It's so simple. It would make so many people happy. Just a pure urban map.
No rivers, no mountains, no frozen valleys, no volcanoes, or other dominating terrain features. Just lots of buildings, small parks, parking lots and plazas. Mostly buildings. Row after row, block after block of buildings.
No definite bottlenecks, no giant platforms, just a big network of different roads and alleys, allowing the players maximum freedom to maneuver between buildings.
We already have destructible street lights, signs and trees. We have containers and fences that we can knock over. We have destructible pillars and perhaps the same effect could be used on giant buildings too? Add some destructible cars and, well, we've got basically everything we need to recreate the 2011 Mechwarrior teaser.
PGI already has all the textures and more than enough buildings. It's just a matter of putting it on a big map and doing some playtesting.
If you are interested in a big urban map for MWO in 2017, a bigger cityscape than we have in River City, Frozen City and Crimson Strait, please express your desire here and help me keep this thread visible for a while. Maybe even keep it visible until PGI either gives us an urban map or says it's never going to happen.
Red Shrike, on 16 January 2017 - 03:55 AM, said:

Edited by Tristan Winter, 16 January 2017 - 09:38 AM.