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Patch Notes - 1.4.101 - 24-Jan-2017

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#261 MovinTarget


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:13 AM

View PostSilentFenris, on 23 January 2017 - 04:57 AM, said:

Different can only be equal in theory, but you can give advantages that make each one a better performer under certain conditions.

The real test of having different but balanced XL engines would be:
1) break Battltech game lore (which PGI has done on other occasions) and give both Clan and I.S. House mechs access to both engine types. I don't think any pilot except lore buffs would not take the Clan XL in their mech currently.
2) apply advantages (like structure and cooling quirks) to each engine type until Clanners start ripping Clan XLs out of their IIC mechs and I.S. pilots choose the I.S. XL over the Clan.
3) Dial the advantages back half a step from the point the meta playerbase converted from Clan XLS to I.S. tech.

This process would at leasr get the XL engines close to balanced. It might help Standard engines to get more love too.

I personally do not believe that 1 I.S. mech should be equal to 1 Clan mech , but if different but equal is PGIs course this is one way to accomplish it.

The trick is that its not about just engine balance. IS gets a lot of buffs simply because of crappy xl engines... so if you change ine aspect like engines , you have to look at the system as a whole...

#262 Tarriss Halcyon


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:18 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 23 January 2017 - 04:47 AM, said:

In fairness, the mounts on the Orion are why it'll never be seen as "meta" but anyone who's ever run into someone who's taken the time to really get to know and learn that chassis should know not to underestimate the thing. hell, the fact a lot of mechs DON'T have easy-aim hardpoints can actually give pilots who've taken the time to..well.. for lack of a better word, bond with the chassis an advantage, as opponents either have no idea how to counter said mech (since they've hardly ever fought it), and surprise the ones that have in the past by being far more accurate and possibly devastating than they're used to.


honestly, Metabuild guys would get a lot less kills if other people stopped getting instantly intimidated by the mech itself. I've bullrushed dozens of Meta-built Dires, Kodiaks, etc in my Yen-Lo, and it actually tends to surprise the hell out of them about 80% of the time, and usually even tends to screw their aim up, thus helping my survivability, and given my team a chance to nail them while i take fire.

That and also.. Metabuilds usually have some pretty glaring weaknesses, which, given how commonly they tend to show up, usually become pretty well known pretty fast, like, say, the fact that Streak Crows with just SSRMs actually kinda suck at doing appreciable damage to IS mediums other than the Cicada, or the fact the Kodiak, like all Clan Assaults has a pretty borked torso turn, meaning an attack from both sides and/or the rear generally means the poor sap can't even retaliate before it's maimed or destroyed, which is why it's pretty rare to see a Kodiak alone. Granted, an assault alone isn't a good idea anyways, but a fair amount of them would at least stand an appreciable chance of tearing one of their attackers a new one in that situation just by virtue of the fact they'd actually be able to get a firing arc on on them.


Thank you! This is something I've been saying for a very long time, and it's something that most players fail to realize. I'm one of those players who can wrack in strangely high scores in off-meta mechs. I mean, among the players I do group queue with; when I play with them, they know they're in for a treat when I pull out an Adder; or an Ice Ferret, or a Gargoyle... hell; I've got photos showing 1150 damage, eight-kill match using a Streak Dog. And that's just on the Clan side; I've done some pretty cool things with off-meta IS mechs as well.

Now; on the point of meta mechs; the over-prevalence of them at higher tiers actually can play into the favor of pilots who learn the weaknesses... but take the time to master off-meta picks. I very rarely run meta builds on my mechs because I like to experiment with the things I can do with less-seen sets. For example; the old meta of the 2xERLL Raven-3L had one key piloting failure; and that was pilots standing still for maximum burn time... relying on the ECM to stop them being seen. As if a giant blue ruler wasn't giving away their position every time they hit the trigger... The counter to those mechs was simple counter-sniping. Now; the more modern metas... well; every mech has it's flaws. The Kodiak; barring the Spirit Bear; is roughly as agile as an Atlas; so while they have great firepower in the front arc; anything that gets to the side or behind them has the upper hand. Spirit Bear normally runs contrary to that thanks to MASC letting it hit up to 80kph; but to negate the traditional Kodiak weakness; it also loses space on-board for weapons and equipment. Dire Whales are just plain slow and easy to hit; with zero ability to react to anything that attacks from the side or behind with the common sense to keep moving when it tries to turn. As far as the IS is concerned, the weaknesses are mostly build-based; since some chassis are gated by the meta use of the XL; while others are gated by hardpoints. But even then... they've got weaknesses in maneuverability; firepower, or armor.

The key here is learning not to sheep other pilots; not to purely play the flavor of the month, but to experiment and find how you pilot best. Things that are meta are meta because they offer lots of damage over time for barrage fire (UAC boats; laser boats) or they've got good pinpoint damage (PPC/Gauss snipers). But; why do you think that lore mechs have such stupid builds? Because over-specialization is a huge problem; and most meta mechs fall into that trap.

#263 MovinTarget


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 07:23 AM

That's thing about meta. Its the specialization of a mech to maximize its potential in certain scenarios. There are not many meta mechs that can solo drop in QP and do well, unless:

1) the mapw/mode is conducive to your meta
2) some set of teammates are similarly equipped so that you can mount an effective line/manuever together
3) the other team has more potatoes than your team

Since you have no control over *any* of these factors, meta is better served/represented in FP or comp play where at least the first 2 variables can be eliminated.

This is why i don't use the "use what comp players use" argument much... the majority of mwo players do not operate in such a controlled environment and may be better off bring a varied loadout to QP than meta so they can function on some level regardless of the map/mode.

Not trying to take anything away from comp, its just a different beast.

Edited by MovinTarget, 23 January 2017 - 07:24 AM.

#264 SilentFenris


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 12:41 PM

View PostMovinTarget, on 23 January 2017 - 05:13 AM, said:

The trick is that its not about just engine balance. IS gets a lot of buffs simply because of crappy xl engines... so if you change ine aspect like engines , you have to look at the system as a whole...

I stand by my suggestion even though I do not believe in the cause. PGI should make both XL Engine types available to all mechs capable of changing engines. With that done they can then play with all the other weapon/hardpoint/hitbox/movement balance issues.

#265 John McHobo


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 01:35 PM

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 21 January 2017 - 06:03 PM, said:

What exactly do you have in mind? My ideas are much more global and I generally tend to accept mechs as they are without counting on nerfs or buffs until they exist.

That is what troubles me the most.
Its one of those weird mechs that sacrifice firepower for mobility and are bad at boating weapon systems, and right now this seems to put a mech in MWO in a generally bad spot. It seems to me that the Linebacker suffers the same fate (I took a break during its release date and now they seem to be extinct.
The Cicada can boat weapons, and I think that is what saves it.
Other than boosting the mobility niche these mechs reside in I see no possible solution, and: No, I don´t even know how to boost it.

#266 SuperFunkTron


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 01:45 PM

View PostJohn McHobo, on 23 January 2017 - 01:35 PM, said:

That is what troubles me the most.
Its one of those weird mechs that sacrifice firepower for mobility and are bad at boating weapon systems, and right now this seems to put a mech in MWO in a generally bad spot. It seems to me that the Linebacker suffers the same fate (I took a break during its release date and now they seem to be extinct.
The Cicada can boat weapons, and I think that is what saves it.
Other than boosting the mobility niche these mechs reside in I see no possible solution, and: No, I don´t even know how to boost it.

When you present it like that, the only thing I can think of is to treat it like the summoner, which means great shorten the weapons cool down and heat production (or dissipation) so it can contribute more fire from fewer weapons.

edit: Could you imagine the "light rush" that you could accomplish with a dozen ice ferrets? I think we would be better off not advertising this mech so it doesn't get too popular :P

Edited by SuperFunkTron, 23 January 2017 - 03:27 PM.

#267 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 01:57 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 20 January 2017 - 12:58 PM, said:

Hunchback IIC:

Adjusted both forearms so that they point straight down, rather than flare out at an angle.

Does this mean that the Clan Hunchback will no longer have the flappy wings? Where is Bishop? Did he miss this?

#268 Arkhangel


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:09 PM

View PostTarriss Halcyon, on 23 January 2017 - 05:18 AM, said:

Thank you! This is something I've been saying for a very long time, and it's something that most players fail to realize. I'm one of those players who can wrack in strangely high scores in off-meta mechs. I mean, among the players I do group queue with; when I play with them, they know they're in for a treat when I pull out an Adder; or an Ice Ferret, or a Gargoyle... hell; I've got photos showing 1150 damage, eight-kill match using a Streak Dog. And that's just on the Clan side; I've done some pretty cool things with off-meta IS mechs as well.

Now; on the point of meta mechs; the over-prevalence of them at higher tiers actually can play into the favor of pilots who learn the weaknesses... but take the time to master off-meta picks. I very rarely run meta builds on my mechs because I like to experiment with the things I can do with less-seen sets. For example; the old meta of the 2xERLL Raven-3L had one key piloting failure; and that was pilots standing still for maximum burn time... relying on the ECM to stop them being seen. As if a giant blue ruler wasn't giving away their position every time they hit the trigger... The counter to those mechs was simple counter-sniping. Now; the more modern metas... well; every mech has it's flaws. The Kodiak; barring the Spirit Bear; is roughly as agile as an Atlas; so while they have great firepower in the front arc; anything that gets to the side or behind them has the upper hand. Spirit Bear normally runs contrary to that thanks to MASC letting it hit up to 80kph; but to negate the traditional Kodiak weakness; it also loses space on-board for weapons and equipment. Dire Whales are just plain slow and easy to hit; with zero ability to react to anything that attacks from the side or behind with the common sense to keep moving when it tries to turn. As far as the IS is concerned, the weaknesses are mostly build-based; since some chassis are gated by the meta use of the XL; while others are gated by hardpoints. But even then... they've got weaknesses in maneuverability; firepower, or armor.

The key here is learning not to sheep other pilots; not to purely play the flavor of the month, but to experiment and find how you pilot best. Things that are meta are meta because they offer lots of damage over time for barrage fire (UAC boats; laser boats) or they've got good pinpoint damage (PPC/Gauss snipers). But; why do you think that lore mechs have such stupid builds? Because over-specialization is a huge problem; and most meta mechs fall into that trap.

Damn straight, Tarriss.

I may be tier 5, but that's mostly because ( a ) i play this game to have fun and ( b ) i play a bunch of other games on the side too and ( c ) well... the fact is, I die alot because i'm not one of those pansy "omg my paint might get scratched" pilots. I don't charge in stupidly, but i'm ALWAYS willing to sacrifice myself to give the team an opening, Bodyblock a shot meant for a friendly, or to tank fire so the guys charging in behind me don't have to.

SOMEONE has to take one for the team in a charge. learn to disregard individual survival and focus on what's best for the team. I've led tons of pushes in my AS-7S and lived through it simply for the fact that people a vast majority of the time WILL follow someone willing to get shot for them. It's honestly something I've noticed a crapton of Assault pilots need to learn. I mean, they're even called "Assaults," for God's sake! Assault things with them!

Edited by Arkhangel, 23 January 2017 - 05:13 PM.

#269 ingramli


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:25 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 23 January 2017 - 05:09 PM, said:

it simply for the fact that people a vast majority of the time WILL follow someone willing to get shot for them. It's honestly something I've noticed a crapton of Assault pilots need to learn. I mean, they're even called "Assaults," for God's sake! Assault things with them!

Agreed. I am riding a Warhammer with a isXL engine, i do not stand in the front not because i dont want the paint will get scratched, but because a single ST blown off will send me spectating ---- at the speed of light, a mech that cannot withstand a ST loss is simple unsuitable for this role.

The worse thing is, in invasion game (IS > Clan), IS mechs are forced to do so because they are out-ranged, and we get slaughtered when we are attempting to get close, in many occasion a ST kill, because torso twisting wont do much good to our longevity .

Edited by ingramli, 23 January 2017 - 05:26 PM.

#270 Edward Hazen


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:30 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 23 January 2017 - 05:09 PM, said:

Damn straight, Tarriss.

I may be tier 5, but that's mostly because ( a ) i play this game to have fun and ( b ) i play a bunch of other games on the side too and ( c ) well... the fact is, I die alot because i'm not one of those pansy "omg my paint might get scratched" pilots. I don't charge in stupidly, but i'm ALWAYS willing to sacrifice myself to give the team an opening, Bodyblock a shot meant for a friendly, or to tank fire so the guys charging in behind me don't have to.

SOMEONE has to take one for the team in a charge. learn to disregard individual survival and focus on what's best for the team. I've led tons of pushes in my AS-7S and lived through it simply for the fact that people a vast majority of the time WILL follow someone willing to get shot for them. It's honestly something I've noticed a crapton of Assault pilots need to learn. I mean, they're even called "Assaults," for God's sake! Assault things with them!

Sacraficing yourself for the sake of the team is good, if you are certain that you would not be able to contribute more by playing more carefully. However, I disagree that if you play in an assault Mech that you should always charge forward, assaults in MWO are not the nearly indestructible juggernauts that they are in TT, in MWO Assaults are huge, slow gun platforms that need to be played carefully in order to avoid getting torn apart before you can contribute any meaningful amount of damage.

View Postingramli, on 23 January 2017 - 05:25 PM, said:

Agreed. I am riding a Warhammer with a isXL engine, i do not stand in the front not because i dont want the paint will get scratched, but because a single ST blown off will send me spectating ---- at the speed of light, a mech that cannot withstand a ST loss is simple unsuitable for this role.

The worse thing is, in invasion game (IS > Clan), IS mechs are forced to do so because they are out-ranged, and we get slaughtered when we are attempting to get close, in many occasion a ST kill, because torso twisting wont do much good to our longevity .

If you want to tank, take a standard engine, if you want to go faster and hit and run, then take an XL, it is not rocket science.

#271 ingramli


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:41 PM

View PostS0ulReapr, on 23 January 2017 - 05:30 PM, said:

Sacraficing yourself for the sake of the team is good, if you are certain that you would not be able to contribute more by playing more carefully. However, I disagree that if you play in an assault Mech that you should always charge forward, assaults in MWO are not the nearly indestructible juggernauts that they are in TT, in MWO Assaults are huge, slow gun platforms that need to be played carefully in order to avoid getting torn apart before you can contribute any meaningful amount of damage.

If you want to tank, take a standard engine, if you want to go faster and hit and run, then take an XL, it is not rocket science.

Taking a STD is not a viable option under the current reward system, people earn most by kill blow, kill assist or most dmg dealt, but u dont really get paid by absorbing dmg, on the other hand, a clan mech can do BOTH, a KDK-3 can both tank, and wreak (a lot of) havoc at the same time, but a Atlas with STD will either being outgunned, or lack of speed to close in, and i am unsure if u want to put a engine in it that send u off spectating by ST loss deathTM, IS have to give up something, where clan dont have to.

Edited by ingramli, 24 January 2017 - 04:49 AM.

#272 Edward Hazen


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 06:56 PM

View Postingramli, on 23 January 2017 - 05:41 PM, said:

Taking a STD is not a variable option under the current reward system, people earn most by kill blow, kill assist or most dmg dealt, but u dont really get paid by absorbing dmg, on the other hand, a clan mech can do BOTH, a KDK-3 can both tank, and wreak (a lot of) havoc at the same time, but a Atlas with STD will either being outgunned, or lack of speed to close in, and i am unsure if u want to put a engine in it that send u off spectating by ST loss deathTM, IS have to give up something, where clan dont have to.

As I have said before, MWO is a "BATTLETECH GAME" and in BATTLETECH, Clans have superior technology during the Clan Invasion era. IS standard and XL engines work the way they are intended to in this game and Clan XLs do too (although they are slowly being neutered). It is the "flavor" aspects of this game that make it worth playing and is the only reason BATTLETECH and Mechwarrior fans pour money into it and keep it available for people to play free or not.

#273 Carl Vickers


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 07:01 PM

View PostS0ulReapr, on 23 January 2017 - 06:56 PM, said:

As I have said before, MWO is a "BATTLETECH GAME" and in BATTLETECH, Clans have superior technology during the Clan Invasion era. IS standard and XL engines work the way they are intended to in this game and Clan XLs do too (although they are slowly being neutered). It is the "flavor" aspects of this game that make it worth playing and is the only reason BATTLETECH and Mechwarrior fans pour money into it and keep it available for people to play free or not.

As I have said before, MWO is a game BASED on BT, it is not wholly BT and never will be due to TT rules not translating to a FPS. The game you want is MWO 5 or the BTech game due out in a few months.

#274 VoodooLou Kerensky


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:02 PM

I guess no New and Improved Launcher/Patcher on Monday before Patch day :( Purposefully didnt make plans for tonight to get it ah well such is life.

#275 Edward Hazen


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:47 PM

View PostCarl Vickers, on 23 January 2017 - 07:01 PM, said:

As I have said before, MWO is a game BASED on BT, it is not wholly BT and never will be due to TT rules not translating to a FPS. The game you want is MWO 5 or the BTech game due out in a few months.

Posted Image

Sorry, but when you launch the website it says "A BATTLETECH GAME" not "A GAME BASED ON BATTLETECH". Yes, I agree that PGI should have just left the timeline at the 4th Succession War and never introduced Clans into the game, but the genie has been let out of the bottle and we have Clan Mechs, which should be Clan mechs, not just Clan Mechs in appearance only. I know many of you people will cry and whine until PGI breaks down and makes all mechs the same with only the only difference being the skins, then you can have your COD with robot skins, I just hope BATTLETECH and MW5 are out before that happens.

Edited by S0ulReapr, 23 January 2017 - 09:51 PM.

#276 PraetorGix


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:55 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 20 January 2017 - 03:21 PM, said:

Clans with lose 40% of their engine HS upon ST loss with XL equipped.
IS lose 100% of their Engine HS upon ST loss with XL equipped.

Clans get a partial speed reduction upon XL ST loss.
IS gets a 100% speed reduction (renders you immobile) upon XL ST loss.

Clans lose ~ half their weapons and heatsinks upon XL ST loss.
Is lose 100% of weapons and heatsinks upon XL ST loss.

Are Clanners complaining about how bad their XL engines will become after the nerf?

No, we are complaining about the fact that we CANNOT CHOOSE to equip another engine, not even a different rating of engine in most of our mechs. Nerfing something we're stuck with is not comparable to nerfing something we can readily discard and replace,

#277 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:02 PM

There's still no download link for the new pathcher or did I miss it somehow? It's already Thuesday in Europe.

#278 Carl Vickers


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:25 PM

View PostS0ulReapr, on 23 January 2017 - 09:47 PM, said:

Posted Image

Sorry, but when you launch the website it says "A BATTLETECH GAME" not "A GAME BASED ON BATTLETECH". Yes, I agree that PGI should have just left the timeline at the 4th Succession War and never introduced Clans into the game, but the genie has been let out of the bottle and we have Clan Mechs, which should be Clan mechs, not just Clan Mechs in appearance only. I know many of you people will cry and whine until PGI breaks down and makes all mechs the same with only the only difference being the skins, then you can have your COD with robot skins, I just hope BATTLETECH and MW5 are out before that happens.

From Sarna.net

Posted Image

Please note Battletech themed and whats in the yellow box about the description.

Edited by Carl Vickers, 23 January 2017 - 10:31 PM.

#279 MechaBattler


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:44 PM

If their excuse for not buffing IS XL is that it would make the standard worthless. Why not buff the standard as well? It certainly wouldn't hurt to buff it. Being able to lose both side torsos doesn't mean much now that damage is so much higher. Back before Clans zombie mechs were definitely a thing.

#280 Edward Hazen


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:55 PM

View PostCarl Vickers, on 23 January 2017 - 10:25 PM, said:

From Sarna.net

Posted Image

Please note Battletech themed and whats in the yellow box about the description.

Did PGI write that Wiki entry? Probably not, I linked to the logo that PGI made and has on the front of their website.

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