Again, I come back to this sort of comparison/situation...
- A less skilled player, like myself, buys a Hero.
- A well skilled player takes a cbill variant.
Do I have the advantage, and guarantee of beating the skilled player? Not in my view.
I admit to owning nearly every hero in the chassis families that I own. I can definitely say I haven't found pay to win. In fact, generally find I play the cbill variants far more... my 3R way more than my BH. My X5 rarely goes out, but my 3M does. Misery? Nah, prefer several other Stalkers.. list goes on.
And does it matter if you put the highly skilled player in a Hero? Doubtful, given they'd probably beat you in a cbill variant just as easily as the "P2W" variant so what's the real issue. You lost to them regardless.
So, perhaps one can argue that a "P2W" mech
may give less skilled players an advantage over less skilled players but given the nature and abilities of we less skilled players it overshadows that advantage, IMO.
So, my take is there's a perception of P2W, but doesn't really play out in practice. Just my view, but like other's worth a couple pennies.