The following is a high level diplomatic message sent from the official FRR government to landed and military leaders of Lyran Commonwealth.
Hey, I get it, your forum (and faction!?) are like dead and that is the way you like it. And I am okay with that. If you want to be dead then be dead. But only the LIVING can lose matches, and it seems like you're doing an awful lot of that.
..oh wait.. let me introduce myself..

I am Dane the mother*****in' Jarl of the mother****n' FRR, and I am losing planets because other factions appear to enjoy losing matches. I understand, you guys have so many worlds you cannot be bothered to remember them all - plus after spending an entire phase at Clan Jade Falcon's gimp you guys are probably wary of entering the fray.
But I know you have, or used to have, some decent players in there and the entire Inner Sphere needs those guys getting their butts back on the frontline, to ya know, make up for all your bad players losing.. or at very least help lead them to something more akin to a victory.
Yeah, it's rough out there, believe you me; I know. But it isn't impossible. We got the weight now and if we use it correctly we can win a lot of these low tier battles. And with a strong drop some of the high tier ones as well.
If your Hub is dead or turned to garbage or something then come to mine. And if it is still doing just fine, then use it. I love the salty tears of Clanner pilots used to crushing IS pugs in their OP mechs when they lose to better IS players. I know more than a few of you feel the same.
And listen, I am only talking to you now because I've seen some good things from you in the past. I respect what I've seen and I want to see more of it. Heck I respect being dead and inactive if that is what you want to be, it sure as hell is a lot better than handing out medals for feats of mediocrity.
So regroup, reorganize, do some lines of coke or whatever else you need to do in order to get hyped and ready to fight and GET BACK TO THE FRONT AND DO SOME ****ING WORK.
This has been an official FRR Diplomatic dispatch.
Edited by Mech The Dane, 27 December 2016 - 01:51 AM.