Chuanhao, on 19 October 2016 - 03:13 PM, said:
I may be able to create a Jupiter out of it.
But I have not enjoyed the King Crab, and have no real fancy for ERLaser boating.
One point to note,
PGI has fulfilled their "promise" of a mech a month. It is up to people who like it to buy it. If someone doesn't, sure. But the mechs have been rolling, and sure, these are the main income generators, people need to eat, and it adds. Varietyto the game, even if it's not some peoples notion of content.
The supernova wasn't my cup of tea this month, let's see what next month offers. Looking forward to the monthly surprise. mK2 , Grizzly, please
I would only be interested in the missiles variant if it came with ATMs. No ATMs, no deal.