I would totally go for a MW / BT movie, but honestly would prefer a TV series, or mini series.
Personally I think that the best bet would be to start with 1 of the more moderate large houses and pick an early timeline, then as the series, or what ever progress's add in more content, until you got something like how Netflix is doing the defenders. Separate out a series per each of the major houses, a series focusing on the different major Merc companies, and eventually bring in the Clan invasion, with 2 series 1 focusing on the Wolf's and their philosophy, and another on Jade Falcon and their philosophy. So you have perspectives from how the Invasion is affecting each major house, the Merc's, the different clam mind sets, and hell why not go for broke and add another series or 2 focus'd around Comstar, and Jumpship pilots.
Something were a proof of concept could get crowdfunded, and then see how the interwebs likes it and IF a few companies would get together and toss in to get it produced.
Just my couple of pennies worth of idea's. Below is off topic, but I felt it was something worth sharing.
Although I saw a few comments about how PR was the only example of a Giant robot movie. But you could always check out Robot Jox (Horrible CGI, but awesome for it's time, Plus fairly cheesy acting if I remember right.) I think I remember seeing others but I got a fairly ****** memory, so not pulling any names off the top o my head.
Edited by Helcries, 01 January 2017 - 06:14 AM.