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Skill Tree Base Line Thoughts

Balance BattleMechs Skills

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#1 wolf74


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 10:59 PM

The Mech Skill Point Tree.

We know that the Mechs will have a Max points. But what we don't know is if it will be a Flat Line Max or on a Per chassie bases. I personally think (AGAIN THINK high odds it will not be this) it should look something like this.

Base Line Value "A" which is the starting point of All mechs. Now "A" could be different between battlemech & Omni-Mech

Mech weight Value "M"
For Every 5 tons under 100ton add 1 to Value "A"

Special Equipment Value "X"
Jump Jets = -3
Each AMS pass the 1st one is a -1, If no AMS slots are on the Mech Add +1
ECM -5 (Maybe even -8 or -10, yes it is that Powerful)
MASC = -2

Number of Weapons Value "Z"
5 (edit 5 is to low 6 s=was the original target number PGI was using for weapon count)
6 - Mech number of Weapons Slots on the mech = "Z"

Weapon Types (Value B ) (Anti Boat point basically)
The Highest Type of weapon (Energy, Missile, Ballistic), subtract the other two weapons system from it individually, then Add them together for the Total remove modifier

AKA a Mech with 4 Energy and 1 Ballistic, 0 Missile. would look like this (4E-1B=3, 4E-0M=4, Total Weapon type Mod would be 7 Skill point removed from Max
The Summoner Prime would have No Penalty Due to the fact it perfectly Balanced between the weapon types. (1E-1B=0, 1E-1M = 0)
But the Timber-Wolf Prime would have a -6 (5E-2B=3,5E-2m=3)

Omni-Pod sets (Value O), if you have Full set I can see give that Omni Mech some where between 4 to 12 Free Skill point to slots(They will alway be the End point of spending, aka you cannot use the free slot to jump over a skill you don't like than brake the Omnipod set). But Brake the Set and you get 0.

For the final formula looking like this.
A+M+X+Z+B+O= Total Max Skill Point for said Mech

Again this is just my thoughts on how they could bring some balance to under preforming mech and add some extra Value to some of the lighter weight classes.

What do you all think? Please be respectful of other player thoughts. Most of us are here because of a love of Battletech/Mechwarrior games.

Edited by wolf74, 10 December 2016 - 05:08 PM.

#2 El Bandito


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 02:22 AM

Who can divine what is going on in our Balance Overlord's mind? I am personally surprised that the skill tree respec penalty is the same for both battlemechs and omnimechs. Shouldn't omnimechs get less penalty due to their ability to swap pods on the fly? In fact, it is their whole purpose.

#3 wolf74


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 08:58 AM

The thing is we don't know what the "Penalties" will be for anything Yet. But my thoughts on it would bring a starting point I think over all. So that Mechs with balance Mix hard point get a greatest number of skill points where mech with only one type of hard points have few skill points to work with.

Edited by wolf74, 08 December 2016 - 08:59 AM.

#4 JediPanther


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:06 AM

I'm not worried about it until it goes live in game then worry about it and wait for the hot fixing to start. We all remember the last few changes to the mech cockpit hud and we don't need that happening to the mech lab ui.

#5 wolf74


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 06:41 PM

Just putting out the Idea and possibly that the under powered mech may get more Skill point Max total to work with VS the mech that do fine with the basics. The Option I put down could be a good Starting point due the fact in account for many of the Factors that make a Mech up.

#6 Davegt27


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 08:25 PM

in before the lock

#7 Johnny Z


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:06 PM

Only one things is for sure. The forums will go nuts when the mech trees are in game.

#8 wolf74


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 11:23 PM

So True Johnny Z, I putting a spreadsheet together to see how my Idea looks with the Mech data Plugged in. Should have that done Sunday. Would be sooner but I have to keep my Day job.

#9 Davegt27


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 11:48 PM

I feel like I am in the military again

I have to do an inventory on all my modules

then comes all the pilot module inventory

#10 wolf74


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 05:10 PM

Had a Bit more time on my hands than I thought I would. Using my formulas at the start of the thread I did the math all the Mech fall between 48 to 91 Skill points possible

Here is a PDF of what my math looked like for it.

Your all thoughts?

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