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Year Of The Fire Rooster Event

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#81 Ch_R0me


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Posted 29 January 2017 - 06:13 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 29 January 2017 - 03:54 AM, said:


please, please, please STOP making events depend on other players. It's highly frustrating for plenty of solo players, which are a considerable part of your playerbase.

Getting highest matchscore 6 times took me 6 matches. I won't be able to complete 250 lance formations though.

No matter how much you beg, there is high chance Mr. Puglet Mc. Puggelsworth will decide it's best to wander off alone, staying far enough from your lance to net you 0 lance formation.

Having a disco on your lance? Well, though one, better luck next time, 0 lance formation for you.
LRM atlas that decides is best to spam lrms from 900m away? Well, your decision... try to get lance formations and thereby throw the match, or try to win with 0 lance formations?
"BUT MUH CONQUEST IS FOR CAPPING" dude on your lance? Your choice again, throw the match or get 0 lance formations.

I played FW scouting matches, thinking it would be easy to get lance formations there... well... If i had luck and didn't get "we will gather intel and hide until the dropship arrives" dudes on my team, IS puggels with their LRM Bushwackers usually went down within 30 secs of combat, resulting in like 3-4 lance formation per match.

It's just so incredibly frustrating that the barrier for finishing the event is not dependent on my own abilities, but on how hard my teammates are scrubing it up.

As a soloplayer, finishing the event is basically pure randomness for me.

Here is your well deserved crate, good sir :)
Posted Image

#82 K19


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Posted 29 January 2017 - 10:00 AM

Bushwacker Personal Challenge.... My win this event need play mech Bushwacker ??? plz Respond . Respond.. Respond plz

#83 James Argent


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Posted 29 January 2017 - 11:43 AM

The lance in formation event is not difficult. I had 249 of them by the end of the third day. Here are the 'secrets:'

1. Spare a bit of attention to the radar. If you aren't paying attention to where your lance is, you won't have any chance of being in formation.

2. Play at least a heavy, or better yet stick to an assault. Assaults generally move slow enough to make reacting to someone beginning to go off on his own a lot easier. They also tend to not have any need to deviate from where the main group is going.

3. (This is the big one.) Get out of any form of group queue unless your group can make up a full lance which commits to staying in formation. The solo queue puts you in a lance with other pilots with the closest tonnage to yours, making it impossible that your assault lance will contain some rando in a Locust who will NEVER stay in formation with you (nor should he). If you absolutely must group queue in a partial lance, take company command and put randos with similar tonnage in your lance, then YOU stay in formation with THEM.

#84 Wildstreak


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Posted 29 January 2017 - 03:11 PM

I have played matches since this started and I know and have proof I qualified for for some of it yet when I login at the event page, it shows zero progress for me.

#85 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 29 January 2017 - 03:33 PM

View PostK19, on 29 January 2017 - 10:00 AM, said:

Bushwacker Personal Challenge.... My win this event need play mech Bushwacker ??? plz Respond . Respond.. Respond plz

Yes, you must use a Bushwacker variant for the Bushwacker event.

#86 Morggo


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 08:27 AM

View PostSQW, on 29 January 2017 - 06:08 AM, said:

Ahh, blames others for inability to play as a team then admits he can only play as the lone ranger. The irony...

I find those solo players are all hit or misses. If they get lucky, they'll kill some scrub team that tries to face-time their meta mechs making them believe they are LEET. Other times, they face a co-ordinated team that will focus fire/flank their solo arses leading to claims of "my team sux. Fix MM!".

I get 10-15 lance formation per game unless I'm running a narc scout. Why are you not shielding your team mates or sharing kills instead of trying to solo snipe with your PPFLD build?


Not seeing the issue with the Lance in Formation. I know about 4 or 5 of us in our play group broke out into solo and finished our 250 LiF late Friday/early Saturday no issue. Most of us averaged 7- 15 LiF per match, and we have folks from T5 to T2 so yeah, event was completed pretty much PUG queue no prob?

Edited by Morggo, 30 January 2017 - 08:27 AM.

#87 Lucky Noob


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 04:13 PM

oh look, the changed the 150 Matchscore to 200 lol

#88 Asher420


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 09:36 PM

It is a pity that its one or the other. What if i get top matches and play 13 days in a row? only 5 mil. Same with the lance event. Dedicated players should be rewarded for the excessive grind. Some of us are ignoring our children to play this game!! (Disclaimer: I don't have any kids, but others do.)

Edited by Asher420, 30 January 2017 - 09:43 PM.

#89 YouKnowNothing


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 11:38 PM

View PostAsher420, on 30 January 2017 - 09:36 PM, said:

It is a pity that its one or the other. What if i get top matches and play 13 days in a row? only 5 mil. Same with the lance event. Dedicated players should be rewarded for the excessive grind. Some of us are ignoring our children to play this game!! (Disclaimer: I don't have any kids, but others do.)

the event is designed to be fair and give the same chance to win the prizes to every player, no matter if he plays 2 hours every day or just 4 hours on a week. What you suggest makes the whole purpose of the way the event was designed void.

#90 Desintegrator


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Posted 31 January 2017 - 04:39 AM

This was the easiest event ever !

Just about 10 games to get the 5 million cbills - great !!

You just need to be the best in your team - a very easy task !

Next time you can set this to: GET THE HIGHEST MATCHSCORE OF ALL 24 PLAYERS

Would be a little more difficult, but even then NO PROBLEM.

#91 D V Devnull


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Posted 31 January 2017 - 09:34 AM

View PostDesintegrator, on 31 January 2017 - 04:39 AM, said:

This was the easiest event ever !

Just about 10 games to get the 5 million cbills - great !!

You just need to be the best in your team - a very easy task !

Next time you can set this to: GET THE HIGHEST MATCHSCORE OF ALL 24 PLAYERS

Would be a little more difficult, but even then NO PROBLEM.

Geez... coming from a 'Tier 1' player... Dude, think about all us 'Tier 3' and worse, who need FIVE (5) DAYS OR MORE just to beat things on a "No Lifer" grind. PGI quite likely has the current Challenges on this Event set up almost correctly. About all they needed to do was make it '200 Lance In Formation', instead of '250', in order to have it perfect. Now if only they can manage to propagate these 'Challenge Requirement Designs' to other Challenge types, and add Rewards of 'Paint Colors/War Horns/Supply Keys/etc.' to go with them, then they would have a large sheet of perfection. Frankly, I'm even more glad that PGI decided to provide a "Catch-Up Method" on these Challenges as well, in order to not leave people behind who couldn't get rolling in the first few days, or who wouldn't have enough days to work with, otherwise they would have to turn down the number of days needed on the other side of the Challenges. Being as they're referencing a "Rooster" anyway, they should have used the 'Oriental Lucky Number of Eight (8)', instead of 10 for the 'Day Count Requirement' anyway. But, I'm not really going to nitpick much further here... I'm a High-'Tier 3' that keeps bouncing on the Low-'Tier 2' area, I've got my stuff from this Event, and I'm just going to simply remind you to think of people less fortunate than you, Desintegrator. What are you trying to do anyway? Disintegrate the Community of MWO? Well, I can tell you to just stop being a rude jerk. -_-

~D. V. "Quit trying to shut out most of the community from doing the Event!!!" Devnull

[Edit by author for missed thoughts.]

Edited by D V Devnull, 31 January 2017 - 09:36 AM.

#92 Deadeeye


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Posted 01 February 2017 - 03:54 PM

This event is getting me quite frustrated. I try my best to stay in formation but I'm just one out of 4 brains .... I've wasted so many matches were my assault/heavy lancemate decided to sip pina coladas at the back of the team while the 3 of us are at the front, trying to help the team by soaking up enemy fire. At other times, I am racking up 10-20 lance formations.
I don't think this was a good idea at all.

#93 Willothius


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 12:44 AM

View PostDeadeeye, on 01 February 2017 - 03:54 PM, said:

This event is getting me quite frustrated. I try my best to stay in formation but I'm just one out of 4 brains ....
I don't think this was a good idea at all.

Disclaimer: sarcasm was applied in generous amounts to this response!

See, here's what you do:
Shoot the 2 fastest of your 3 lancemates dead, then just stick to the remaining one! KACHING! Lots of free LIF bonuses.
See, you gotta be smart about this stuff! ;) <<< sarcasm.

Edited by Willothius, 02 February 2017 - 03:10 AM.

#94 D V Devnull


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 02:52 AM

View PostWillothius, on 02 February 2017 - 12:44 AM, said:

View PostDeadeeye, on 01 February 2017 - 03:54 PM, said:

This event is getting me quite frustrated. I try my best to stay in formation but I'm just one out of 4 brains ....
I don't think this was a good idea at all.

See, here's what you do:
Shoot the 2 fastest of your 3 lancemates dead, then just stick to the remaining one! KACHING! Lots of free LIF bonuses.
See, you gotta be smart about this stuff! Posted Image

Uhm... I'm certain that you're totally trolling/joking here... All that would happen to be is a fast way to get banned for repeated "Griefing > Team Killing", as well as a quick way to lose any match and reduce the number of 'LIF' that someone can achieve, so Deadeeye should use the in-game voice and chat features instead to coordinate with their lancemates. :o

~D. V. "A little disturbed that anyone would advocate such a violation on this forum..." Devnull

#95 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 02:58 AM

the lance portion, was no problem, but that's because I play in a unit,
My Alts on the other hand, are struggling just to get 10 lance formations a day, solo pugging.
also missed a couple days, that didn't make it any easier. Some days I do get in a good lance, but not every day. It's all by chance for my Alts and a lot of frustrating moments.

but yeah .. being in a unit and working together made this a easy event to complete, but for the highest score part Posted Image

#96 Willothius


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 03:18 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 02 February 2017 - 02:52 AM, said:

~D. V. &quot;A little disturbed that anyone would advocate such a violation on this forum...&quot; Devnull

Sorry D.V., thought it would be obvious, but I forgot you're back on the forums, so added "sarcasm indicators" to my post!

(But seriously.. It could work...just saying..;))

Edited by Willothius, 02 February 2017 - 03:19 AM.

#97 Deadeeye


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 04:32 PM

View PostD V Devnull, on 02 February 2017 - 02:52 AM, said:

Uhm... I'm certain that you're totally trolling/joking here... All that would happen to be is a fast way to get banned for repeated "Griefing > Team Killing", as well as a quick way to lose any match and reduce the number of 'LIF' that someone can achieve, so Deadeeye should use the in-game voice and chat features instead to coordinate with their lancemates. Posted Image

~D. V. "A little disturbed that anyone would advocate such a violation on this forum..." Devnull

Sarcasm aside, I find the voice and chat features quite useless with PUGs. So Willothius is probably right, I'll probably have to join a unit ... which I can't (a few long-winded reasons). So I'll just rage quietly now Posted Image

#98 meteorol


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Posted 03 February 2017 - 04:51 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 02 February 2017 - 02:52 AM, said:

so Deadeeye should use the in-game voice and chat features instead to coordinate with their lancemates. Posted Image

Topkek. I'm asking people to stay together for lance formations for the event literally every single match i play. In 3 of 4 matches i play, Mr. Puglet Mc Puggelsworth decides it best to run off alone, giving a flying f*ck about the rest of his lance getting 0 lance in formation because of that.

"coordinate with lancemates" is only possible of 3 other people are willing to do this aswell. One single person playing yolo is enough to wreck the whole match for 3 others.

It's pure randomness, really. Some matches people are willing to stay together, resulting in 15 lance in formation. On countless matches, one single scrublord is enough to ruin it for everyone else.

Just terrible event design.

#99 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 03 February 2017 - 05:29 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 03 February 2017 - 04:51 AM, said:

Topkek. I'm asking people to stay together for lance formations for the event literally every single match i play. In 3 of 4 matches i play, Mr. Puglet Mc Puggelsworth decides it best to run off alone, giving a flying f*ck about the rest of his lance getting 0 lance in formation because of that.

"coordinate with lancemates" is only possible of 3 other people are willing to do this aswell. One single person playing yolo is enough to wreck the whole match for 3 others.

It's pure randomness, really. Some matches people are willing to stay together, resulting in 15 lance in formation. On countless matches, one single scrublord is enough to ruin it for everyone else.

Just terrible event design.

Zactly that
why it takes my alts 3-4 hours just to get 10 lance formations, but times can be shorter, if I find a working lance and ask to join group, then it's done quick. problem is finding that coordinated lance starting out Solo pug'ng
what makes it more frustrating, is before match you confirm to stay together, then once game launches, 2 take off to do their own thing.

#100 D V Devnull


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Posted 03 February 2017 - 02:40 PM


Or, heck, any chance we could get at least a free small chunk of (MC) for everyone? Or perhaps, a free WarHorn for the lapse in maintenance given to everyone? Or heck, maybe a free Special-Camo'd Clan Mech for everyone? Meh... maybe I'm looking for too much in response to the N-th bloody annoying Server Crash during an Event, I dunno. -_-

~Mr. D. V. "I'm finally 'torqued off'..." Devnull

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