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240 Tons! Really?

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#141 Commoners


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 10:24 AM

View PostKusunoki Masashige, on 20 December 2016 - 09:07 AM, said:

Clan should really have a bid system put in for scouting and regular FP.

Put in a bidding system where people can reduce their deck tonnage to get to the front of the long queues. Clanners win by having a disney speed pass into faction play games, IS wins by having someone decide that they need to drop in four MLXs to get to the very front of the line.

#142 Zarock


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 11:02 AM

View PostContrabandit, on 16 December 2016 - 07:20 PM, said:

So they have finally crossed the line, with all the quirks and the other advantages the IS babies get, they have to add insult to injury by now neutering our load outs???!!
I would really like to hear what you guys think.
If we cried as much as they did, would we get equality? Because at this point I'm so disappointed I'm debating on wether I'm going to quit playing or not, is that what pgi wants? no clan player base?

Arent you crying here, too? I feel like the whole community whines a lot. Thats a shame since the game is pre´tty good and at the moment, IS and Clan mechs are quite balanced.

#143 RogoRogo Wolf


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 11:03 AM

It's not the tonnage or any other single item/topic/feature
The tonnage in either Scout or Invasion deck would not matter, if the whole thing wasn't such a ***********...
240 tons even in the given situation would not be that poor if the full on invasion maps weren't the product of the original last-ditch-after-transverse fail of the original CW.
Since they are.. suprise.. 2 or 3 Funnels with a chokepoint and a single grindzone at the end... clans can't use their mobility (nowhere to go) and can't use range (almost all engagements are point-blank brawls with lrm-based approach-marching).
I can count on one hand when we were able even in half-premade teams half single players ON BOTH sides when we were doing something lance-based (so fun, so rewarding, sneaking in behind the fracas and getting an o-gen out and getting the defenders in dissarray)...
So I think before we loose ourselves again in one specific f..up, we should constantly demand...
  • get someone who can do balance (like they got someone who can do maps)
  • redo/salvage/fix and/or invasion maps, add qp-maps - preferably with a randomized color, enviro-item and temperature palette (and just pretend we are dropping on a specific frontline planet by using its textlabe and the ACTUAL planet-lore background you got with the licence but never bothered to use or even fetch from Microsoft and FASA)
  • further gameplay-diversity, you got so many great map design proposals for the invasion maps, randomize generator or alternate objectives and objective-elements
All of this can be done within the SAME budget PGI is constantly burning for their current work-approach (whose lack of result can be traced down to 3 people...)

  • the new qp-maps both in qp and faction - FAR better designed now, even in their first iteration
  • the new gameplay - FAR better now because the dropdeck-skirmishes offer diversity
But there still is a long way to go besides the continuing balance salvage before this is a somewhat acceptable and ENJOYABLE product...

Wow... why does MWO get me so riled up.... Posted Image

View PostZarock, on 20 December 2016 - 11:02 AM, said:

Arent you crying here, too? I feel like the whole community whines a lot. Thats a shame since the game is pre´tty good and at the moment, IS and Clan mechs are quite balanced.

The community is whining so much because so much has happened.. and some of the community have kept track or read too many google results...

Edited by RogoRogo Wolf, 20 December 2016 - 11:05 AM.

#144 Mustang


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 01:00 PM

let IS use a certain amount of origin mechs say 4 out of each 12 would be sorta like salvage in a way

#145 Jep Jorgensson


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 12:13 AM

• Clan Scouting Drop Deck Tonnage reduced to 50 (from 55).

View PostJep Jorgensson, on 16 December 2016 - 10:36 PM, said:

No need to worry guys. After things really start getting bad for us, the mercs will leave Clan space and the seesaw will shift the other way. As always, no one takes the migrating merc units into account.


Called it.

#146 Chi Guy 1


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 08:13 PM

MWO punishes achievement. Moreover, they charged me premium prices just to degrade my purchase a few weeks later because losers need to be coddled. If you don't like to lose, improve, put together a better team. In MWO this is not the case. In MWO, if you don't like to lose, keep losing. Doing so will prompt MWO to degrade the winner's ability to compete.

#147 DeerslayerUA


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Posted 27 December 2016 - 06:35 AM

Guys working 10+ years in IT and QA, working in BI now for known mmo game.

This all worth of good laugh, while it is not for some players.

I have invited my friends to play MWO.

My friends used real money to get content - mechs . But change after change in small iterations and unexpected hotfixes(crunches for 240 and 50 clan tonnage) - those mechs are not usable anymore.

Thank you very much, we lost our two friends who have no other mechs and now stormcrow is not allowed in scouting, while Kodiaks were nerfed and they are not so appealing right now.

Interesting business model. Get new good mech that is wreckingball, then after a while nerf it. It is smart, players would buy more! Wait - it is we who are players. So we should not pre-purchase them? Pre - is fraud!
I can bet on MAD 2c would be nerfed ^_^.

To say the truth i really like latest changes, taking into account they covered part of flaws in MWO i was yelling about the other day. But it appears PGI lack of understanding and will to bring proper changes to heat system, balance and make it accurate and up to standard(no crunch is a real model for SDLC) - cause players to loose interested and get frustration towards Battletech universe. It is disservice. Good way of bad advertisement and loosing player base, even though i'm sure you had peek online after last patch. I'm sure it will soon end and due to frustration players would leave. Well it was the case for me a while ago.

PGI you need to wisely think what and how you are going to do. And whatever you do make sure you are not causing people to go away. Me and my friend actually tried to bring those friends and introduce them to the game. But then - this happens.


P.S. there are tons of ways about how to introduce players to the game and even more on how to keep them in game. But the best way is the game itself and a face of company who creates it and it kind of looks ugly.
PGI you management needs to think how to make people less frustrated. For example not introducing raw material to the game, or at least if you do make it suck as much as it could be and then improve it, which creates positive impression and feedback.
Then this stupid decision with tonnage. Okay maybe you did not see any other way, but at least you could do it in a while and you could notify people, so they could prepare accordingly. Don't treat people like waste, especially when you relay on them.
Its those decision that blur everything and make something promising look like it does not worth your time.

With practices like that i cant recommend the game to my other friends as it probably will end same way.

#148 Lantanium Buhallin


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Posted 27 December 2016 - 08:04 AM

Dear PGI, return to clan weapons "HITREG" !!! Half shots doesnt dealt damage!

#149 Unendingmenace


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Posted 27 December 2016 - 06:58 PM

ZveroboyUA, I beg to differ about the Kodiak. It never stopped being awesome. High mounts, great tonnage and decent hitboxes means that no matter what "nerfs" the mech gets, it'll still always be a great Clan Assault and have a place in drop decks. Really comes down to the pilot in my opinion. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't seen nearly as much of them on the battlefield as we did on release but you could say that about any mech after it's been out for a while.

#150 Sjorpha


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Posted 27 December 2016 - 10:54 PM

View PostUnendingmenace, on 27 December 2016 - 06:58 PM, said:

ZveroboyUA, I beg to differ about the Kodiak. It never stopped being awesome. High mounts, great tonnage and decent hitboxes means that no matter what "nerfs" the mech gets, it'll still always be a great Clan Assault and have a place in drop decks. Really comes down to the pilot in my opinion. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't seen nearly as much of them on the battlefield as we did on release but you could say that about any mech after it's been out for a while.

You don't see a lot of IS 100 tonners either, it's simply not optimal to front load your deck that much even if the mech is super good, because there are super good heavies too and they are safer bets for getting in the fight due to speeds.

So it has very little to do with the strenght of the kodiak, which is still amazing,heavy assaults are just badly positioned for FP.

#151 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 28 December 2016 - 05:57 AM

What Sjorpha said ^

Plus with the tonnage reduction bringing a 100 ton Clan mech is a bigger risk than before. I still do it on occasion.... At 240 you are just not going to see as many Kodiaks dotting the field unless the deck is being intentionally front-loaded by the other team.

#152 MovinTarget


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Posted 28 December 2016 - 06:41 AM

The problem is that we had a good 9 month period, if not more where the tonnage for drop decks was absolutely static. If you came into FP during this time and no one warned you it is fluid, yes, this can be a shock. Those of us that have played since Phase 1 know better (or should know better).

I'll go back to my previous assertions:
1) FP players need to have an actual stable of mechs allowing them to pick optimal builds for just about any map/mode. Some people people may view this as a paywall, I get that, but if you are bringing trials and unleveled mechs to FP, you are typically ruining the experience for yourself and possibly the rest of your team. You at least need a good 8-10 mechs to mix-n-match for various scenarios.

2) FP is not supposed to be for noob farming or for leveling mechs or for "learning the game" - it was originally supposed to be ENDGAME CONTENT and if there is one thing I think PGI miffed (don't start people) its that there is no "attunement" process so that the players that show up know how to play and understand the importance of cooperation.

3) There is also a need for a "velvet rope" so that players that are not meeting certain criteria in matches can be effectively blocked for a period of time from dropping in FP. Kind of a "We need you to be better to participate in this mode"

There is no kiddie pool and no "deep end" to this game, apart from seeing your name on a leaderboard, there is ZERO incentive to try and be an elite player/teammate/team. It is simply too easy for players to cruise at an underperforming level knowing they'll get everything a tryhard gets, if just a little slower.

I like the bidding process for the Clans... it would be cool if that could be implemented, its Lore-ish and gives clanners incentive to get lean-n-mean and then show off how they can get more done with less.

What I really want though is for players to think "If I'm going to drop in FP, I need to bring my A game *and* work with my team!" Until that happens, FP is what it is.

Edited by MovinTarget, 28 December 2016 - 06:46 AM.

#153 Grus


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 12:34 AM

View Postebolachan, on 16 December 2016 - 07:24 PM, said:

i feel like this ******** won't stop. give is players clan mechs and be done with this ********.

Why would they want a clan mech when the IS much is better?

#154 Grus


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 12:41 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 28 December 2016 - 06:41 AM, said:

I like the bidding process for the Clans... it would be cool if that could be implemented, its Lore-ish and gives clanners incentive to get lean-n-mean and then show off how they can get more done with less.

i am all about this, however the issue becomes that the Clan and IS mechs are too "balanced" (and IS has a huge advantage right now) ifor this to work under the FP current game mode. if they had a Simulation mode then this might work. Take Warthunder for example. There in lies the big issue i guess. if Clan mechs were allowed to be at full power per-say then a lot of times you'll see light and med mech just wasting heavy and assalt mechs.

View PostLantanium Buhallin, on 27 December 2016 - 08:04 AM, said:

Dear PGI, return to clan weapons "HITREG" !!! Half shots doesnt dealt damage!

just finished a game in my nova and im blasting away with med las and just watching a centur's armor just flash. clan mate witnessed it and was like wtf?

#155 AncillaLupus


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 02:06 AM

View PostChi Guy 1, on 17 December 2016 - 01:47 AM, said:

MWO methods suck. Its basically gaming socialism on steroids. If anyone performs well take their abilities away to make them perform as weak as the other player. MWO charged me premium cbills and real money for the Kodiak line. After I invested time and money to master the line you nutered them all. Kodiak is just a giant target now with poor torso twist. You already watered down the weapons. Why water down the mech as well other than to follow the MWO Socialist Manifesto?

Stop injecting your dictatorial patches into the game just because someone is winning more than others. Isn't that the point of gaming? Nothing stops anyone from investing in better mechs. Thanks to MWO's socialist agenda there soon will be no better mechs to invest in as they all will perform the same so whats he point of "upgrading" into the same nutered mech with a different body?

I hate this watered down generation of "everyone deserves a trophy" mentality. MWO is being run by a generation of sappy people who wants to make us all the same (in our imaginations). Don't excel because you may hurt someone's feelings. Don't perform better than anyone else even if you are willing to invest the time and money to do so.

Give my Kodiak his nads back. Socialism makes everyone weaker. Versus motivating people to improve. MWO is becoming the ultimate socialist gaming experience where we all will be watered down to being the same according to the MWO dictator's wishes.

That´s what they do with all mechs and packs as soon as they sold them.
Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf.

Only good thing is, that this happens to every pack and mech sooner or later.
Btw ... that´s the reason why i give a f**** on spending real money for this game.

Did with c-pack 1, was slapped into the face by pgi.
Did again with Kodiak. Once more was slapped ... so solution: do not spend any money anymore.


#156 Grus


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 07:00 AM

View PostAncillaLupus, on 29 December 2016 - 02:06 AM, said:

That´s what they do with all mechs and packs as soon as they sold them.
Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf.

Only good thing is, that this happens to every pack and mech sooner or later.
Btw ... that´s the reason why i give a f**** on spending real money for this game.

Did with c-pack 1, was slapped into the face by pgi.
Did again with Kodiak. Once more was slapped ... so solution: do not spend any money anymore.


Preach! "The clan mechs are too OP" well their clan sooo....

#157 Lantanium Buhallin


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 09:46 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 28 December 2016 - 06:41 AM, said:

The problem is that we had a good 9 month period, if not more where the tonnage for drop decks was absolutely static. If you came into FP during this time and no one warned you it is fluid, yes, this can be a shock. Those of us that have played since Phase 1 know better (or should know better).

I'll go back to my previous assertions:
1) FP players need to have an actual stable of mechs allowing them to pick optimal builds for just about any map/mode. Some people people may view this as a paywall, I get that, but if you are bringing trials and unleveled mechs to FP, you are typically ruining the experience for yourself and possibly the rest of your team. You at least need a good 8-10 mechs to mix-n-match for various scenarios.

2) FP is not supposed to be for noob farming or for leveling mechs or for "learning the game" - it was originally supposed to be ENDGAME CONTENT and if there is one thing I think PGI miffed (don't start people) its that there is no "attunement" process so that the players that show up know how to play and understand the importance of cooperation.

3) There is also a need for a "velvet rope" so that players that are not meeting certain criteria in matches can be effectively blocked for a period of time from dropping in FP. Kind of a "We need you to be better to participate in this mode"

There is no kiddie pool and no "deep end" to this game, apart from seeing your name on a leaderboard, there is ZERO incentive to try and be an elite player/teammate/team. It is simply too easy for players to cruise at an underperforming level knowing they'll get everything a tryhard gets, if just a little slower.

I like the bidding process for the Clans... it would be cool if that could be implemented, its Lore-ish and gives clanners incentive to get lean-n-mean and then show off how they can get more done with less.

What I really want though is for players to think "If I'm going to drop in FP, I need to bring my A game *and* work with my team!" Until that happens, FP is what it is.

1) yep, i think your deck is BLR, BLR, GRH, locust
2)" FP is not supposed to be for noob farming or for leveling mechs or for "learning the game" - it was originally supposed to be ENDGAME CONTENT and if there is one thing I think PGI miffed (don't start people) its that there is no "attunement" process so that the players that show up know how to play and understand the importance of cooperation.
-who says is to you? sick mind?

3) then I do not agree, because I do not give a randomly matches the concept of FP


"There is no kiddie pool and no "deep end" to this game, apart from seeing your name on a leaderboard, there is ZERO incentive to try and be an elite player/teammate/team. It is simply too easy for players to cruise at an underperforming level knowing they'll get everything a tryhard gets, if just a little slower.
What I really want though is for players to think "If I'm going to drop in FP, I need to bring my A game *and* work with my team!" Until that happens, FP is what it is."
Listen, and you do not accidentally Communist? such a strange attitude to the game.
And where does the farm at all?

Edited by Lantanium Buhallin, 29 December 2016 - 09:53 AM.

#158 Lantanium Buhallin


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 09:51 AM

View PostGrus, on 29 December 2016 - 12:41 AM, said:

just finished a game in my nova and im blasting away with med las and just watching a centur's armor just flash. clan mate witnessed it and was like wtf?

you propose to play only on the Nova? with MLas?

#159 MovinTarget


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 11:12 AM

View PostLantanium Buhallin, on 29 December 2016 - 09:51 AM, said:

you propose to play only on the Nova? with MLas?

Dude you are missing the point, he's complaining that not all of his damage is registering... Which can be due to many things, hit registration not...registering, lag causing not all of his laser beam to hit to name a couple of reasons...

Some people call hax, but there are so many variables in play, I try not to call peeps out unless it exceeds all suspicion.

#160 Tombs Clawtooth


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 02:59 PM

As if it wasn't hard enough to get into FW already, I finally assemble a drop deck and now it's unable to be used... Well that was a massive waste of time and money.

Wish I could get a refund on a mech I picked up just to get my drop deck able to be used.

Edited by Tombs Clawtooth, 29 December 2016 - 03:01 PM.

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