - Controls the length of time between ping packets.

--; *************************
--; * LOGGING *
--; *************************
--; log_Filter="Foo" will only log events that matches this filter ("Foo")
--; log_Filter="-Foo" - all events that matches this filter ("Foo") will be dropped
--; log_Filter="Foo|-Bar" - combine more filters
log_Filter = ""
log_UseFilter = 0 -- toggle to use filter (0:disabled, 1:filter console, 2:filter file, 3:filter console and file)
log_WriteToFileVerbosity = 0 -- 0) suppress logging errors except eAlways /
net_log = 0 -- 0) normal - disable / 1) enable network layer logging
--gfx_uiaction_log = 1 -- 0) normal - disable / 1) enable flash uiaction logging
--; write the scoreboard into the log file
--; log all entries to the flash HUD, 30-50 mb per game ...
--gfx_uiaction_log_filter="HUD (0):"

--; *************************
--; * HUD *
--; *************************
battlegrid_minimap_style = 0 -- 0) normal / 1) broken mode

gfx_uievents_editorenabled = 1 -- 1) normal
gfx_inputevents_mouse_move_threshold = 0.01 -- affects how fast you can spin a mech in the mechlab, and the command wheel responsiveness/

gp_hud_ams_update = 6
gp_hud_compass_update = 4
gp_hud_ecm_update = 6
gp_hud_engine_update = 6
gp_hud_heading_update = 4
gp_hud_heat_update = 2
gp_hud_targetinfo_update = 6
gp_hud_textwarning_update = 6
gp_hud_throttle_update = 6
gp_hud_weapon_update = 6

gp_mech_disable_autotarget = 0 -- 1) do not auto target mech under crosshair
gp_mech_ping = -- 1) show ping in top left corner
gp_mech_showfps = -- 1) show fps in top left corner
gp_mech_showpos = 0 -- 1) show position in top left corner

net_channelstats = 0 -- 0) normal / 1) show enhanced network channel statistics in game

--; *************************
--; * QUALITY *
--; *************************
q_ShaderGeneral = 1
q_ShaderMetal = 1
q_ShaderGlass = 0
q_ShaderVegetation = 1
q_ShaderIce = 1
q_ShaderTerrain = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 0
q_ShaderWater = 0
q_ShaderFX = 0
q_ShaderPostProcess = 0
q_ShaderHDR = 0
q_ShaderSky = 0
q_Renderer = 1

--; *************************
--; * ENGINE *
--; *************************
--e_CullVegActivation = 0 -- 0) normal - unconditional / +) distance

--e_Decals = 1 -- 1) normal - enabled / 0) disable
--e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 1 -- 1) normal - enabled / 0) disable

e_DeferredPhysicsEvents = 0 -- 0) normal

e_ObjectLayersActivation = 0 -- 0) normal - disable / 1) enable
e_ObjectLayersActivationPhysics = 2 -- 2) normal - water only / 1) enable all / 0) disable

e_PrecacheLevel = 0 -- 0) normal

e_AutoPrecacheCgf = 1 -- 1) normal - precache around camera / 2) precache only important
e_AutoPrecacheCgfMaxTasks = 32 -- 32) normal
e_AutoPrecacheTerrainAndProcVeget = 0 -- 0) normal
e_AutoPrecacheTexturesAndShaders = 0 -- 0) normal

--e_VoxTerTexResBumpDownscale = 1 -- 1) normal

--; *************************
--; * GAME *
--; *************************

--g_deferredviewsystemupdate = -- 1) normal - debug mode ? / 0) disable - dropship bounce mode
g_forceFastUpdate = 1 -- 0) normal
g_radialBlur = 0 -- 1) normal / 0) disable
g_show_crosshair = 1 -- 1) normal

--; *************************
--; *************************
--ca_disable_thread = -- 1) normal / 0) disable the animation thread ?
--ca_DebugAnimUsage = -- 0) normal
--ca_ApplyJointVelocitiesMode = -- 0) Disabled / 1) Physics-driven, 2) normal - Animation-driven
--ca_AnimWarningLevel = -- 3) normal / 0) disable?
--ca_AllowMultipleEffectsOfSameName = -- 1) normal

--; *************************
--; *************************
e_CoverageBuffer = 1 -- 1) on - camera culling / 2) camera culling and light to object check
e_CoverageBufferReproj = 1 -- 0) normal / 1) simple reproject *worked well at my end* \ 2) additional hole filling \ 4) using ocm mesh for occlusion checking
--e_CoverageBufferTerrain = -- 1) normal

--; *************************
--; *************************
--e_Clouds = -- 1) normal
--e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = -- 7) low / 11) med / 16) high
e_GI = 0 -- 0) low / 1) med + high
--e_GICache = -- 7) normal - cache for 7 frames
--e_GIAmount = -- 0.6) normal
--e_GINumCascades = -- 1) normal
--e_GsmRangeStep = -- 3) normal
--e_SkyType = -- 1) normal
--e_LodRatio = -- 5) low / 11) med / 15) high / 20) very high
--e_SkyUpdateRate = -- 0.5) low / 1) med + high
--e_TerrainAo = -- 0) low / 1) med + high - enable deferred terrain ambient occlusion
e_TerrainLodRatio = -- 3) low / 2) med + high / 1) super high
e_TerrainNormalMap = -- 0) low / 1) med + high
e_TerrainTextureLodRatio = -- 5) low / 2) med / 1) high / 20) noticable effect 500m
--e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum = -- 64) low + med / 256) high
r_TextureLodDistanceRatio = -- -1) normal - really unlimited / 0) unlimited /
--e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = -- 1) normal
--e_WaterOceanFFT = -- 1) normal
e_WaterTessellationAmount = 0 -- 1) low / 10) med + high
--e_WaterTessellationAmountX = -- 10) low / 85) very high
--e_WaterTessellationAmountY = -- 10) low / 85) very high
--e_WaterTessellationSwathWidth = -- 10) normal
r_Beams = -- 3) normal - optimized with glow / 2) fake / 1) real / 0) disable
r_BeamsDistFactor = -- 0.5) low + med / 0.05) high
r_BeamsMaxSlices = -- 32) low / 64) med / 128) high / 200) very high
--r_BeamsSoftClip = -- 1) normal - software clipping / 0) hardware clipping
--r_CloudsUpdateAlways = -- 0) normal
r_DetailDistance = -- 4) low / 8) med + high
--r_DetailTextures = -- 1) normal
--r_Reflections = -- 0) low / 1) med + high
--r_ReflectionsQuality = -- 3) normal
--r_SSAO = -- 0) off - low / 1) med / 2) high / 0) very high
--r_SSAODownscale = -- 0) off / low + high 1) on - med
--r_SSAOQuality = -- 0) low / 2) med / 3) high + very high
--r_SSReflections = -- 0) normal - off
--r_WaterCaustics = -- 0) off - low / 1) med + high
--r_WaterCausticsDeferred = -- 0) disable / 1) enable / 2) enable with prepass
r_WaterGodRays = 0 -- 1) normal - on / 0) disable underwater sun shafts ...
r_WaterReflections = 0 -- 1) normal - on
--r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = -- 0.05) normal
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0 -- 0) terrain / 1) terrain and particles / 2) terrain, particles and brushes / 3) low + med + high / 5) very high - invalid ?
--r_WaterTessellationHW = -- 0) low + med + high / 1) very high
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 1 -- 1) low + med / 0.2) high + very high
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.1 -- 0.1) low / 0.05) med + high
--r_refraction = -- 0) low - off / 1) med + high - on
--r_ssdo = -- 0) low + med + high - off / 2) very high - on

--; *************************
--; *************************
--g_ragdollDistance = -- 10) low / 20) med / 30) high / 40) very high
--g_ragdollMinTime = -- 5) low / 8) med / 13) high / 15) very high
--g_ragdollUnseenTime = -- 1) low / 2) med + high /3) very high
--i_lighteffects = -- 0) low / 1) med + high

--; *************************
--; *************************
--ca_AttachmentCullingRation = -- 120) low / 160) med / 300) high + very high
--ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1 -- 1) normal
--ca_useDecals = 1 -- 1) normal
--ca_lod_ratio = 6 -- 6) normal
--e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 1 -- 1) normal
--e_DecalsForceDeferred = 1 -- 1) normal
--e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 1 -- 1) low / 2) med + high
--e_DecalsOverlapping = 1 -- 1) normal
e_Dissolve = -- 2) normal - alpha
--e_LodCompMaxSize = -- 6) NORMAL
--e_LodMin = -- 0) normal
--e_LodMinTtris = -- 300) normal - LOCKED
--e_LodMax = -- 6) normal - LOCKED
--e_LodRatio = -- 5) low / 11) med / 15) high / 20) very high
e_Lods = -- 1) normal - enable / 0) disable LOD system
--e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = -- 0.5) low spec / 1) high + very high
--e_ObjQuality = -- 1) low / 2) med / 3) high / 4) very high
--e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = -- 1) normal
--e_ProcVegetation = -- 1) normal
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 1536 -- 2048) normal -
--e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = -- 128) normal -
--e_TerrainOcclusionCulling = -- 1) normal - enabled
--e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = -- 130) low / 200) med + high
e_Tessellation = -- 0) low + med + high / 1) very high
--e_VegetationBending = -- 0) low + med / 1) high
--e_VegetationMinSize = -- 0.5) low / 0) med + high
--e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = -- 0.6) low / 1) med + high
--e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = -- 0.5) low / 0.7) med / 1) high / 1.5) very high
--e_ViewDistMin = 10 -- 10) normal
e_ViewDistRatio = 75 -- 50) low / 75) med / 100) high
e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 75 -- 60) low / 100) med + high
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 1 -- 25) low / 35) med / 100) high
--e_ViewDistRatioLights = 25 -- 25) low / 50) med + high
--e_ViewDistRatioPortals = 100 -- if you can see the portal, make sure u can see past it
--e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 40 -- 40) low / 60) med / 90) high / 100) very high
--e_streamCgf = -- 0) normal - disabled
--es_DebrisLifetimeScale = -- 0.6) low / 0.8) med / 1) high
gp_reducedamagemasksize = 0 -- 1) low + med / 0) high
--i_rejecteffects = -- 1) normal
--r_DrawNearZRange = -- 0.08) normal

--; *************************
--; *************************
--e_Particles = -- 1) normal
e_ParticlesLights = -- 0) low / 1) med + high - enable deferred lights
e_ParticlesLod = -- 1) normal
--e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = -- 32) low / 64) med / 128) high / 160) very high
e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = -- 1.5) low / 1) med + high
--e_ParticlesMotionBlur = -- 0) low / 1) very high
--e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = -- 2) normal - dynamic
e_ParticlesQuality = 1 -- 1) low / 2) med / 3) high / 4) very high / 0) super high / 5) disable
--r_UseGSParticles = -- 0) normal / 1) geometry shader particles, DX11 only
--r_UseParticlesGlow = -- 1) normal
r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 1 -- 1) low + med / 0) high
r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0 -- 0) normal / 1) force particles half res - can go weird if you double half res ...
--r_UseParticles_GIAmount = -- 0.15) normal
--r_UseSoftParticles = -- 0) low / 1) med

--; *************************
--; *************************
--r_ColorGrading = -- 2) normal
r_DepthOfField = -- 1) low - enabled / 2) med + high - enabled with time of day
--r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = -- 1) normal
--r_EyeAdaptationBase = -- 0.25) normal - LOCKED
--r_EyeAdaptationFactor = -- 0.5) normal - LOCKED
--r_EyeAdaptationLocal = -- 0) normal - off / 1) 4x4 / 2) 16x16 / 3) 256x256
--r_EyeAdaptationSpeed = -- 16) normal - LOCKED
--r_HDRDebug = -- 0) normal / 1) gamma only, no HDR = no HV or NV, but 'better' than disabling the whole subsystem
r_HDRBloomMul = -- 0.7) normal / 0) disable / 0.1) preferential visually nice value
--r_HDRBlueShift = -- 0) normal
--r_HDRBrightLevel = -- 0.85) normal
--r_HDRBrightOffset = -- 5) normal
--r_HDRBrightThreshold = -- 6) normal
--r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = -- 10) low / 6) med / 2) high / 0) very high
--r_HDRForceUpdateTextures = -- 0) normal
--r_HDRGrainAmount = -- 0) normal
--r_HDRLevel = -- 3) normal
--r_HDROffset = -- 10) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdapt = -- 1) normal - enable / 0) disable? - no effect
--r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed = -- 4) normal
--r_HDRRendering = -- 1) normal
--r_HDRTexFormat = -- 0) normal - low precision / 1) high precision
--r_HDRVignetting = -- 1) normal / 0) disable?
--r_MotionBlur = -- 0) normal
--r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = -- 16) low / 64) med / 100) high
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = -- 30) low / 10) med / 2) high / 0) very high
--r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = -- 40) low / 50) med / 100) high
r_Sunshafts = 0 -- 0) low - off / 1) med - on
--r_UseEdgeAA = -- 0) low - off / 1) med + high - on

--; *************************
--; * SHADOWS *
--; *************************
--e_GsmCache = -- 0) normal
--e_GsmLodsNum = -- 4) normal
--e_GsmRange = -- 3) normal
--e_ParticlesShadows = -- 0) low / 1) very high
e_Shadows = 0 -- 0) low - disable shadows subsystem / 1) med - on
--e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = -- 0.4) low / 0.3) med / 0.6) very high
--e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = -- 1024) normal
--e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = -- 0) normal
--e_ShadowsResScale = -- 3.4) normal
--e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = -- 0) normal
--r_FogShadows = -- 0) med - off / 1) high - on
--r_ShadowBlur = -- 1) med / 2) high / 3) very high
--r_ShadowJittering = -- 1) med / 2.5) high
--r_ShadowsPCFiltering = -- 1) normal - on
--r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = -- 1) normal - on

--; *************************
--; * TEXTURE *
--; *************************
--r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = -- 16) low / 24) med / 32) high
--r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = -- 16) low / 16) med / 32) high
--r_DynTexMaxSize = -- 50) low / 60) med / 80) high
r_EnvCMResolution = 0 -- 0) low - 64px / 1) 128px / 2) 256px
--r_EnvCMupdateInterval = -- 0.04) normal / 0.1) cryengine normal
r_EnvTexResolution = 0 -- 0) low - 64px / 1) 128px / 2) 256px / 3) 512px
--r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = -- 1) low / 0.5) med / 0.1) high
--r_ImposterRatio = -- 2) low / 1.5) med / 1) high
r_TexAtlasSize = 512 -- 512) low / 2048 med + high / 256) super low
r_TexBumpResolution = 0 -- 2) low - quater / 1) med - half / 0) high - none / 3) super low
--r_TexMinAnisotropy = -- 8) normal
r_TexResolution = 0 -- 2) low - quater / 1) med - half / 0) high - none
--r_TexSkyResolution = -- 1) low - half? / 0) med
--r_TexturesStreaming = -- 0) normal
--r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = -- 64) normal

--; *************************
--; *************************
r_DeferredShadingEnvProbes = 0 -- 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled
r_ReflectionsQuality = 0 -- 3) normal - everything
--r_SoftAlphaTest = -- 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled
r_TexturesStreamingResidencyEnabled = 0 -- 1) normal - enable / 0) disable, keep resident
--r_UseAlphaBlend = -- 1) normal / 0) disable - might save frames, might be bad form
r_UseZPass = 2 -- 1) normal / 0) disable - whack / 2) pre-pass



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Posted 26 April 2018 - 06:12 AM

I dont specifically see anything in those settings to disable decals ... I disable them with a different cvar ... possibly the problem is the formatting which got mangled last time I did an update ... and multiple tabs became a space or two ... some cvars dont like having 'garbage' behind them ... the engine gets weird, undef behaviour weird ...

I updated the original post, to contain more, with better formatting

#47 Gator the angry pimp


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 07:47 PM

***Update on my potatoe problems****

So i got my hands on an a6 3670k and a heavier cooling system, and an ancient gtx 550 ti ($45 all together). Put it all together and viola! Pretty comnsistant at 35-40 fps depending on the map.

And hust a heads up for those of u with a super low spec computer like myself, the newest user.cfg WILL need some modifications before you see any benefit (see narcbaits foot notes and take the time to go thru the entire script.

Narcbait, thank you once again

#48 Osprey Hawk


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Posted 14 May 2018 - 09:59 PM

How would I go about fixing the ground in, say, Polar Highlands to have it render at a higher resolution farther away from my mech? I hate missing a shot because the hill wasn't fully rendered.

Currently, it "pops" into what I would consider appropriate tessellation at about 190m but is really jagged/pointy at +300m! How can I make accurate shots if anything I shoot will hit the invisible hill?

#49 BTGbullseye


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Posted 14 May 2018 - 11:10 PM

View PostOsprey Hawk, on 14 May 2018 - 09:59 PM, said:

How would I go about fixing the ground in, say, Polar Highlands to have it render at a higher resolution farther away from my mech? I hate missing a shot because the hill wasn't fully rendered.

Currently, it "pops" into what I would consider appropriate tessellation at about 190m but is really jagged/pointy at +300m! How can I make accurate shots if anything I shoot will hit the invisible hill?

People have been asking this question for years.



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Posted 15 May 2018 - 06:02 PM

View PostOsprey Hawk, on 14 May 2018 - 09:59 PM, said:

How would I go about fixing the ground in, say, Polar Highlands to have it render at a higher resolution farther away from my mech? I hate missing a shot because the hill wasn't fully rendered.

Currently, it "pops" into what I would consider appropriate tessellation at about 190m but is really jagged/pointy at +300m! How can I make accurate shots if anything I shoot will hit the invisible hill?

I believe that three 'keys' affect this primarily ... they are

e_ViewDistRatio is a very generic control, normal range is 50 for 'low' settings, and 100 for 'high', values above 100 are possible

e_TerrainLodRatio set the distance that level of detail changes happen, normal values are 3 for 'low' and 2 for 'high', 1 is seriously high and will incur a performance penalty for most, the value for high (2) should be fine for most people

e_TerrainTextureLodRatio describes how much 'effort' to put into the detail at distance, normal values are 5 for 'low' down to 1 for 'high', tune this key first, set it straight to 1

e_CoverageBuffer = 0, the coveragebuffer decides that object X ( or player ) is behind Y, so lets not put any more thought into drawing it ... good examples of this exist in mining colony, where from one side, it decides that a wall is not worth drawing, because its behind three or four vertical 'pipes' ....

e_Lods = 0 to disable the level of detail system for 'objects' ... alot of things half wedged into the voxel terrain are essentially objects, rocks, bridges etc ... disabling the LOD system will probably bring about a big performance impact for alot of people ...

#51 Lethe Wyvern


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Posted 25 May 2018 - 05:10 AM

Lost my decals after using last user.cfg, any ideas?



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Posted 25 May 2018 - 05:46 AM

ive been using this key to turn them on / off, technically, from an engine standpoint, they are still on, and your just not drawing them anymore
r_DeferredDecals = 0

to re-enable them either set the value to the normal '3', or comment the line out with '--' at the start
--r_DeferredDecals = 3

#53 Lethe Wyvern


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Posted 26 May 2018 - 10:11 AM

View PostNARC BAIT, on 25 May 2018 - 05:46 AM, said:

ive been using this key to turn them on / off, technically, from an engine standpoint, they are still on, and your just not drawing them anymore
r_DeferredDecals = 0

to re-enable them either set the value to the normal '3', or comment the line out with '--' at the start
--r_DeferredDecals = 3

Yay! Thanks!

#54 United Jenner Warriors


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 01:19 AM

now i dont have any night vision or thermal vision

do we know what setting is responsible for this ?

also mechs now look completely flat / washed out and blend into terrain, what settings give them reflection and light to stand out ?

lastly how to make the resolution scaling stick ? once tuning forces at the start of a match i get black boarders that never go away, am i doing r_width/r_height wrong ?
ie; tried scaling up from 896x672 or 720x576 engine render to full screen 1280x720 16:9 in game

thanks to narc and everyone for fleshing out all the usable cvars



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Posted 08 July 2018 - 05:22 AM

View PostJR7PWR, on 07 July 2018 - 01:19 AM, said:

now i dont have any night vision or thermal vision, also mechs now look completely flat / washed out and blend into terrain, what settings give them reflection and light to stand out ?

these settings tend to all be related to HDR rendering, if you really want to disable the majority of HDR without killing the entire subsystem, theres a debug mode you can select, which mostly only applies gamma

View PostJR7PWR, on 07 July 2018 - 01:19 AM, said:

lastly how to make the resolution scaling stick ? once tuning forces at the start of a match i get black boarders that never go away, am i doing r_width/r_height wrong ?
ie; tried scaling up from 896x672 or 720x576 engine render to full screen 1280x720 16:9 in game

the resolution scaling trick only works in 'fullscreen window' mode, windows should make the fullscreen window the full screen size, and you are telling the program to run a smaller resolution ( or bigger ) than what the native pixel resolution is, exactly how the scaling is done might depend on video card settings / monitor capabilities ... on my nvidia card, I get to select to use a scalar on the display, or on the GPU

#56 United Jenner Warriors


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 07:22 PM

oh right yes the gpu settings were scaling from screen instead of gpu that fixed it and the HDRdebug solved the problem thanks

#57 Marck97


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 05:43 AM

Hello to everyone, can I ask what I have to change to reduce water effects ( I get huge fps load in map with water) and also reduce the fps drop that I've got when I see a skirmish from a far ( I see ,let's say, the whole enemy team and my team fight from a far hill and I get an fps drop). Tnx for any help and advice, it will be really appreciated!



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Posted 24 September 2018 - 07:57 AM

you'll struggle to do much if it chunks out when you get to a wide open view, but in terms of water, you'll be looking at the following keys

from memory, back in the day, one of those keys configured right, or wrong, depending on your view, disables drawing the water ... its still there, on an engine level and has its associated effects, its just not drawn ... if you end up in that place, and take advantage of the situation, you could find yourself in trouble ... in theory ...

#59 Marck97


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 12:16 PM

Well narc tnx u,I read almost all ur comments around there. I will try tomorrow or in the weekend. I kinda love the game and I finally have a nice pc to play but this game is a ....idk how to define it. I will update if it works or if ...well...if I break some rules by disabling waters >.<

#60 Lethe Wyvern


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 12:23 PM

View PostMarck97, on 24 September 2018 - 12:16 PM, said:

Well narc tnx u,I read almost all ur comments around there. I will try tomorrow or in the weekend. I kinda love the game and I finally have a nice pc to play but this game is a ....idk how to define it. I will update if it works or if ...well...if I break some rules by disabling waters >.<

I have same problems, so if you find something useful post here, please.

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