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Reasons Why People Pilot Certain Mechs

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#61 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:29 AM

If it fits, I sits.

Seriously. If it feels good to pilot, it probably is a good fit for you. Which is why I'm always in a Kit Fox, despite what others say about it.

#62 Trollfeed


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 03:11 AM

As I grinded 10 million c-bills today so I could get night gyr I noticed that I kept rotating four mechs. Commando death's knell, kit fox, hunchback 4G and viper. Something in them just works for me and I don't get bored playing them.

I think it's their opportunistic playstyles where you create unfair situations for your enemies. I have noticed too that if I get bored with a mech my performance suffers greatly, so I need to pick a mech or build that tickles my fancy at the moment.

For example I used one afternoon with this MAD-IIC-B baiting people with lurms and slaughtering them when they came to get easy kill from stupid potato lurm mara.

Edited by Trollfeed, 24 January 2017 - 03:18 AM.

#63 tatersaladftw


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 04:57 AM

I like playing mechs that the community deems "bad" and then just wrecking hard with them because no one pays any attention. Always drawn to the mechs that seem to underperform.

#64 Ano


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 07:23 AM

For me, the main thing is it needs a minimum level of mobility, so while I own and have at some point mastered Dires, Atlases, KCs etc, they are rarely played. It seems that somewhere around Night Gyr speed seems to the slowest I enjoy for any length of time, and I suspect the JJs play a part in making the NGs seem agile enough for me to enjoy (I guess it doesn't hurt they're currently rather effective, relatively speaking).

After that, it's handful of build and a handful of 'feel' (which might well equate to 'performance', I don't know), with a pinch of looks and a dash of nostalgia.

Also, like a bunch of people have already said, I'm a sucker for buying new mechs, so quite frequently the answer to "what are you playing" is "the mechs I haven't at least elited". Generally I want to master at least one variant of a chassis before I move on, but there have been mechs where after a certain amount of not really enjoying them, I've given up and left 'em in the corner of the garage gathering dust.

#65 adamts01


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 07:45 AM

Since day one in my Jenner, I've been in love with small, fast, agile mechs that let me out-think and out-play otherwise superior machines. Which is why I finally quit MWO, RIP lights.

#66 C E Dwyer


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 08:00 AM

I play what needs mastering.

When there is nothing to master or I get a bit bored, I pull out mechs I like in table top with semi stock builds

#67 Murphy7


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 08:38 AM

Posted Image

I hear what Bishop was saying, regarding Centurions.

Edited by Murphy7, 24 January 2017 - 08:39 AM.

#68 BWS2K


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 08:48 AM

I enjoy my Mist Lynxes. I like being underestimated on the battlefield and I don't mind dying for the team to win. That, and the lovely sensation of six jumpjets on full burn, are really the reason. Thing is, I find most other mechs boring now. Once you find a groove and do well with a tryhard, it feels weak to go to something tried and true, lol

#69 Jables McBarty


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 11:26 AM

View PostYeonne Greene, on 23 January 2017 - 05:45 PM, said:

Try this RFL-3N and go full-ham on targets and to make all the C-bills. Try this 3N if you are a good shot and want to play a tankier Medium. Try this 3N if you like meta-cheese (I promise it runs frosty).

This is the only RFL-3C worth running, in my opinion.

Lol, yeah...I picked up the 3C because I like ballistics and am regretting it. I ran a build similar to yours but didn't have much luck. I ended up doing a STD engine, 2xAC5 and 4xML and have been relatively successful with it. But i'm prolly gonna sell it and pick some Commandos instead (super excited for that engine cap!!!)

View PostSnazzy Dragon, on 23 January 2017 - 07:50 PM, said:

Hero mist lynx: now with 4E torso hardpoints! Posted Image

Yes pls.

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