RestosIII, on 24 December 2016 - 08:52 PM, said:
If by "***** ******* coward", you mean "cautious and not running in a specific way that makes LRMs smack your legs", then yes, you do. That's how you play the game and not be bad. Your hyperbole about preferring to fight aimbotters is appreciated as well. Telling someone "I've played more than you, STFU", and not listening to advice on how you could have survived isn't the best plan either. I'm a self-professed potato, but the one thing I can manage is not getting smacked down by LRMs. If you get the incoming missile warning, head for something tall and never, ever run directly away from them. If at all possible, always run perpendicular to them, since they have more trouble adjusting to hit you, won't all smack into your legs, and won't hit you if the LRM user lost lock like they will if you're running straight away.
Or you could ignore my advice and claim LRMs are OP, or I haven't played enough to know what the hell I'm talking about. That works too, apparently.
Again, you keep pretending like I had some magical solution that would not have gotten me lurmed to death in the situation I posted. There was a tall building right there. I passed behind it and still got hit by LRMs. I couldn't stop moving and wait for the rain to stop, because I had a Griffin hot on my trail and it would have given the enemy lance that I knew was nearby the time they needed to about face and come hunt me down. If it were not for the LRMs, I could have gotten away or at least killed the surprise Griffin for my trouble, even if I died for it (winning or losing that 1v1 would have completely been in my control, and I would have nothing to blame but myself) I would have been free to handle the situation and everything would have been under my control, for better or for worse. But instead... they had LRMs. So I really didn't have any options other than to get rekt, because all they had to do was press R and M1. They didn't have to come fight me, they didn't have to have line of sight, they didn't even have to aim, they just had to know I existed in order to ruin my day.
Is your idea of a fun game just sitting around for the first 4-5 minutes of every match waiting for LRM and Streakboats to die or get preoccuppied with somebody else? Or would you rather get in on some action, harass some flanks, and have fun utilising your speed and mobility? Because the former is what LRMs do to this game. It's not unlike what artillery does in World of Tanks - instead of flushing you out of camping spots, it forces you to hide away in camping spots so you don't get nuked while trying to move from cover to cover. Try to flank even one single mech? As soon as his presses R, you have to play like a coward because know he has the support of two or more allies toting noobtubes. Allies that don't even have to be nearby. And now you have to hug walls (if they're even there), cutting out the majority of your freedom and completely forcing your hand. It's not cool. And you wonder why people complain that lights and mediums have no proper role in this game because heavies do their job better? This is a part of it.
Use tactics to counter LRMs? It's the other way around. LRMs counter tactical play by being cheap and easy to use. And the worst part is that against organised players, they are pretty much useless. But in solo queue, you can't organise a counter. You just had to settle with playing like a coward and not bringing attention to yourself. And people wonder why solo queue is dominated by this passive pokefest meta...
Edited by Tarogato, 24 December 2016 - 09:14 PM.