There have been maybe 3-4 really decent events done by PGI in my 2+ years playing, and yet I, along with most, are still surprised when they create another terrible event.
They really set the standard by doing it right those few times, now the 90% of the time they produce a complete waste of time, we are inclined to care, because we know they could do better if they bothered.
One note, PGI, you normally keep Halloween, Xmas, and maybe one other event for the grab bag stuff, you know, the events your players actually like, what happened to that idea? Just going for the least amount of players enjoying your events possible, for some kinda study?
EDIT: Belatedly, I found the stocking stuffer stuff is still there, just harder to notice with the 12 Days of Garbage event taking the forefront. Good job PGI, you kept part of a good event at least...still needs to be said often and loudly that you guys are in general pretty godawful at events however, maybe someday you'll be shamed into giving a damn about doing a better job.
Edited by Kodyn, 25 December 2016 - 04:11 PM.