Novakaine, on 07 March 2017 - 12:14 PM, said:
Listen to Bud, take a moment and get on the PTS and see for yourselves.
The WTF moment will be quite amazing.
Don't let PGI do this in the usual vacuum.
Then do yourselves another favor....
after that WTF Moment?
Stay On. Test. Test a lot of things. Take two identical mechs, skill one, leave the other unskilled. Try different combos. Why? Because the longer you are on there, the more one actually tries stuff? The less WTF it becomes. Are there things that are still just not "right". Yes. But there is a lot more, in premise that actually is making sense, even if in many cases the specific values may be in question.
Again, what I see is people comparing robots in a vacuum. OH MY GOD!!! This is less so and so than it is live! Without actually testing enough other things to realize.... wait a tick... pretty much EVERYTHING has taken a bit of a performance hit. BOTH factions. Oh, and thnaks to engine Desync... the Clan Heavies aren't all more agile than the IS ones anymore.
Meaning what? That outside of poptarts and turrets.... Clanners probably will on average spend more points on Mobility than the equivalent IS will have to Little things like that really add up. But one doesn't get to start seeing the shades of grey and such unless one is willing to test a lot, with an open mind.
Straight Boats aren't really coming out on average, more powerful (a few cases they may, others less so), but a lot of dual weapon class IS mechs can realyl benefit. I built my CPLT-C1(F) with IIRC no Mobility Nodes. It has a 260std and JJs, and had little issue tracking faster mechs. It wasn't perfect, but it was fine. Survival Buffs on CPLTs are all but worthless, so I skipped those... and since it's a Missile Support unit, no real need to boost the JJs. But I boosted Operations, Maxed the Laser and Missile Tree Nodes, with heavy investment into Sensors and some Auxiliary.... and it was rocking like a boss.
Conversely, my Jester and K2 are a little more Skirmish/Brawly, so they did get Mobility Nodes, and it did make for an interesting contrast.
The point? Most people really seem to be going into it looking at how to replicate the current Meta, etc.... when the whole point is to try to reduce the gap between Meta and Non. I've been running both IS and Clan and it is hard to overcome the inherent Clan Advantages of their XL, Endo, Ferro and DHS, and undoubtedly values will have to be juggled. But this insistence that PGI has some kind of crusade against IS Players (or Clan Ones, which yes, a goodly number of them claim) is just pretty dang dumb, TBH.
Has PGI missed a chance to push Role Warfare by using this system? Sadly, yes, though it does actually provide more diversity than I initially thought.... but it's not some Clan MasterRace plan at the expense of IS Players... since last I checked PGI needs to keep selling IS Gundams, too.
Heavenward, on 07 March 2017 - 12:19 PM, said:
In answer to the OP, i will still play IS mechs 'IF' the changes go live. I enjoy certain IS mechs because i like the designs no modifications to their performance change my mind in that regard.
Also its my understanding that our feedback already resulted in changes to the PTS build, who's to say that wont happen again. So get on the PTS and leave Constructive feedback.
We've had at least 2 changes, between the first PTS last month, and then after a few days in this one. Well tested, respectfully published reviews and critiques are still the most likely to be heard. Not a guarantee they will make changes according to what you want, but we have seen them responding, to this, to the new batch of Heroes, etc. How long this receptive ear will last, IDK, but if people just assume all is wrong, and take other peoples word for stuff...then they realyl have no room to complain later.