Fox the Apprentice, on 18 November 2016 - 08:16 AM, said:
That's my point, though. There is NO EFFECT on the solo queue if the group queue people leave rather than play solo. Making this change WILL affect solo queue (in a bad manner). PGI has stated they are happy with the solo queue wait times, and I'm inclined to agree.
Let's not break stuff in order to have a small chance at fixing something else. I don't want to be punished for playing by myself.
Do you have problems getting games in the solo queue in a reasonable period of time? High tier players in AP region do.
As you say there are enough solo players out there for the solo queue to get games reasonably fast (at your level, not displayed), only a small % of these players would be selecting the option.
Only 1 filler player per team MAX means that its only going to pull 2 players MAX from the solo queue, And ONLY if groups aren't making up nice jigsaws of 12's.
Then remember that since this will only happen when the matchmaker deems it necessary it will only kick in when group queue is struggling along, And you'll still get put into solo games more often than not.
The effect on the solo queue will be unnoticeable for 99.9% of players.
You have nothing to worry about if you aren't going to be opting in.