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Civil War Mech Pack Pre-Order!

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#161 Peiper


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 02:48 PM


Dear PGI, one of the really cool dynamics of the FedCom Civil War was Victor having to win over neutral or reluctant factions to his cause to knock out Katrina. There was also the danger that the other houses and clans would enter into the civil war to take advantage of the weakness of the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth. During this time, deals were made to ensure Clan Wolf did not get involved, and Morgan had to keep all his units like the Kell Hounds and Clan Wolf in Exile where they were to defend against Falcon incursions. In the background there were houses jockeying for position to put their leader on the throne of the Star League. With all these cool political things happening in both the foreground and background of the Civil War - my question is this.

How will all this cool stuff be reflected in the game, or is this just another mech pack and some weapons to play the same-old game with?

a dedicated player and unit leader of a unit full of dedicated players who are bored out of their skull praying for some depth to be added to a game based in one of the deepest sci-fi universes ever created.

#162 Ayrmoon


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 03:05 PM

For those still seeking some answers (but perhaps not all), you might find them here:



#163 MGEEZ


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:00 PM

Hey cool mechs! Also, why is there a decrease of premium time with the with each pack? It used to be 30 days with standard packs. Now it is only 30 days with the Collector's edition. Is it the because of the boosted cockpit items?

#164 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:33 PM

most likely, Mgeez.

#165 Mikayshen


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:34 PM

Why is there no premium time with the Standard packages when everything up until this point had 30 days premium time? Is this going to be the new standard thing for mech packages to come or was this an oversight. An answer would be nice, there's been a fair number of people asking this same question already.

#166 toncrell


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:41 PM

hmm, no banked time, no cbill bonus like the rest, Mechs that really only die hard mw 4 fans wanted,with so may previous time line mechs not even seen the light of day! and then the price for a paint job, I do like the annihilator though, and the tech is nice but their will be tons of tweeking till we can use it correctly. ill pass on this. By the time we can use cbills for these mechs I will have plenty to get the annihilators.I will keep my money till they make the rest of the older mechs that are missing and don't need new tech. To get money one needs to see points of view other then their own!

#167 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:52 PM

Tonc, they're never going to get around to EVERY mech. and there's quite a few that just don't make sense to show up, like the Shogun, which exists in literally singular numbers in the entire Sphere, or the Mackie or Charger.

or, you know, any Melee Mechs, which is cutting out a good two dozen right there.

#168 Shelminator


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:56 PM

no premium on standard packages?
are you kidding? i have noticed for some time..decreasing the value of the pre-order packs.. before there was 2 modules which normally cost milions and more..and now? And even withdraw the premium time? and in collectors it is even not banked?
arent you PGI too greedy? hm?!
The pre-order pack should be something special..you pre-order something, where you do not know how or what it will be..just you see picture and basic specs..you do not have chance to test it or see the traits, etc..and you have to wait few months to even get it..that was a price for get more value for invested money..
without premium in standard..i can wait some time to get the mechs for cbills..not worth it anymore.
I bought previous packages, mostly because it was good value for the money..so you got one month of premium plus 3 mechs and some stuff.. and i can choose when i have time to play and when activate premium, but now?:/

add banked premium time back and i will buy at least one package..
do not, and forget to see my money for pre-orders or maybe at all..i am starting dislike your greediness.. a lot!!!
and what we see in return? hm? when i see this, i am loosing motivation to play and support the game:(

PS: you can withdraw the useless colors..i think, that people who plays a while and have money to buy such packs, have already their favorite colors bought and will use only theirs colors..get instead there premium time or some weapon modules etc..that is more useful and rising the value in our eyes. and btw: who needs cockpit items? there are plenty of it all around.i want some more useful instead;)

Edited by Shelminator, 15 March 2017 - 05:00 PM.

#169 WiNNiep00h


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 05:54 PM

Did i calculate correctly that the Uziel has a max speed of 126 with 390 engine ? and with the speed teak its about 135. with 50 tons thats really nice :)

#170 Twilight Fenrir


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 06:19 PM

Come to think of it... If we're skipping to the FedCom civil war.... Operation Bulldog has already occurred... Meaning the Clans and the IS are basically at peace... (And Clan Smoke Jaguar no longer exists... spoilers)

Not that any of us are likely to care... it's just kind of an amusing ludonarative dissodance Posted Image We'll have to wait for MW5 for any sort of canonicity...

Though, that opens exciting potential for that game, too Posted Image Maybe we'll get to see the Wars of Reaving, or The jih..... oh, crap, just looked, MW5 is based in 3015.... Well, for now, anyway... things change... I remember an awesome trailer for MW: 3025 that turned into MWO... A timeline change would not at all be an unreasonable shift Posted Image

Wait, wait, wait... That game is supposed to be set in 3015... The sneak peak trailer shows a Raven... The Raven wasn't around then.... was it? *Sarna* Nope! 3024! Piranha, you've got some 'splainin' to do!

Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 15 March 2017 - 06:22 PM.

#171 MechLord71


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 06:26 PM

Just in case the marketing/mech design department happens along this thread...big no from me on Annihilator, Madcat Mk II and Cougar.

Insta-buys for me: Owens, Nova Cat, Blood Asp, Templar, Gallowglas, Falconer, Enfield, Stealth, Cerberus, Tai-Sho...I am sure there are more


#172 toncrell


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 06:55 PM

im not talking about melle mechs. I mean crusader,wasp,longbow,devastator, stonerino, gunslinger,grandtitian,Naga etc These mechs we read about or rolled up to play or put in card decks. How would these mechs not be popular to all of us? With all the talk about team play how can you ignor the arrow six play? It would make us use team and lance play like never before with the tag not to mention REAL scouting mechs properly equipped for just that system alone. This is just another pack with very little support and very little value cept the new tech.

#173 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 07:04 PM

Tonc, they're called Arrow IVs, and they're grossly overpowered. that's WHY they're not in here. Same reason the mech-mounted Thumper, Sniper and Long Tom aren't.

and FYI.... every one of those new mechs is actually a powerhouse in its own class. the Cougar might seem slow, but it's a light that punches well above its weight, and can outgun most IS Heavies. The Annihilator.. lives up to its name, and will be the first serious competition the Kodiak and Dire Wolf have for sheer firepower. The Uziel is incredibly fast and Adaptable for a 50 ton mech, and the Mad Cat Mk. II's hardpoint layout and options will make it a force to be reckoned with.

these four Mechs are FAR from useless, and will likely change the face of the game entirely, and would even without updated weapons tech.

#174 toncrell


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 07:32 PM

They can make a reasonable amount of damage for the arrow 4 and as far as the others and my mechs, their part of the cannon. If their not going to keep the lure and pageantry that made this game what it is alive, then perhaps the should call the game something else! The more one waters down the salt of something the weaker the flavor becomes! nuff said!

#175 S Phoenix


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 07:51 PM

To date:
Total number of unique Mech variants: 430
Total number of maps: 20

Don't get me wrong
I don't mind more Mechs being added every month
Would be good if we had 1 map every month as well...
Or a new game mode every 3 months,
Or progress on making FW a more immersive mode - rather than .

Otherwise really it's just this:

Edited by Samurai Phoenix, 15 March 2017 - 08:03 PM.

#176 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 07:59 PM

@Samurai: in fairness, Maps and Game modes go hand in hand, and the current Game modes and Maps don't even work all that well together. We're gonna get Incursion soon, but the big prob there is where the hell do you put a Walled Base on some maps, like Mining Collective? Even with the maps we have, a lot of them favor or disfavor one game mode or another, like Frozen City being horrible for Domination, or Escort on Crimson strait being a pain in the *** for defenders.given how easily predictable the VIP's route is.

#177 Peiper


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 10:31 PM

View PostSamurai Phoenix, on 15 March 2017 - 07:51 PM, said:

To date:
Would be good if we had 1 map every month as well...
Or a new game mode every 3 months,
Or progress on making FW a more immersive mode - rather than .

Like! Big like!

View PostArkhangel, on 15 March 2017 - 07:59 PM, said:

@Samurai: in fairness, Maps and Game modes go hand in hand, and the current Game modes and Maps don't even work all that well together. We're gonna get Incursion soon, but the big prob there is where the hell do you put a Walled Base on some maps, like Mining Collective? Even with the maps we have, a lot of them favor or disfavor one game mode or another, like Frozen City being horrible for Domination, or Escort on Crimson strait being a pain in the *** for defenders.given how easily predictable the VIP's route is.

Easy, two ways to do this.

One, don't make all maps for all things. When voting for map/game mode at the beginning, make it a two part rather than one part step. So, if River City is only good for a couple game modes, then vote for those game modes, then when game mode is selected, vote on map or vice versa.

Second, to both of your points, let the players start making maps. Maps are interesting, and even with the game modes we have, we can make maps for them, or others. Put the player made maps in the private lobbies. Every month have a vote for favorite maps in PL. Those maps are added to the game and the rest discarded.

Either that or re-prioritize artists/manpower to make more maps and less mechs and tech. We need more stuff to DO, not more mechs to do the same thing with.

#178 Saber Avalon


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 10:37 PM

Ok, when you said you were going to change how mech packs are going to work... this is NOT what I thought you had in mind. This is NOT an improvement and I'm not happy with it. I used to be one of the "whales" buying every pack, including multiple gold mechs as support, but I've stopped since these ridiculous single mech pack models started to become the norm and the value spiraled downward with each new one.

The value in these "packs" keeps going down and down. We get fewer and fewer mechs with more, usesless, variants. And they are useless. I haven't used every variant of every mech I've purchased. Usually the 3 I am FORCED to do to master the mech and I hate that as is so don't go making it higher. Now we get even less premium time to boot.

Go to 4 variants per mech and a hero (I'd prefer 4 including the hero but the free-to-play players should get variety too), 60 days premium time, titles have stayed as they are throughout, cockpit items are fine where they are now, early adopter rewards are good in this pack. Reduce prices as follows for Ultimate packs:
Assault mech(4 variants 1 hero): $60 ($12 per mech)
Heavy mech(4 variants 1 hero): $50 ($10 per mech)
Medium mech(4 variants 1 hero): $40 ($8 per mech)
Light mech(4 variants 1 hero): $30 ($6 per mech)

With this sale it'd look like this, for someone who buys everything at top tiers:
Annihlator $60
Mad Cat MKII $60
Uziel $50
Cougar $30
Total: $200 for 4 mechs(20 variants) thats $10 a mech. That's been the norm since the first multi-mech packs came out.

ex/ Clans launch pack $240, 8 mechs (24 variants) $10 a mech. This pack had more variety in terms of mechs but less in choice of variants to master.

Make it 3 setups, similar to what you have now, but NO MORE REINFORCEMENT ADD ON. Get rid of that garbage.
Standard: 4 variants, No special variant included, no hero but option to add. 30 days premium time.
Collector: Special variant included, no hero. 30 days premium time.
Ultimate: Special variant and Hero included. 60 days premium time.

Hero add-on = $10 for ALL mech classes.

ex/ Assault mech:
Standard: $45 w/o hero - $55 w/Hero - 30 days premium time
Collector: $50 - 30 days premium time
Ultimate: $60 - 60 days premium time

Light mech:
Standard: $15 - $25 w/Hero - 30 days premium time
Collector: $20 - 30 days premium time
Ultimate: $30 - 60 days premium time

As these packs are, right now, it's $260 for 4 mechs (24 variants) $10.83 each. Price is creeping up with less to show for it. You are also charging the same price for heavy and assault mechs and that shouldn't be. Again, value.

Edited by Saber Avalon, 15 March 2017 - 10:42 PM.

#179 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 11:28 PM

@Peiper: You can't just "reassign" a Mech Modeler to suddenly be a Map maker. It's quite a bit different of a skillset... that is if you want maps that don't look like ****.

#180 Vellron2005


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 02:21 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 14 March 2017 - 11:37 AM, said:

If I could just ask one thing, pretty pretty please...

PLEASE... don't make the Madcat MK II's missile bays be angled upward? Please?

Make them straight like on the Timberwolf.. unless ATM's are equipped perhaps..

Straight bays would make the mech look sooo much better...

Awesome work on all the other mechs.. good job :D

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