Bud Crue, on 05 March 2017 - 11:23 AM, said:
Can you cite a single historical precedent in the history of this game wherein PGI has removed capabilities from a mech and then subsequently returned that capability?
Also, since you cited to PGI's statement of explanation for the PTS, I feel that in the spirit of full disclosure consider also their statement regarding the design principle of the skill tree:
" Facilitate a drastic reduction of inherent 'Mech Quirks."
There is NOTHING in their statements regarding the skills tree or the PTS that suggests or implies that in any instance will quirks once removed EVER be coming back, yet they do make a clear indication that they want those quirks gone.
I don't care about the reinstating of quirks removed. I care that mechs will be adjusted as needed in the context of the new system. Rather than having a fit about it, I'm going to go with trusting them to balance things accordingly. You can be dramatic about all their previous failures, but there has been a continuous improvement since they split with their partner a few years back, and I'm happy with the progress I've seen over the last 6 months.
oldradagast, on 05 March 2017 - 11:19 AM, said:
Honestly, them "adjusting" things on a regular basis is one of my concerns with this skill maze unless they do away with respec costs entirely. We all know how much PGI loves to balance via dartboard and make random changes. The skill maze now gives them a new method to wildly swing around the hammer of balance, changing things on a whim... but now it will COST me time, XP, and cbills to respec every time they decide to "change everything because our data says so."
I'm not going to waste time or money continuing to play this game or support it financially if the skill maze turns into a way to squeeze players into a constant cbill and XP bleed via endless respecs in the hopes that I'll buy lots of premium time and waste days constantly regrinding my mechs back to par - only to have all that work undone the next time PGI renders one skill group amazing and another useless on a whim.
I don't like where this is going. This, and the removal of the rule of 3 along with most of the "good mechs everyone wants" already being published hints at a new business model. One of constantly regrinding to stay current and "meta" in the latest iteration of the skill maze. That is NOT content, and is a cruel joke to expect us to keep grinding to basically maintain the same level of capability.
I was referring to the adjusting of mechs, not the system. I think some tweaks will need to be made over time, just like any other online game, but I think this is going to be the 1 major overhaul with small balancing to further develop the game.
I'm curious to what their new business model is. I doubt that they are looking to be earning any serious money off of the upgrade system, and just because you don't have to by 3 of a chassis to master it doesn't mean that people won't be interested in buying more than a single variant.
And how do you see arrive at the idea of c-bill/xp bleeding? How drastically do you think you will be adjusting nodes? If there are weapons adjustments, wouldn't you most likely just adjust some weapons nodes, if any at all?
xe N on, on 05 March 2017 - 11:18 AM, said:
You aren't that long with MWO, aren't you?
I've bee around since well before the clan invasion. I've got a good idea of what they seem to prioritize. As annoying as not fixing the victor's tubes is, does it really seem like a high priority issue compared to the other things they have been working on?