meteorol, on 29 January 2017 - 03:54 AM, said:
please, please, please STOP making events depend on other players. It's highly frustrating for plenty of solo players, which are a considerable part of your playerbase.
Getting highest matchscore 6 times took me 6 matches. I won't be able to complete 250 lance formations though.
No matter how much you beg, there is high chance Mr. Puglet Mc. Puggelsworth will decide it's best to wander off alone, staying far enough from your lance to net you 0 lance formation.
Having a disco on your lance? Well, though one, better luck next time, 0 lance formation for you.
LRM atlas that decides is best to spam lrms from 900m away? Well, your decision... try to get lance formations and thereby throw the match, or try to win with 0 lance formations?
"BUT MUH CONQUEST IS FOR CAPPING" dude on your lance? Your choice again, throw the match or get 0 lance formations.
I played FW scouting matches, thinking it would be easy to get lance formations there... well... If i had luck and didn't get "we will gather intel and hide until the dropship arrives" dudes on my team, IS puggels with their LRM Bushwackers usually went down within 30 secs of combat, resulting in like 3-4 lance formation per match.
It's just so incredibly frustrating that the barrier for finishing the event is not dependent on my own abilities, but on how hard my teammates are scrubing it up.
As a soloplayer, finishing the event is basically pure randomness for me.
Here is your well deserved crate, good sir