As I have been told there was a time where you could litteraly stomp an enemy to death or ram him to kingdom and while this might have been good on paper it must have been "misused" so much, that they had to tune it down massively. You can still kick your own head in by run into a Dire Wolf leg with your Locust doing a 150 (trust me. I know. Multiple times. Shame on me.).
I admit. I am a sucker for the Hatchetman and the Axman. I like the design, that it's kinda out-of-the box, that there is that aura of the Dr. Banzai whiffing around it and basically that it feels kinda original. Art least for me it does.
I was thinking about how PGI could implement game mechanics that would not bring back the whole collision damage issue but still implement melee weapons. All in all I was aiming to NOT make melee weapons OP. So this is what my broken brain threw out:
- Melee weapons would be fixed slots. And it requires hand actuators. There might be a variant without the melee weapon (as there are Lore variants like that), but (unlike Lore I admit), the Mech won't be able to drop it. Would not make sense in a game like MWO anyway.
- Melee weapons would have a close-up max range of, let's say, 10-15m. Thats more of a "ficticious" value to make the calculations possible at all and might require tuning during the testing. But it basically end up as a weapon that has a certain range like any other weapon.
- Melee weapons are aimed like any other arm weapon but can only be used with unlocked arm aiming.
- Melee weapons are impacting a certain point and deliver the damage ONLY to that body part. There will be no spread. Hit the arm? It goes, but the side torso is unaffected (until you hit that afterwards ;-) )
- Melee weapon should have a little delay until release, kinda like Gauss rifles have (at the moment that is). You aim, pull the trigger, and a certain moment afterwards the weapon will hit where you aimed at.
- While we're at "trigger": Melee weapon probably should not be able to be combined with other weapons in the same weapons group. So no Alpha including the Melee weapon.
- Melee weapons should have quite a massive cooldown. I mean AC20 / LRM20 style. This should not turn into the Hulkbuster fastpunching (gotosleepgotosleepgotosleep!).
- Melee weapons should only be usable on the side they are mounted. That'll be the right side practically all the time. I do not propose that lightly ( I am a lefty) but that's just how it is. hitting targets on tn the opposing side should result in a massive dropoff of dmg done and hitting accuracy.
All in all, it's theory. No clue how it would work out in reality. I just tried to imagine melee weapons as very-short-ranged, pinpoint weapons within the existing game mechanics.
Update: Had to fix a typo that created kind of a little uproar. Honest mistake. Thx Ranger for pointing it out.
Edited by Thomster, 12 November 2016 - 06:36 AM.