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When I Am Dumb I Die

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#21 DovisKhan


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 05:16 AM

View PostProbably Not, on 12 February 2017 - 11:27 AM, said:

Maybe something a bit more explanatory than that.

"Stay with your teammates, as this allows you to share armor better and coordinate fire and movement more easily and effectively."

That's step 1

Step 2 would include mech rotation, meaning that a damaged mech gets replaced by a fresher one and takes over the support fire role.

Then there's formations....

That's why you see 12 - 0 quite some times, some people instinctively get it, some respond to voice calls and fall in line with those who understand, others just do potato things.

There is nothing wrong with doing potato things either, sometimes it's much more fun going full on Rambo mode than being all efficient

And sometimes there is nothing you can do, like when I killed all assault lance and half the heavy - and we still lost, cause even with me soloing half the team it didn't matter as it was conquest and i simply couldn't get the caps in time....

#22 LordNothing


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 06:58 AM

View Postmouser42, on 12 February 2017 - 02:35 PM, said:

Posted Image http://steamcommunit...s/?id=573089143 this is a great guide on steam the person who made it did a really awesome job

this should be in the game.

#23 Shiroi Tsuki


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 07:52 AM

If you think about it, positioning is VERY important in a lot of games. FPS like Overwatch and Battlefield where you shoot from, angles and all that stuff. RTS like Starcraft where building placements and unit positioning can sometimes mean victory or defeat and even Facebook games like Restaurant City (anyone ever/remember that game?) where furniture positioning can be the difference between doing decently to maximizing efficiency.

The games I've just mentioned don't have any tutorials in positioning, and yet they're an important part of the game. It's one of those things that you learn through practice and experience and not necessarily something that you can just pick up by doing a quick 5 minute tutorial.

#24 Ted Wayz


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 07:12 PM

View PostShiroi Tsuki, on 13 February 2017 - 07:52 AM, said:

If you think about it, positioning is VERY important in a lot of games. FPS like Overwatch and Battlefield where you shoot from, angles and all that stuff. RTS like Starcraft where building placements and unit positioning can sometimes mean victory or defeat and even Facebook games like Restaurant City (anyone ever/remember that game?) where furniture positioning can be the difference between doing decently to maximizing efficiency.

Are you comparing MWO with games with respawns? Positioning is never as important in games with respawns. You kill me, I know where you shot me from, I respawn and if you haven't moved you die.

MWO does not afford such luxuries. You die you watch until the next match.

Positioning in games that are not dynamic like Restaurant City? Hoping you are really joking here. Why didn't you say Animal Crossing? The crossfire in that game is ridiculous. KK Slider carries a shotgun in that guitar. True story.

Edited by Ted Wayz, 13 February 2017 - 07:13 PM.

#25 MOBAjobg


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 09:48 PM

Eventhough I can be in the best of position, the outcome of match is still a defeat if most of my team mates are fumbling around cluelessly.

#26 Shiroi Tsuki


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 11:09 AM

View PostTed Wayz, on 13 February 2017 - 07:12 PM, said:

Are you comparing MWO with games with respawns? Positioning is never as important in games with respawns. You kill me, I know where you shot me from, I respawn and if you haven't moved you die.

MWO does not afford such luxuries. You die you watch until the next match.

Positioning in games that are not dynamic like Restaurant City? Hoping you are really joking here. Why didn't you say Animal Crossing? The crossfire in that game is ridiculous. KK Slider carries a shotgun in that guitar. True story.

Community Warfare said hello
While other games have different mechanics, the premise are the same. It just means learning in MWO is a little harder.

I didn't say Animal Crossing since I've never played the game or know what it's even about.

#27 Saint Scarlett Johan


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 03:43 PM

View PostUltimax, on 12 February 2017 - 11:34 AM, said:

This is unrealistic to put in a tutorial.

Positioning is at the minimum build & map dependent but also depends on your team.

It represents advanced game knowledge, and tutorials are there to teach the basics - not advanced concepts.

I dunno, it could still teach some basic shjt like pieing a corner correctly, not ridgelining, avoiding certain areas and terrain features.

Pieing corners especially. I see WAY too many people getting right up on a corner to shoot around it and the moment they expose themselves to shoot a guy they get nailed by half a dozen mechs. And if they had rounded the corner around 50m back they could have shot the one mech without getting blasted by him and his five buddies.

#28 Ultimax


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 03:56 PM

View PostSaint Scarlett Johan, on 14 February 2017 - 03:43 PM, said:

I dunno, it could still teach some basic shjt like pieing a corner correctly, not ridgelining, avoiding certain areas and terrain features.

Pieing corners especially. I see WAY too many people getting right up on a corner to shoot around it and the moment they expose themselves to shoot a guy they get nailed by half a dozen mechs. And if they had rounded the corner around 50m back they could have shot the one mech without getting blasted by him and his five buddies.

That is beyond PGI's ability to program and there are vets who still can't do that stuff.

#29 Grayseven


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 05:05 PM

The best teacher is experience. This is why there are tiers. At 5, you are learning the game with others (supposedly) at your level. As you advance, your skills will have advanced unless you are incapable of learning through doing.

I've not met many people who don't learn by doing repetitively. I train people daily in real life and no matter how much I tell them or show them, the lesson never sticks until they actually do it for themselves.

Besides, there are plenty of videos and streamers and endless forum posts and guides that teach by saying. It is up to the player themselves to take those lessons and apply them through practice. All of the material is available if you are willing to put forth the effort to learn. I'd recommend NGNG streams, SideStrafe and MoltenMetal vids. Watch these guys and learn. No one is perfect...mostly because no matter how much you learn and plan, Mr Murphy is always there waiting to throw you a curve ball.

#30 Clownwarlord


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 05:58 PM

The games basic tutorial is not meant to teach you team work, it is meant to teach you basic controls of piloting a mech. If you want to learn basic team work join a unit or group and then work together to learn from the more experienced.

The idea of instantly having this knowledge stems from instant gratification. Sorry to tell you though to be good at a video game outside of a twitch shooter (twitch as in snap movement not the streaming service, sad I have state the differences) you have to actually work hard at the grind, and in learning the concepts you mention usually from watching and experiencing them yourself.

#31 Tsar Bomba


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 06:37 PM

View Postmouser42, on 12 February 2017 - 02:35 PM, said:

Posted Image

this is a great guide on steam the person who made it did a really awesome job

Yep, that's a great post. Read it last year when I got back into the game. Now... look at it again and pay attention to the red assault. His worst crime is getting stuck on a terrible team... seriously, look through it again, and I'm sure you'll agree with me... That poor, poor red assault guy. lol. It's almost like an assault mantra: Those NASCAR noobs, left me again...

Edited by Tsar Bomba, 14 February 2017 - 06:39 PM.

#32 Moomtazz


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Posted 15 February 2017 - 05:33 AM

View PostTsar Bomba, on 14 February 2017 - 06:37 PM, said:

Yep, that's a great post. Read it last year when I got back into the game. Now... look at it again and pay attention to the red assault. His worst crime is getting stuck on a terrible team... seriously, look through it again, and I'm sure you'll agree with me... That poor, poor red assault guy. lol. It's almost like an assault mantra: Those NASCAR noobs, left me again...

When I am in an assault I know that I have to get moving as soon as the match starts. I want to always be moving in the direction of my team. If we develop a stagnant firing line, I want to keep situational awareness so that I can begin moving again as needed.

I never want to have my back to my team because it takes ages to turn an assault 180° and get moving. This means that I may be at the end of the tail at the start of a match, but I will not stop and turn to engage lights that may be getting onto me. I continue toward my group and most of the time they will peel the lights off.

If you are in an assault, don't be afk at the start of the match.

#33 kesmai


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Posted 15 February 2017 - 06:13 AM

You are all mislead.
Dying in this game is art.
Trust me.
I die a lot.

Edited by kesmai, 15 February 2017 - 06:15 AM.

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