Hey all!
I will make a dumb observation and a few suggestions that might not have been considered.
This game was designed for Dual Core CPU's without Hyper Threading. If you have a system with higher specs in general or a higher end cpu, you would think this game would run smoother right? Wong! Dual Cores and Quad cores without virtual cores rock this game for the most part. There are always exceptions and anomalies, but If you have more or less cores then the recommended specs or if you have hyper threading enabled it could work against you. I know first hand and I have this game tested on at least 5 different pc's with different specs. It always worked best on high end dual core cpus without hyper threading over anything else I have seen. For another quick example, I know people who have older style builds then my own that run circles around mine in this game, but if I was to do a typical benchmark I could run circles around them. What it comes down to is this game is a CPU hog and it is a picky cpu hog to that. For example, I have a 3.5 GHz Xeon Processor with Six Cores and 2 threads per core for a total of 12 threads, and 32GB of DDR4 ram with low timing and latency and lastly I have a 1080 EVGA 8Gig Founders GPU. You would think this build would run this game without breaking a sweat, but sadly it couldn't be farther from the truth. My system is lucky to get above 40 fps with
Ultra settings. However you sir are running a i7 quad core cpu with the possibility hyper threading which with the right settings could run greater then 60 fps.
What I have seen fix many Quad and dual core systems easily is by turning off the V-Sync which restricts your cpu to a max of 60fps. To turn this off you need to go to your video settings in game and turn off v-sync. By turning off v-sync I have seen PC's where the frame rate sky rockets to +120 fps while in game at all high settings. Another item. Turn off Anti-aliasing. Yes it makes things better visually, but it doesn't do all that much for the gain in graphics at the loss of your CPU power. Finally in the GAME tab in of your game settings turn off ENABLE COCKPITS GLASS and ENABLE COCKPITS MONITORS. (Yes you are turning off features that would make the game more immersive and neat features, but these are all cpu hogs and if your system is struggling these items being disabled will give you some more fps). Another thing to make sure is that your Windows Resolution actually matches the monitor resolution spec resolution. Anything greater can definitely affect your FPS. Another item is to make sure you PC is running on the HIGH PERFORMANCE option in Windows Settings. Lastly, if you are more interested in gaining FPS make sure you run on High Settings or lower. If you want to run on Ultra settings you get what you get sadly.
As a last resort...and you still are having issues there are at three options that I know of that you could consider looking into.
1) The first option (Repair your MWO Client) If your using steam I not sure how to help, but if you are using the mwo client portal. You can open the software client portal as if you planned to play the game. However, instead of pushing play you need to push the settings button in the top left corner. It looks like three horizontal bars stacked on one another. After you click there a tab should drop down and you can now see a line item called Run MWO Repair Tool. Click on that and follow the steps as instructed. Make sure you are running this program as Administrator. (It is a wide know fact that MWO can sometimes mess up on an install and a file might get somewhat corrupted. At least that was the case in the olden days.)
2) Contact PGI support in an e-mail directly and ask them to help you trouble shoot your situation.
3) This is not recommended for people that are not computer savvy, but it has helped some who have tried it. I myself got this to help in my situation as my build limits my options. Your overall objective is to turn off your hyper threading or at least make your computer not run MWO with virtual cores. If you are comfortable with adjusting your computer settings and your bios settings you should be able to try this option. If you do not know what I am talking about then I would not pursue this option as adjusting some settings on your cpu can damage your system permanently. Another safer option would be to download a utility that was made to help speed up systems. It is called project lasso by bitsom.com. I can essentially turn on this software and turn on MWO and while in the project lasso software I can adjust the active process of my computer. I then click on the mwo process and tell it to not use virtual cores. By doing so I gain at least 20-40fps, but I believe everyone experience could vary. I would highly recommend researching this software as it can be used to fine tune every single process in your pc and the last thing you want to do is accidentally turn off processing power on the rest of your pc's software. The program is free, but aftet 30 days it will ask you every time you turn on your pc if you want to register/purchase the software. If you click continue it goes away at least until you restart your pc.
At the end of the day everyone situation is different and my suggestions may be worthless,
I Hope this is helpful and you or anyone else who comes across my post.
P.S. Sorry for any grammar or confusion. I was never great in English class, LOL.
All the best.
Edited by Phoenix410, 28 May 2017 - 07:28 AM.