My 2 cents
DaZur, on 04 November 2016 - 01:49 PM, said:
One: Let's establish the harsh reality that the four pillars we were sold way back in the beginning are now irrelevant.
That boat sailed long ago with the veer to esport'esk endeavors. Pining over what could have been, is an exercise in frustration. With the present development team and the framework already essentially laid, returning to those pillars is functionally unrealistic.
Not agree.
PIllars are relevant about how many players left, and now playerbase is not esactly that solid.
Moreover the esport crap (aka skillest tourney etc.) contributed to turn away many players who didn't like and burn many of those who wanted to partecipate.
I still see the return of pillars like "the Savior"
DaZur, on 04 November 2016 - 01:49 PM, said:
Two: In any live production environment, the project can and will morph into various shades of the original design concept. To include omission of previously discussed features, modification of existing features and concessions beyond previously discussed changes. Let's drop the pseudo-adolescent inference that everything discussed is a promise that cannot be broken or amended... This is not how real world works and most definitely is not the world of software development.
Not agree here.
If I enter mcDonald and I ask a burger, I don't want the waiter to give me a taco.
McDonald failed to do a burger?
NO PROBLEM: there must be a community manager and townhall or whatever explaining what was happening in the kitchen, and explaining how the "new products" will be.
Maybe I could also buy a taco, then....
DaZur, on 04 November 2016 - 01:49 PM, said:
Three - Being practical / realistic: Let's be honest... We all would not be here if there was not something about MWO, regardless of how small and pedantic it may be that we enjoy about MWO. With that reality, let's dispense with pie-in-the-sky expectations (For the immediate future) and establish real, attainable goals for MWO, this community and this developer. Ya can't get from point A to point B without first taking a step...
Despite all, I'm still here and enjoy the game.
But maybe because it's the only bt/mw related one.
It is difficult to have expectations, since pgi itself doesn't show anything about.
DaZur, on 04 November 2016 - 01:49 PM, said:
Lastly, bearing into consideration the above three baselines, how can we dispense with all the snark, derision, and vitriol and create an environment that might be conducive to re-establishing a non-combative relationship with PGI with an end-goal of having frank and honest discussion about the direction of MWO. Yes, I understand this requires PGI coming to the table and behaving like adults. Conversely, this goes for us as well. Like my mother loved to share with me and my siblings... It takes two to fight.
it is difficult to re-establish communications when a ceo states "We perfectly know what to do, we don't need any playerbase suggestions"
All and all, I still had a little trust in pgi before that Townhall.
DaZur, on 04 November 2016 - 01:49 PM, said:
Question to the community: "Can we overcome our preexisting bias, adjust our expectations and collectively move forward, or are we destine to continue to foster and propagate the existing dystopian environment and drive this game and this community to an early exit"?
So, I think it's all in pgi's hands.
My main lamentations are always the same.
1) No content. (new mech is not new content. playing with quirks is not new content)
2) No community manager.
3) pgi ceo uber-evaluating himself and pgi ..."development(?? cannot understand if any, lol)
4) Balance Overlord having NO idea whatsoever of the game and how to balance it.
I really cannot blame mwo ommunity about the salt or behaviours.
In my country there is a motto saying (literal translation) "Who sows wind (air?) will harvest a storm"