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Can We Put Jordan Weisman In Charge At Pgi?

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#41 cazidin


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 11:25 AM

View PostRampage, on 24 January 2017 - 11:04 AM, said:

The HBS BattleTech beta was supposed to be in January. Now, it is pushed back to "the next couple months". The completed BattleTech game was supposed to be released in May 2017. Now, it is being forecasted for sometime in 2017.

I am a backer and I have n o problem with this. What game is actually released on time anymore? But the BattleTech crowd is a tough group to satisfy. If there are more delays or other disappointments how long will be before they are calling for Jordan Weisman's or Mitch Gillman's head?

I think MWO is fun and I enjoy playing it when I get the chance. Russ is listening to the community and trying to make changes to improve gameplay. He is also bringing Mechwarrior 5 to us sometime in the future. (Remember what I said about games never being released on time.) That said, you cannot please everyone and some will think that he is never doing enough because of the lofty and unrealistic goals that were set for the game. MWO may not be all that he or we wanted it to be but he deserves credit for dusting off an all but forgotten IP and bringing it back from the dead to the point that now we have MWO and two other BattleTech based games on the horizon.

Thanks to Russ and PGI.

MW:O is still technically in beta, isn't it? I'm OK with BattleTech coming out when it's ready, but you're right. They can't keep us waiting too long.

#42 C E Dwyer


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 11:44 AM

Weisman puts companies together, it would still be the same Dev team doing exactly the same things

#43 Jables McBarty


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 12:28 PM

View PostPjwned, on 24 January 2017 - 04:09 AM, said:

And your response is just some stupid shrugging ASCII face.

The minimap was more or less fine as it was, then Russ & co. came up with some half-baked idea (because they live in La-La Land and never play their own game) to screw with it, and then instead of reverting it back to the way it was or improving it in any real manner, they just left it as some slightly less awful piece of crap because they got bored of it and moved onto something else.

You're just proving my point with that example.

This - like many things in MWO - is purely a matter of opinion.

The original change was categorically bad, which is why there was such outcry.

Subsequent changes have made it functional and acceptable to various degrees to different people.

I for instance like the new minimap. You and RestosIII don't. And perhaps this is what Scout meant with the shrug face--you don't like it, I do, matter of preference.

#44 visionGT4


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 12:58 PM

View PostMystere, on 24 January 2017 - 08:38 AM, said:

Hey, if the OP has a bank account big enough to refund all Clan tech development and purchases, why not? Posted Image

Right after IS players get a refund for their purchases which are becoming more and more obsolete every patch. It is very much looking like you people have won the war - IS continues to go down whilst clan continues to rise.

The rabid screams of entitled 12 year olds has ruined the game.

#45 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 01:07 PM

View PostNT Hackman, on 24 January 2017 - 12:41 PM, said:

What universe are you in where this is actually true?

He is listening. He is making changes. They may not be the changes that you in particular want but there have been a lot of changes and they are based on community feedback. Virtually all the changes to FP except reduced buckets were directly from the community.

Remove Long Tom
Tug of War to decide conflicts
Use existing QP maps and modes to make FP interesting and less one dimensional

I could go on about changes and redacted changes made through 2016 but I am sure that I would be wasting my time because I can tell by your tone in that one sentence that your mind is made up and there will be no swaying it. Posted Image

Edited by Rampage, 24 January 2017 - 01:08 PM.

#46 Mystere


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 01:17 PM

View PostvisionGT4, on 24 January 2017 - 12:58 PM, said:

Right after IS players get a refund for their purchases which are becoming more and more obsolete every patch. It is very much looking like you people have won the war - IS continues to go down whilst clan continues to rise.

The rabid screams of entitled 12 year olds has ruined the game.

You do realize the following:
  • players can and do own both Clans and IS mechs
  • players can and do have alts

right? Posted Image

#47 BluefireMW


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 01:49 PM

You know, that the Licence went to Microsoft and Microsoft gave it to PGI.
So Microsoft is at present in charge of what to do, till 2020.. or so...

#48 Navid A1


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:14 PM

View PostScout Derek, on 23 January 2017 - 10:34 PM, said:

You know, I don't mean to be rude to those to whom I address this to, but here goes;

I don't like it when people say that someone else should be doing the job for them. I absolutely despise it. They have their own job, their own company, and you want to take that from them. what a asinine statement to try and pull sympathy for on a subject.

MWO may have never existed, had Russ and the other two hadn't come together and make PGI. hell, there might've never been Jordan Weisman coming to make the TT BattleTech game that's coming up here soon.

So think about it. MWO IS a fun game. yes, it has its damned problems, like any other game on this world of ours. MWO is actually a pretty successful game for its time.


I'm sorry if that was a white knight, but it's pretty damn stupid to try and take someone's job from them. You would agree with me if this was your job at stake here.

I agree with you derek.

However, it think PGI brought back mechwarrior because of the untapped, financially stable middle-aged fan base, rather than love for the franchise.
MWO is the only game where its fans pay AAA price tags for just a single chassis!

I may be wrong though.

Edited by Navid A1, 24 January 2017 - 02:15 PM.

#49 Scout Derek


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:17 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 24 January 2017 - 02:14 PM, said:

I agree with you derek.

However, it think PGI brought back mechwarrior because of the untapped, financially stable middle-aged fan base, rather than love for the franchise.
MWO is the only game where its fans pay AAA price tags for just a single chassis!

I may be wrong though.

I guess you haven't seen Nexon's pricing for ingame content ;)

#50 Jun Watarase


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:25 PM

View PostScout Derek, on 23 January 2017 - 10:34 PM, said:

You know, I don't mean to be rude to those to whom I address this to, but here goes;

I don't like it when people say that someone else should be doing the job for them. I absolutely despise it. They have their own job, their own company, and you want to take that from them. what a asinine statement to try and pull sympathy for on a subject.

MWO may have never existed, had Russ and the other two hadn't come together and make PGI. hell, there might've never been Jordan Weisman coming to make the TT BattleTech game that's coming up here soon.

So think about it. MWO IS a fun game. yes, it has its damned problems, like any other game on this world of ours. MWO is actually a pretty successful game for its time.


I'm sorry if that was a white knight, but it's pretty damn stupid to try and take someone's job from them. You would agree with me if this was your job at stake here.

That logic can be applied to practically everything. Think of the worst leaders in history, the kind of people that have caused everything ranging from pointless wars to genocides to ****** economies where millions have starved. You could easily argue that they should have kept their jobs as well.

View PostKuroNyra, on 23 January 2017 - 10:43 PM, said:

PGI pretty much maintained the Battletech Franchise alive, you think MW5 Mercenarie would be possible without them?
Or Battletech?

Many people discovered Battletech franchise with MWO. Don't forget that.

Go post this statement on any battletech fansite or the official catalyst forums and watch what happens. I dare you.

#51 Scout Derek


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:26 PM

View PostJun Watarase, on 24 January 2017 - 02:25 PM, said:

That logic can be applied to practically everything. Think of the worst leaders in history, the kind of people that have caused everything ranging from pointless wars to genocides to ****** economies where millions have starved. You could easily argue that they should have kept their jobs as well.


Your post, or my post?

The logic can be applied to an extent. If it involves taking life, on a grand scale, or famine, then I refute to acknowledge it as a job.

And this is a job that does none of what you just said.

Edited by Scout Derek, 24 January 2017 - 02:35 PM.

#52 Coolant


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:31 PM

i happen to like the current president and staff

#53 draiocht


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 03:28 PM

[mod]Due to PGI Staff harassment issues,
this thread is now closed.[/mod]

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