epikt, on 23 November 2016 - 03:10 AM, said:
Pre-order aside, I personnally recommend to buy heros of mech you already tested and liked. No need to spend real money to realize this mech is not for you, especially if it's your first IS mech.
If I had to pick one best IS heros mech at the moment I'd pick the Black Widow, no hesitation.
Anyway, here are quick review of the IS heros (in bold, my personnal favs) :
- Pirate's bane (Locust) : the ECM gives it a nice twist, but still not as good as the 1E
- Death's knell (Commando) : well, it's a Commando
- Ananzy (Spider) : meh...
- Ember (Firestarter) : I can't say it's horribad but still, it' taking the dust in my garage
- Oxide (Jenner) : still good, even after the nerfs
- Huginn (raven) : buy an Oxide instead
- X5 (Cicada) : meh...
- Arrow (BlackJack) : if you think MGs are viable...
- Saint-Yves Blues (Vindicator) : a Vindicator, so no
- Kuroi-Kiri / Roc (Phoenix Hawks) : two of the weakest PHX variants
- Yen Lo-Wang (Centurion) : AC/20 baby! this mech is a timeless classic
- Grid Iron (Hunchback) : if you want to put a gauss in your Hunchy
- Loup de guerre (Trebuchet) : good SRM brawler
- Sparky (Griffin) : good laser-vomit
- Golden Boy (Kintaro) : meh... I suppose you can spam lurms
- Grey Death (Shadow Hawk) : I must admit I have no idea what this thing do
- Quarantine (Wolverine) : I must admit I have no idea what that thing do
- Fang / Flame (Dragon) : the stadard Dragon variants are much "better" (read "less worse")
- IV Four (Quickdraw) : good at double AC/10
- Legend Killer (Rifleman) : no idea, but it's pink
- Butterbee (Catapult) : nice mix between the C1 and C4
- Jester (Catapult) : pretty good laser-vomit, especially very long range
- Firebrand (Jagermech) : no real idea
- Top Dog (Thunderbolt) : tanky as ****, good firepower
- Tempest (Archer) : no idea
- Ilya Muromets (Cataphract) : pretty badass for a Cataphract, but it's a Cataphract
- Black Widow (Warhammer) : absolutely brutal
- Bounty Hunter II (Marauder) : good laser vomit
- Protector (Orion) : no idea
- Pretty Baby (Awesome) : I have some friends who like it, but I don't trust them
- Dragon Slayer (Victor) : if you plan to go back in 2013
- Hellslinger (Battlemaster) : so many other Battlemasters that kick butts...
- Misery (Stalker) : a Stalker with a Ballistic, you can't go wrong
- Sleipnir (Cyclop) : no idea
- Heavy Metal (Highlander) : if you plan to go back in 2013 (bis)
- La Malinche (Banshee) : no idea
- Boar's Head (Atlas) : if you like lazors and XL400
Fellow mechwarriors, feel free to amend this modest list.
My updates as epikt seems to not play a lot of the hero mechs i like the most and have a lot of success with, maybe due to different playstyles.
Roc (Phoenix Hawk) - The only PHX that can mount SRMS, therefore it is good because any really fast mech with SRMS and JJ's can wreck.
Grey Death (Shadow Hawk) - Its a beast, 1 x AC10, 4 x ML, and an SRM, with JJ's. The AC10 cooldown with a module as well, is obscene.
Bounty Hunter II (Marauder) - With an AC20 and 5 or 6 ML, combined with JJ's, this thing is one of the best IS brawlers IMO. Beast.
Protector (Orion) - Another good heavy brawler, 71KPH, with AC20 and 2 SRM's plus lasers.
Hellslinger (Battlemaster) - SAY WHAT NOW? This mech is one of the best hero mechs in the game. Put 2 x PPC, and 3 x SRM6A, and a PPC cooldown module and go nuts. PPC ALL DAY in high mounts, then SRMS for any close range.
Sleipnir (Cyclops) - Ignore what people say about this thing, for QP just run 2 x gauss with an XL and 4 x MPL. I was in the top 20 or so on the leaderboard challenge with this build, it wrecks. Dont use it in FP though.
La Malinche (Banshee) - it has ridiculous LPL and AC10 quirks but you should never buy a mech for quirks. Mount an XL 400 and 3 x LPL with 1 x AC10 and go to town. The Banshee is one of the most XL friendly assault mechs in the game.
Edited by Reza Malin, 07 January 2017 - 10:05 PM.