Tordin, on 21 December 2016 - 10:01 AM, said:
The flea can have more weapons, higher mounts, smaller overall profile, but also slower and it coould have less torso twisting to compensate even more.
The Flea actually
can't have a smaller overall profile than the Locust. At least, not to any degree that matters. They're both 20-ton cricket-shaped twigweights with very similar body styles and weapons mounts. Standardized volumetric scaling like we have now means they'd be pretty much dot-on the same size, mostly the same shape, and do the same things except the Flea would do them vastly more slowly.
I really wish I could find that old post of mine where I did the math on how M.A.S.C. actually doesn't help the Flea for spit against the Locust w/an actual bigger engine...maybe I'll do some more fruitless forum searching in an attempt to find it, it was really useful...
EDIT: AH HAH! Tracked it down! Here ya go!
1453 R, on 16 June 2015 - 02:40 PM, said:
Ahhh, but there's other factors in play which cement the fact that the Flea is awful!
For one, the Flea comes stock with a STD 120-rated engine. Now, a 120-rated engine requires six external heat sinks, which means that the stock build is pretty much flat incapable of utilizing both Endo and Ferro. Taking into account 10% speed increase from M.A.S.C. and using the Lolcust as a base, looks like an engine rating of 170 is about as high as it can get. Let's assume for a moment that PGI is generous and gives the Flea a 175 top rating. W/M.A.S.C. and Tweak, that yields a maximum theoretical top speed of 171.5, which is riding the upper bleeding edge of hat HSR can (theoretically) handle. How much does that weigh?
175XL: 5.5t
M.A.S.C. I: 1t
3x external HS: 3t
-9.5t total for 171kph in short bursts, 155 by default.
You do get bursts of truly physics-defying accel/decel when M.A.S.C. is up, but I honestly doubt people could really handle that level of performance. Not without crack-fueled Unreal Tournament skills, at least.
Now, moving over to the Locust:
190XL - 6t
3x external HS - 3t
-9t total for permanent 169.3kph.
You lose two KPH total from the Flea w/best engine the devs could possibly give it, but net an extra half-ton - which is, as any Locust/Commando pilot will tell you, a big damn deal at this point. The Locust gets accel/decel quirks which more or less give it M.A.S.C. by default, it doesn't have any chance of breaking its own legs unless it takes belly flops off of Mount Doom, and it has at least two variants which do everything the Flea does weapons-wise as well.
Now, the argument is that the Flea could use its M.A.S.C. to downgrade its engine to, say, a 150 and then use M.A.S.C. to make up the advantage, thus taking bigger weapons. A'ight, let's do that.
150XL: 4t
M.A.S.C: 1t
4 external HS: 4t
-9t total, 133.6kph default footspeed, 147kph M.A.S.C. max speed. Nine tons for 147kph in short spurts. The Locust uses the exact same nine tons to hit 169.3 permanent footspeed. No armament weight gained.
IN FACT! You actually lose armament weight in most cases. A Locust w/190XL, Endo, Ferro, and DHS has 8 slots left for weapons. A Flea, forced to carry four external DHS as well as M.A.S.C., would have four slots for non-required, non-structural gear. This is not sufficient for most of the heavy-gunz builds people would want on the Flea, necessitating the loss of Ferro armor. This cuts an extra ~half-ton (0.46t, assuming maximum armor and thus maximum weight savings) from your free weight, meaning you're essentially paying 9.5t for your 150XL build.
You pay the exact same tonnage for a 150XL build that you do for a 175XL build. To get significantly poorer performance.
Now sure, the math gets somewhat better below a 150 engine rating - droping down to a 145XL w/extra heat sink nets you back that half-ton you lose to STD armor, but at that point you're carrying 5+ external heat sinks which cuts significant;y into your heat management due to the TruDubs issue, and you're still paying the same 9t for your increasingly slow 20-tonner. In fact, the only place where smaller engine+M.A.S.C. starts pulling ahead?
125XL: 2t
M.A.S.C.: 1t
5 external DHS: 5t
Ferro pentalty: 0.5t
-8.5t total; the first time the Flea w/M.A.S.C. has pulled ahead of the Locust. It does so by going 111.4kph, before M.A.S.C.. It is all of five klicks faster than its stock top speed of 106.9, a speed which 'Mechs three times its size can, and do, easily reach or exceed.
You would be a 20-ton 'Mech moving at the same speeds as a STORMCROW, with a one-fifth uptime of moving eleven KPH faster than that and having accel/decel 'bonuses' which the Locust matches by dint of having quirks and also an engine seventy points higher-rated, and your reward for all this M.A.S.C. Math and engine finagling?
An extra half-ton of equipment weight over a bog-standard 190XL Locust.
And Locusts aren't even that good.
WHY do people want the Flea, again? It's ugly, it's categorically worse than the Locust, and it's not even cute or possessed of a storied history like the UrbanMech. I mean, really...just let the poor thing sit in its forgotten corner in peace.
Edited by 1453 R, 21 December 2016 - 10:21 AM.