Vellron2005, on 18 January 2017 - 03:32 AM, said:
Somebody that completely LIKES the game and PGI?
Don't know what to say here..

Brace yourself, he's not alone.
To frame this post, understand I've been a fan of From Software's Armored Core series for nearly 20 years at this point. Mechwarrior I've played but not nearly as much as the other. That said with MWO here, the superior game is plain to see to anyone who's stuck around the mech world for a while and it may come across as a hateful post but it is meant seriously when I say this.
Now recently I discovered that I came into the BT universe at a bit of an odd time (apparently around the 3100+ year range where all the psychotic stuff was and I just learned this within the last month). So I've only known things like Jade Falcon after they'd already gone off the deep end making totem mechs and other really odd designs.
With that out of the way I always expected the clans to be in MWO from the description given to me by a friend before i began playing.
Now with that lore tidbit out of the way I'd like to move on to why I consider PGI good (you did not just drop acid) and why MWO is actually a solid game (despite its obvious flaws)
I guess we'll start with the game itself. MWO has flaws, we all know what they are, sometimes hitreg is goofy, RNG on more things than should have it and Disconnects happen. There are also balancing issues that we'll see time and time again because that's just the nature of games. Single player campaign... yeah okay that ones dubious i guess. Grind isn't exactly fun outside of banked premium as well.
That said lets observe what it does correctly. I feel so few actually see this. MWO is a MW game, and a solid one at that. It drops you into a match vs other pilots who can bring basically whatever the hell they want to the battlefield. Your team tasked with defeating them (not always done by elimination) is given the free reigns to do this however the hell they want based on team composition / tactics. What other games provide this in a meaningful way? Battlefield is the only thing I can think of that comes close but in recent years its taken a bit of an odd turn too. The bottom line of correctness is that you have a tactical mech game in which you pilot your machine. As I haven't seen anything good from From Software since AC/FA and their "Tactical" game was more or less a joke there is NOTHING that compares with MWO in the tactical mech shooter arena. Win by default.
Customization is decent. Emphasis on team co-operation. Emphasis on build intellect. Emphasis on skilled play AND decision making. Target prioritization. etc:
And I can hear it now "Yes but WoT does exactly this as well... so..." And yes WoT DOES do similar things but... you can't really bring a Spahpanzer Ru251 into a Tier 3 game now can you? Running whatever you want is highly dependent on what tier level you'd be at. MWO bucks this by having a weight for your group but really that's more about firepower than it is impossibility. (seriously for those of you who haven't played WoT a Tier 3 tank vs a Tier 6+ tank would be a near impossible fight with only very very specific exceptions. Not to mention RNG rolls for damage etc: MWO doesn't have these issues.
Now for PGI itself... this won't be as difficult as you think if you follow my examples.
The only competitor I see to PGI right now in the Mech arena is From Software, hands down and if their last three games or so are any indication of what is going to happen to my beloved Armored Core, then they may as well not even make it. Despite how many people might love Dark Souls / BB the series has gone downhill sharply (just like Berserks protagonists life in the beginning). They've taken things that used to be unique or fun about the PvP in the game and absolutely shat on it for sales to a term I'm not comfortable using.
Similarly PGI has nerfed things into absolute oblivion. so you may be thinking "I don't understand where your going." Consider that in MWO many builds remain viable if not meta. You can run a shadowcat /w 2LPL's or 2-3 ERL's and get away with that shenanigan. Mad-IIC laser vomit mechs that shouldn't do well but do. The everything that is the Locust. You have many ways to actually get into matches and enjoy the game and its mechanics. I'd say the fact that I can and have gotten away with running XL's in the IS Marauder alone is a decent example of what you can get away with and do so successfully. That kind of diversity died in From's titles long ago and not just in the mechaverse, arguably Armored Core was spared the Dark Souls treatment to some degree... but that's another grey area i'd rather not get into here.
"Why compare the two?" Because its relevant to what you're seeing here.
Fanbase that's allover the place in origin shows up at one location, and the mixing never goes perfectly. in Dark Souls its RPG / Mecha SP guys VS the ones who've been doing PvP the entire time and both of these draw different crowds. MWO is easily in the same boat. We have lore guys from the TT days, Noobs like myself from the MW:Merc days (its the one i remember the most) and others from the extended universe and who deeply care about the lore. All of this hits in one place and we have pretty solid community for it. However it separates the views on what SHOULD be in the game and any direction taking a divergent path from that immediately ruffles the feathers of the opposing, often larger, faction in this particular case.
All I want from MWO is a Mechwarrior PvP game that allows me Team based tactical combat on some level where skill, build, and decision making matter. Could it be done better? perhaps. But it delivers on that and it's not a blistering speed game like UT2k+ or touchy like Overwatch and Q3A.
What we need as so many of you have said in the past is new content and direction. We might just get some of that with the future tech this summer. And if i'm honest I don't even care how balanced it is for the first week or two. let that **** just go and see where the dust settles. Hopefully they don't kneejerk nerf anything right out of the gate like way to many companies do these days. Maybe I'm a naive fool who throws out long posts and takes way to deep of a look at how many companies mis-handle updates and perception of balance.