Guys working 10+ years in IT and QA, working in BI now for known mmo game.
This all worth of good laugh, while it is not for some players.
I have invited my friends to play MWO.
My friends used real money to get content - mechs . But change after change in small iterations and unexpected hotfixes(crunches for 240 and 50 clan tonnage) - those mechs are not usable anymore.
Thank you very much, we lost our two friends who have no other mechs and now stormcrow is not allowed in scouting, while Kodiaks were nerfed and they are not so appealing right now.
Interesting business model. Get new good mech that is wreckingball, then after a while nerf it. It is smart, players would buy more! Wait - it is we who are players. So we should not pre-purchase them? Pre - is fraud!
I can bet on MAD 2c would be nerfed

To say the truth i really like latest changes, taking into account they covered part of flaws in MWO i was yelling about the other day. But it appears PGI lack of understanding and will to bring proper changes to heat system, balance and make it accurate and up to standard(no crunch is a real model for SDLC) - cause players to loose interested and get frustration towards Battletech universe. It is disservice. Good way of bad advertisement and loosing player base, even though i'm sure you had peek online after last patch. I'm sure it will soon end and due to frustration players would leave. Well it was the case for me a while ago.
PGI you need to wisely think what and how you are going to do. And whatever you do make sure you are not causing people to go away. Me and my friend actually tried to bring those friends and introduce them to the game. But then - this happens.
P.S. there are tons of ways about how to introduce players to the game and even more on how to keep them in game. But the best way is the game itself and a face of company who creates it and it kind of looks ugly.
PGI you management needs to think how to make people less frustrated. For example not introducing raw material to the game, or at least if you do make it suck as much as it could be and then improve it, which creates positive impression and feedback.
Then this stupid decision with tonnage. Okay maybe you did not see any other way, but at least you could do it in a while and you could notify people, so they could prepare accordingly. Don't treat people like waste, especially when you relay on them.
Its those decision that blur everything and make something promising look like it does not worth your time.
With practices like that i cant recommend the game to my other friends as it probably will end same way.