"I want to permanently be able to run another build without changing / reskilling my mech"
Basically, you are almost forced to buy new Mechs in order to circumvent an obstacle placed in front of you by game mechanics. The same applied in the old system with the dreaded "rule-of-3".
But what if you actually wanted to own more mechs, because it actually gives you an advantage? Not against other players, but rather against grind time. This can be easily achieved:
Have owning multiple chassis of a mech variant give you a bonus to XP earned.
I'm thinking about a small bonus here, like 5% - 7,5% for each mech you own after the first of the same variant.
What will this achieve?
- more reason to buy several mechs of the same variant
- faster grinding for those who are willing to spend some of their C-Bills or real money
- Preventing the devaluation of of mech packs (which are geared towards the rule-of-3 system)
- Standard pack: 3 Mechs -> 10% bonus
- Standard pack + hero: 4 Mechs -> 15% bonus
- Standard pack + reinforcement: 5 Mechs -> 20% bonus
- complete pack: 6 mechs -> 25% bonus

After some feedback, I think it would be more suitable to instead grant a discount on SP depending on the number of mechs of a single chassis you own (both XP and C-Bills).
I'm thinking of something like
Price per Node = Original Price / (100% + (10% * # of Variants after the first)) so we get:
- Standard pack: 3 Mechs -> 17% discount
- Standard pack + hero: 4 Mechs -> 23 % discount
- Standard pack + reinforcement: 5 Mechs -> 28% discount
- complete pack: 6 mechs -> 33% discount
Edited by Rizn Nuke, 01 March 2017 - 04:15 AM.