So after seeing all the Salt, i figured it's time to weigh in.
There may be some issues with the game, but they are minor. Bang for buck this game is great, and you don't even need to pay if you don't want to (but you really should, servers are expensive).
This event is super fun, if a little bit easy to do, but that is quite nice. You are not forced to grind 4 hours per day to get it done, you play and hour or two per night and a nice 4-6 hour stint over the weekend days and everything will be attainable.
As for the turkey lovers, I am sorry but the rest of the world does not celebrate gobble gobble day and see no reason why PGI should be super accommodating towards just you and neglect the rest of the world. I know I will miss the Christmas ones as I will be out of town, and you know what that is quite ok, I can live with not getting free stuff, even though I would love to get it (the completionist in me).
The ones crying over not seeing the notices, check the site or subscribe as mentioned by someone else, it's not that hard, really it takes 30s to check the site.
Free stuff, so you guys are bitching about that? Please grow up, I bought a couple of mastery bundles, and would not object to them being prizes, sure if I bought one the week before i would feel robbed, but I would not be upset were the Bounty Hunter to be given away, I paid for it, had lots of fun. It was worth it, it does not devalue it by other players getting it. It's been mastered many moons ago and is just rusting in its bay. Let someone else try it out, they might show me a cool way of playing it that I hadn't given serious thought and i might just fire it up again. I do agree that a the option to pick another mech if you have the GI or only play Clan would be nice for the pokemon collectors that have them all, but seeing as the Clan Heroes just launched it would be madness to give them away just yet, come March they are free game as far as I am concerned and i would not feel at all aggrieved were they handed out like candy on halloween by then.
If I have one complaint/suggestion it would be for PGI to reduce the number of MC handed out and instead increase the number of CB awarded. I want to be able to buy mechs and then buy patterns for them. The grind to get CB is actually slowing down my MC spend. I really don't mind the odd micro to load 15USD (at an exchange rate of 14ZAR to 1USD) of MC and spend away, but I won't use MC to buy CB, the ROI is just too low on that transaction. XP2GXP is a good spend, especially with the double coming up. (I just hope I won't have ragrets on this after the skill changes). Speaking of, the XP2XGP rewards are meh in the mid tier, i will only convert up to the meh rewards as their is no nice incentive to spend into the mid range for conversion (I would suggest PGI re-look into those mid ones as I am sure I am not the only one).
If you don't want the GI, don't play, it's as simple as that, buy the Clan Heroes instead and stop being free loaders that are ungrateful as well (excluding the wales that just don't want dupes, but you could just not complete the challenge or sell it).
Some beta players are butthurt about promises not kept or the game not going the way you wanted it, but the new players like me, quite enjoy it, EXCEPT for the constant negativity of a small very vocal sub group. If you hate the game so much, so play something else, you don't need to play it. You had your fun, or you wouldn't still be around. If you didn't why are you still here. Move along, these might not be the mechs you are looking for, but for me they are the right one.
Giant robot stompy stompy shoot em in the face fps, what's not to love, it's mindless fun.