Hey, it worked for me back in MPBT days. I ran all Riflemen all the time by the end of my tenure in that game. I was ate up with the Rifleman sickness-I even used to write RFL tactics articles for the DCMS message boards on GEnie! It was the best mech ever for hot world drops as long as you stayed off the lasers and that's true in MWO, everything I used to do in an AC10 3N Rifleman back in the day is viable here. Its main weaknesses are as they always have been forever and a day-too slow, too fragile, and can't really carry enough ammo with a standard engine. PGI really nailed the classic Rifleman feel I remember so well from back in the day. But with an XL the 3N is a deathtrap if you're working up close and personal like I like to work. The 3C is better for that game by far. It's the only thing Hanse Davion ever did that I LIKE.