Koniving, on 12 September 2018 - 05:36 PM, said:
How much time do you get to work on these in a given day?
On the average 2hrs or less a day. Sometimes when the childs sleep early, i have the moot enough chocolate and the right music even 6hrs are possible.
Still hope that things become faster when i have enough "greeble" (ducts, fans, viewports, eg)
Koniving, on 12 September 2018 - 05:41 PM, said:
Also a rail gun has a lot of recoil spread over a lot of small things which is why it seems nonexistent.
Of course the mechanical work is distributed over some time (the time the projectile is in the barrel) but ... when you have a
Projectile that has a v
0 of 2000m/s and weights 50kg - you have a E
0 of 100 MJ.
The Gun:
accelerator is 6m in length, and the whole moving part of the Gauss might weight 5t.
Hollander of course
Momentum of body
mg*vg +mp*vp = 0
vg = mp*vp/mg
= 20m/s
So Er (recoil energy) = 1MJ
Mechanical work:
accelerator lenght = s; v = 2000m/s
so how many seconds is the projectile in the accelerator?
= 6ms
So the mechanical work to accelerate the Projectile are 16.6GW and the recoil work are 166 MW.
You don't want your gun moving backwards while the projectile is still in the barrel so you have some mechanical or myomer recoil buffers in check that will transfer those parts of energy to the chassis.
Speaking of chassis... lets consider our Hollander don't need recoilbuffers... because does a human need a recoil buffer when firing a gun?
momentum of Hollander?
= 2ms
my first love (ok it was my third) a G3 had a recoil velocity of 3m/s.
The only difference is that the Hollander weights 35t while i did only weight 100kg. So the Hollander need to compensate for much more recoil energy but in the end he was designed to do this.