Probably Not, on 12 February 2017 - 11:27 AM, said:
Maybe something a bit more explanatory than that.
"Stay with your teammates, as this allows you to share armor better and coordinate fire and movement more easily and effectively."
That's step 1
Step 2 would include mech rotation, meaning that a damaged mech gets replaced by a fresher one and takes over the support fire role.
Then there's formations....
That's why you see 12 - 0 quite some times, some people instinctively get it, some respond to voice calls and fall in line with those who understand, others just do potato things.
There is nothing wrong with doing potato things either, sometimes it's much more fun going full on Rambo mode than being all efficient
And sometimes there is nothing you can do, like when I killed all assault lance and half the heavy - and we still lost, cause even with me soloing half the team it didn't matter as it was conquest and i simply couldn't get the caps in time....