1453 R, on 21 December 2016 - 12:36 PM, said:
The problem is that absolutely no one trusts Piranha even the remotest little bit to get the actual numerical values for a Battle Value system correct. If they do it manually, then there are literally thousands of individual values, combination values, synergy values, or whatever else they'd have to constantly tweak and get to within a hair's breadth at the widest of perfection for the system to work any damn better than what we've got now.
Some folks have proposed a strictly usage-based BV, wherein the only value calculated is "how often is this 'Mech/weapon/whatever used?" This is akin to Smogon's Pokemon tiering system, where there's no discrete 'Battle Value', but instead different tiers consisting of 'Overused', 'Underused', 'Rarely Used', and so on and so forth. Usage is the best metric for determining the overall viability of a particular thing; if the thing is being used a whole lot by a lot of players, then it's probably fair to say that said thing is more valuable than a thing only occasionally used by a small subset of players.
That would be easier to automate, but when we get into automated balancing solutions we get into the whole Great Embiggening issue that sunk pretty much the entirety of the Sphere light 'Mech category and how to avoid similar Balance Equations that spit out answers which make no damn sense to anyone.
If we're not going with usage-based 'BV' - which, by the way, is still just slapping an artificial bandaid on bad balance - then we're mostly just SOL. Or rather, we need to do what players have wanted from the start and actually spend a few months' patch cycles on game/tech balance rather than New Shinies or Commodity Warfare Phase 37,681 or Deckles 2.0 or whatever.
We've got Skilltrees 1.0 coming up in a couple of months. This sounds like a fantastic time to spend 2017 spring/summer doubling down on our efforts to clean up inter-tech balance, dunnit?
...oh. Also, on-topic: release the Fire Moth. I would like to pilot it someday, even if I'm still super-duper mad over FutureTech and cannot guarantee any more 'Mech pack sales from me for a while. I still have C-bills, and could spend them on Fire moths...y'know, ten months from now...>_>
Once again, very well said, particularly the two parts I put into bold.
Because PGI themselves have continually f***ed up from day 1, it's entirely incumbent on them to bite the bullet, knuckle the f*** down and say "Okay, enough screwing around, it's time to fix s*** once and for all."
Skill Trees 1.0 is the first real evidence I've seen of them actually G** D*** TRYING TO FIX SOMETHING in the game, that, along with the MW5:M trailer actually got me to UPDATE my game which I hadn't done in months, maybe something like a year at this point.
However, I have not yet actually tried to play the game yet because I know until Skill Trees 1.0 actually comes out, it's going to be the same s*** gameplay that drove me away in the first place.
PGI has to know that at some point sooner rather than later, the well is going to dry up because people are f***ing sick and tired of the same s*** gameplay that's been plaguing the game on and off for years.
Unless they spend some serious time doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE but actual, core mechanic fixes for the game, people are eventually going to get it through their heads that PGI is doing NOTHING but shoving mechs down our throats to keep us quiet.
At that point, their revenue stream for further development of the game dries up and it's time to shut not only this game down, but that also kills MW5:M, which by the look of it is going to be a lot more fun than MWO for a lot of people.
The question is how long would it take for people to close their wallets permanently and send a real shock to PGI's system?