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Roughneck Pre Order Is Here

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#81 cougurt


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 05:43 PM

i'll admit i'm not too keen on the idea of PGI creating their own original mechs, but as long as it's a one-off thing i'm not too bothered by it. i'm more disappointed that it's a mech in an already over-saturated weight class, and it doesn't appear to really bring anything new to the table.

the concept art looks great as usual though.

#82 The Boneshaman


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 05:50 PM

looks too much like a mech from the Dark Age. you know when they slapped weapons on industrial mech. not bad looking mech I guess but not my cup of tea more money to save.

was hopping for something like the crusader, champion, vixen ECT.

#83 Dee Eight


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 05:53 PM

The Hero needs a higher engine cap (as Jester and Firebrand got themselves).

#84 superfatguy93


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:00 PM

I think it looks awesome! And the lore they made up to back it is actually pretty cool. Definitely will pick one up at some point. I understand the argument against including mechs not presently in the lore but the universe allows for players to create their own mechs, why shouldn't the developers of MWO be excluded from that?

#85 shameless


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:02 PM

I don't care about them creating something new so much. That's fine really it's always been done. They've been making new previously non-existent variants for a long damn time now. What gets me is that this mech adds nothing to the game

#86 Spectre767


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:31 PM

View Postnaterist, on 03 December 2016 - 04:50 PM, said:

my knee jerk reaction is "oh **** na, they did not just do that." but after taking 4 hours to consider it, im more open to it. im not especially happy about it, but it makes sense from a business standpoint. there arent many mechs left that use only the tech in game right now, so their running low on options. i think this is them testing how the community will take it if they do this more often. if they do it occassionally, then i see it as ok. mektek did it and their mechs were awesome, and some of the most loved. i think the demois was put in canon because of them and it has a backstory to its creation of its own. so im more ok with that, but the other battletech games and fiction need to embrace the new mechs to sell me on them. if the roughneck or whatever new mechs they create are well placed within the BT universe with quality stories behind them, then ill be more accepting of it.

but to be clear, i wont be ok with it if its a continuous stream of made up mechs from pgi. they cant use that as a way out of updating IS technology, and clan tech as well. that their at this point should be a wake up call to them that they need to advance the technology and timeline if they are going to be doing this mechpach a month thing, because there is not an infinite amount of mech in universe.

i do wanna end on a good note though, im glad that new colors are part of the preorder rewards, thats awesome.

well in the real military, females are like.... 30% of the population, and that mindframe is there to a degree..... so id see that trend possibly continuing into a futuristic feudalistic socioty, so it isnt a stretch to say that the people in that timeline see females as outsiders in the mechwarrior community.

There is literally nothing to in the 30+ years of battletech lore to suggest any amount of sexism in the Inner sphere militaries, with possibly the exception of extremely hardline DCMS traditionalists.

Classism? That makes perfect sense. Sexism? Not really at all applicable for this situation and era.

#87 Greywolf1


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:34 PM

Ok, a new home-grown mech. Not bad, but where is the rest of the 3050 + mechs or rotary 2's and real omni pods that allow anything to be attach to the weapon port. There is a whole world to chose from, but not to bad. Hellion, Pillager, Longbow, etc...

#88 El Bandito


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:46 PM

Posted Image

I do not like the whole idea behind it. I will not touch it out of personal conviction. For others who want something new, good for you.

And no, the shoulder gun is not gonna be that big once the actual model comes out.

Posted Image

Edited by El Bandito, 03 December 2016 - 06:52 PM.

#89 McHoshi


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:46 PM

Let´s all together boycott this one to show PGI the red flag! Better listen to the ppl!

More mechpacks... buy them! or not!

Edited by McHoshi, 03 December 2016 - 06:48 PM.

#90 Scout80913


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:49 PM

If I may give some humble advice... stay far, far away from this abomination aggromech foolishness. You make money on the BT IP, and you'll find plenty of argument about whether this is 'really' a part of that.

The 'mech looks fine, but...why? WTT this for a Crusader.

#91 Dogan


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 06:55 PM

About as close to PTW I've seen them release so far. The entire thing is in-house design, the main weapon mounts are high. I expect that all energy 3A variant to get some serious run in its weight class. Really the only thing preventing this from being outright PTW is its tonnage.

Really though, people should relax a bit on swinging their canon ####'s around. The aesthetics are fine, the fiction behind it is solid. No it's not what you wanted, but isn't there a few others released that you didn't want either? I almost bought in, on aesthetic alone (all yellow cause, industrialmechs are entertaining). What it really needs though is physical damage back in the game. Those arms would be great at clothes-lining lights, or desperately grinding away your opponents torso while you're cooling/out of ammo. Yeah... we need physical combat to really make these industrialmechs designs fun.

I miss beta's tackling

Edited by Dogan, 03 December 2016 - 07:02 PM.

#92 GI Journalist


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 07:21 PM

View Postnaterist, on 03 December 2016 - 04:50 PM, said:

well in the real military, females are like.... 30% of the population, and that mindframe is there to a degree..... so id see that trend possibly continuing into a futuristic feudalistic socioty, so it isnt a stretch to say that the people in that timeline see females as outsiders in the mechwarrior community.

Except this contradicts established MechWarrior fiction, in which the spread between male and female pilots is fairly even. A person was more likely to become a pilot if born into a noble or mercenary family, but otherwise men and women had equal opportunities. Life is cheap, BattleMechs are expensive, so if your daughter is the better pilot, she inherits the Mech. Likewise, the House academies only assign the best candidates to Mechs, with the rest being relegated to other branches of service.

#93 Koniving

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Posted 03 December 2016 - 07:21 PM

I... meh...

I was wondering why it had these rather unique elements that look like there could have been some depth to combat tactics or in mechanized mechanics when I see the smaller details like exposed heatpump hoses that perhaps I could aim for if the hitbox system was more advanced than 'center torso, left torso right torso'... or the 'hooks' in the feet that look like it could have a climbing advantage, or the knees that look almost built for bracing in the kneeling or hull down position for the use of Mech Mortars.

....but despite the art creating all these possibilities... the game itself lacks this sort of depth.

I've taken what I could find for info on this and built some in megamek. I'll see if I can bring myself to care about this thing.
I'll certainly have a bit of trouble making a Battletech version of this mech... since it's an MWO original and thus only exists in the MWO art style.

#94 Iron Buccaneer


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 07:32 PM

I like the design. It's got a nice militia/pirate look to it. I don't mind the idea that we are adding a new mech to the universe. Happens all the time in Battletech/Mechwarrior. I definitely don't think I would pre-order. Would probably eventually pick it up with c-bills.

I do however have to wonder what the heck PGI was thinking. With the current mood of the population I think adding a new and never seen before mech to the game is not exactly the choice I would make. While I support the "Mech Pack" idea as a way to bring in mechs I also understand that "Buy a Mech Pack" has become a joke and why it has become a joke. Mechs are content but I think most people want some more game play content including an immersive and deep Faction Warfare mode that provides real end game content.

Edited by Iron Buccaneer, 03 December 2016 - 07:33 PM.

#95 Koniving

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Posted 03 December 2016 - 07:51 PM

View PostGI Journalist, on 03 December 2016 - 07:21 PM, said:

Except this contradicts established MechWarrior fiction, in which the spread between male and female pilots is fairly even. A person was more likely to become a pilot if born into a noble or mercenary family, but otherwise men and women had equal opportunities. Life is cheap, BattleMechs are expensive, so if your daughter is the better pilot, she inherits the Mech. Likewise, the House academies only assign the best candidates to Mechs, with the rest being relegated to other branches of service.

Not happy, I was in the middle of typing this big thing here when firefox crashed on me.

Anyway without getting into as much detail..

Battletech fiction regarding Mechwarriors is faction-specific when it comes to generic gender population ratios.
For example the Capellan Confederation has a higher number of female elites compared to male elites by a factor of almost 3x overall when combining ground forces and mechwarriors. This said, Liao actually has a significantly higher male pilot and male soldier ratio and an unfortunately high mortality rate. I believe part of the female elite superiority is that elites in general are almost exclusively sent on offensive missions unless already in the area and they engage in subterfuge where enemy defenses are already compromised before regular forces ever touch the ground.

Then again on the defense, Capellan denizens are expected to earn their citizenship through service; it isn't unusual to see mechs and vehicles that had been disabled with their crew killed or incapacitated through normal combat, only for the vehicles and mechs to be back in the fight within minutes of being disabled or 'killed', piloted by civilians, right down to the tale of a mech that was downed 3 times by the same Davion pilot, and then it killed that Davion pilot; the original Mechwarrior was slain through means unknown (the man that found it had no medical knowledge but it had to do with burns and some sort of trauma.) The farmer who took over was killed by a shot that blew out the hatch and destroyed the transplast viewport. Cockpit literally exposed to the air and the elements, the man's wife and son yanked his body out. The wife and the son took over the mech sequentially, and one of them took out the Davion pilot that had bested the others before the mech itself finally conked out. So the term Zombie mechs in Battletech most aptly applies to horror stories regarding fighting the Capellans.

Kurita was one of the factions with a very close-to-even ratio in terms of Mechwarriors.

Steiner's Mechwarriors had less to do with skill set and more to do with money. Then again that's how Steiner's military leadership is.

Beyond Kurita, the only faction to be truly close to 50/50 is Marik.

I cannot say jack about the Clans, as I never read into their ratios.

Edited by Koniving, 03 December 2016 - 07:53 PM.

#96 ScorpionNinja


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 07:52 PM

No thanks . . . NOT EVEN FOR C-BILLS!!! hahahaa

#97 ice trey


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 08:20 PM

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#98 naterist


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 08:26 PM

View PostSpectre767, on 03 December 2016 - 06:31 PM, said:

There is literally nothing to in the 30+ years of battletech lore to suggest any amount of sexism in the Inner sphere militaries, with possibly the exception of extremely hardline DCMS traditionalists.

Classism? That makes perfect sense. Sexism? Not really at all applicable for this situation and era.

in the hyper masculinated socioty that is solaris, combined with the return to a feudal socioty were rule is passed to the first born male in several socioties (im 75% sure thats true about multiple sociotys, butdont flame at me if im wrong). i mean, the only solaris champ who was a female that i remember was in the dark age, though its been a while since i read the books.

obviously the magistracy of canopis doesnt follow that trend though.

#99 Uncle Totty


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 08:27 PM

View Postice trey, on 03 December 2016 - 08:20 PM, said:

Posted Image

You mean like that time they upped the team count to 12?

...or the time Clan tech was brought in?

...or when CW first started?

#100 AncientRaig


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 08:29 PM

I for one don't understand all the hatred over the mech itself. Yes it looks like someone took a Shadow Hawk, slapped 15 tons of ugly onto it, and called it a Battlemech but hey. It looks cool and in order for this franchise to survive, new lifeblood has to be squeezed into it and if that means new mechs, it means new mechs. I wish it was an Axman, but I'll take it. What I don't like is the description of the pilot. Not only, as many pointed out, is her whole "Ugh, mechwarriors are sooooo sexist" schtick a bunch of ********, she's also a bonafide psychopath. A man-hating psychopath is not the best way to advertise your new homebrew to a bunch of nerds who are more stagnant than the actual innersphere

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