Smell Da Glove, on 21 January 2017 - 06:50 PM, said:
Why is it that isXL change to be like the clan and still be alive and not the other way and clan mechs die which is better balance? Especially if you are trying to help balance STD engines??
if balance is what you are really looking for then why wouod you have their penalty be more significant. Isn't the argument that the clans should have a technological advantage inherently based in lore? Os it worth holding onto if it hurts balance by penalizing one side more?
i actually like some of yoir suggestions for difference between STD and XL engines and think they would be worth exploring however, didnt one of your earlier argument basicallly justify itself by having at the very least a soft foundation on lore?
I'm gonna argue that this is actually what has made this game a twitch FPS instead of a simulator like mechwarrior originally was and that balancing things is easier as a simulator then a FPS. If i had made the game, arm mounted weapons would be able to converge pretty closly but not exactly to the same point. Torso mounted weapons would shoot pretty much straight out from their hardpoint mounts. They would converge by no more then 10 or 15 degrees at best. The aiming reticle would still have the little arm circle but now there would be 2. The torse reticle would be a decent sized circle with a few "X" placed around that circle showing where the various torso mounted weapons are firing.
Something like this?
Lock reducing cone:
Or lock moving the arms to the center (with bobbing on movement):
I don't think we ever get convergence changes.
So the only other way to spread damage is to reduce volley size (e.g. by limiting them with Ghost heat or other means)
I'm still putting out some ideas every now and then, but these are mostly unwelcome, because they nerf this twitch-shooter gameplay too much.
Maybe next time, I will try to get some more ideas from Elite Dangerous or other simulator games to make a better proposal.