Naglinator, on 14 March 2017 - 11:49 AM, said:
Glad there is no IS bias in this... oh wait....
Naglinator, on 14 March 2017 - 12:03 PM, said:
So the IS gets all the normal, cooler lasers and now ALL the ER variants. Leaving the clans with just the new heavy variety which are too hot regardless(ER PPCs will laugh at the Heavy Larges heat). The IS gets all the good AC's and now all the Ultra variants and Rotary. Clans get same ****** UAC's... There is too much PPC/Guass boating so guess what THREE new PPCs and TWO new guass. Yeah, that'll fix the meta. Oh yeah, ALL IS weapons. Clans get the ATM, good thing PGI learned how to code multipe ammo types.. oh wait no. They didnt. So are they streaks, lrms, srms?? Probably just SRMS with more dmg... But that's alright, the clans get new armour types... nope wait... IS.... Oh i forgot, game is now balanced 'cause both sides get the same machine guns....
Outside of Mech 2 Mercs, this was the only 3050 game and it was neat to have some asymmetry. Guess not anymore.
yes it's is bias, because guess what, that era is when Is upped their tech primarily.
And unless we know heat levels and damage values and ranges there isn't much to say about if it's bioased or not.
IS may be better in min maxing terms then because they will now have a lot more different lasers to choose from because with the current way of balance ebtween them, they will have to fill gaps (and give PGI a hard time to proeprly fin niches for all Is lasers then). The problem PGI sits in frotn is really to balance stuff now properly because they had to balance different techs to each other, which made them giving is advantages. Now they would have to cater in that is has a similar tech and the old one.
And given these new balance stuff to be made it was probably mcuh better not bringing the skill tree at this moment.