UPDATED 2017-06-10:
Updated 2017-06-24:
Updated 2016-07-11:
Another take with changed values after a lot of feedback in multiple threads.
As the release of 3060 tech was announced, I re-thought the whole weapon and TTK discussion and came up with the following agenda to achieve the goals.
Are you agreeing with the goals?
Are you agreeing to the means to achieve these goals?
Are all edge-cases covered?
A.) Make mechs feels huge and powerful
B.) Increase TTK
C.) Make arm-weapons important
D.) Increase performance of low hardpoint variants vs boats
General changes:
- G-1) Increase all Internal Structure by 100%
- G-2) Reduce Torso movement speed values by ~50% -> (already done by Skill Tree base lining / Engine desync)
- G-3) Reduce overall weapon efficiency to deliver damage to one spot (see E-1 / B-1 and M-1)
- G-4) Reloading increased by 25% for each weapons per type at a time (more details below for each weapon type) to reduce boating efficiency
- S-1) Increase total number of nodes per attribute by 100% (double) (e.g. able to skill 20% cooldown if investing that much)
- S-2) Add Nodes for PPC auto-charge speed (25%)
- S-3) Add Nodes for Gauss charge speed (25%)
- S-2) Add Nodes for AC Burst duration (25%)
- S-2) Add Nodes for Missile volley stream duration (25%)
Energy Weapon specific changes:
- E-1) Reduce PULSE Laser cooldowns, damage and heat by ~50-70%
- E-2) Increase all Standard/ER beam durations by ~25%
- E-3) Increase Heavy Laser beam duration to 150% of IS counterpart
- E-4) PPCs have unique Direct-to-Splash ratios depending on range.
- E-5) PPCs (all classes) will gain a 0.5s - 1.0s fire-delay (auto charge)
- E-6) Only 2x PPCs can be fired/charged at a time (Gauss can not be charged at the same time)
- E-7) PPC Capacitors are used as a separate weapon in the weapon groups to charge the extra 5dmg/5heat and generate permanent 0.5 heat per sec while charged – charge time as PPC cd
- E-8) Reloading more than 1x PPC, 1x LL/LP, 2x ML and 4x SL at a time is increasing the cooldown of the next weapon by 25% each
Missile Weapon specific changes:
- M-1) All missiles fire in streams
- M-2) Reloading more than 20LRM, 20MRM, 12ATM and 12SRM/Streak ammo at a time increases the cooldown of the next weapon by 25% each
Ballistic Weapon specific changes:
- B-1) All ACs fire in streams (LBX excluded)
- B-2) UACs gain 1x projectile per volley instead of Double-Tap ability
- B-3) Rotary ACs use more projectiles for a volley and increase the ROF and reduce cooldown over time
- B-4) Only 1x Gauss can be charged at a time
- B-5) When charging a Gauss, all energy weapon reloading is paused
- B-6) Gauss CD is reduced by 50%, but Charge time and Charge-hold time is doubled
- B-7) Reloading more than 1x Gauss, 1x AC20, 1x AC10, 1x AC5 or 2x AC2 at a time increases the cooldown of the next weapon by 25% each
E-1, M-1 and B-1 will increase TTK even with big alphas, as the damage is much more spread if the shooter is not very skilled.
E-8, M-2 and B-7 will further increase TTK, as boating weapons will have lower DPS from reload limits. Players have the choice between burst (boating) or sustained dps (less hardpoints used).
Weapon values
- Pulse Lasers have reduced cooldown, but also reduce damge and heat, so you would need more face time for higher dps (dakka like ACs)
- Pulse Lasers have the highest dps
- Heavy lasers have longest burn durations and cooldowns cooldown, but good dps and heat values
- Standard/ER lasers have average stats, but lower dps than Pulse/Heavy Lasers
- all PPCs have unique splash per range, if possible, otherwise PPC, SNPPC and HPPC/cERPPC have splash (and get lower heat) while ERPPC and LPPC do not have splash (updated) but keep their high heat
Changes E-1, E-2 and E-3 (Laser)
Changes for E-5 (PPCs)
PPC Classes
PPC autocharge and velocity (the old alternative balancing idea included auto-charge)
PPC Splash distribution (E-4) with graphs!
The latest table above just shows 2 splash dmg for PPC(8+1+1), SNPPC(8+1+1) and HPPC(13+1+1) for simplicity
If using constant ratios, my suggestion would be this:
That way you get more total damage from HPPC and still can combine quite nicely the LPPC with the other types and also not making multiple LPPCs stronger than the other types (considering 2x LPPC would be 6+2+2 and normal PPC would be 8+1+1).
- all ACs use more bullets which increases difficulty to bring all damage on target
- Gauss requires longer charges which increases difficulty to use in brawl efficiently (might not be enough to prevent Gauss of beeing the only good PPFLD weapon) but also gets shorter cd and longer hold time to compensate the longer charge time.
Changes B-1, B-2 and B-3 (ACs)
AC Classes
Base IS is 0.1s per bullet
Base Clan is 0.15s per bullet
some older alternative ideas for UAC and RAC bursts:
Changes for B-6 (Gauss)
- longer cooldown for all missiles
- Stream-fire every missile
- Missile velocity increased for LRM/MRM + can skill velocity and volley duration
- (optional for more skill dependency) Streak/LRM lock mechanic changed to aquire 5 target components (e.g. 2x LT, 1x CT, 1x RT, 1x RL) for each 5 missiles.
Missiles (IS)
Missiles (Clan)
Missile volley stats:
IS LRM 0.25s volley duration per 5 missiles
Clan LRM 0.4s volley duration per 5 missiles
MRM 0.4s volley duration per 5 missiles
ATM 0.3s volley duration per 3 missiles
SRM 0.10s volley duration per 2 missiles
SSRM 0.15s volley duration per 2 missiles
Missile cooldowns:
Boating example calculation
Player1: 1xERLL, 2x ML build vs Player2: 2x ERLL, 4x ML build vs Player3: 3x ERLL, 6xML build
ML 3.0s cd, 1.2s beam - 5dmg, 3.6 heat
erLL 4.5s cd, 1.6s beam - 8dmg, 7.0 heat
4x PPC boat:
PPC 6.0s cd, 0.8s autocharge
Edited by Reno Blade, 12 July 2017 - 09:34 AM.