For those of you who were gaming back when World of Warcraft was new, the "endgame" was basically all the cool stuff that you could unlock when you hit level 60. There was PVP for level 50-60, I believe. And of course, there was a lot of special gear when you hit level 60. But most importantly, there was the level 60 dungeon where you would get raids together and have a jolly good time. Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, etc. Not only was this inaccessible to lower level players, it was also a lot more complex and required a lot better coordination and preparation.
MWO is not an MMORPG. It's basically just a series of matches where you bring your mech. It's kind of similar to Star Conflict, except Star Conflict has different tiers. They're basically like levels in an MMORPG. As you buy ships of higher tiers, you can engage in matches at a higher level, where gameplay is more complex and all the ships have better stats, have more special abilities, etc. MWO isn't like that either.
MWO is basically like chess. In chess, there's no "endgame" in the sense of MMORPGs. The endgame in chess is what you call the end of the match. In chess, you just play match after match after match. You can improve your rank, but there's no real end goal, so there's no grind. Playing the game is the goal.
I hear people talk about an endgame for MWO. Usually it's something like:
- Community Warfare / Faction Play should be the endgame. (Only makes sense if CW / FP is restricted)
- Mastering / upgrading your mechs should be the endgame. (Makes no sense)
- Collecting new mechs should be the endgame. (Makes no sense)
- Achievements and titles should be the endgame. (Makes no sense)
- Cosmetic rewards should be the endgame. (Makes no sense)
- Leaderboards should be the endgame. (Makes no sense, unless Leaderboard is restricted to Tier 1, for example.)
Or do you prefer MWO to have no separate endgame, to keep it like chess or tennis or poker. Just a series of matches you play for fun while trying to improve your skills.