SuperFunkTron, on 09 February 2017 - 02:39 PM, said:
Seeing as how these "Skills" are actually mostly "physical upgrades", some c-bill cost makes sense if we want to imagine that upgrades have to be made. I am up for a nominal cost, something in the 1-2 million range so that it is a rather small investment as opposed to scaring new players off behind an impossible grind when they are still just trying to find mechs that they like.
Maybe a compromise could be made where the first x nodes are purely XP costs and later nodes start costing c-bills, albeit a significantly smaller than what they have in the PTS right now.
That still comes with the onerous roadblock of hampering respecing to try out new builds or experimentation, which is one of the cornerstones of the game.
I can change the loadout in some of my mechs 10 times in a single night, between looking for something that works for me and just having silly fun. I dont want to be slapped with a 10-20 million dollar bill because I want to play pretty pretty princess with my giant robots.