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Less Mechs More Game?

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#21 Alan Davion


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:59 AM

View PostCoolant, on 16 March 2017 - 07:00 AM, said:


Yeah, remember the last time this word came up?

Russ basically told the entire community to STFU and be grateful the game existed at all.

Not a good way to keep your customers paying or playing.

Players will be grateful when PGI demonstrates that they can take criticism on their badly designed maps, game modes, core game mechanics and whatever else they constantly and consistently screw up.

History shows that PGI is so thinly skinned that the slightest perceived affront to them sends them running to hide in a corner somewhere.

They were going to push a still badly thought out and designed skill tree, and several other changes to the live server that would have severely disrupted the game balance, especially for players that don't come to the forums to learn that they're about to be playing a totally different game come patch day.

Try to imagine being a player that doesn't come to the forums, logging into the game after patching and having those HUGE SPIDER WEBS OF SKILLS THROWN IN YOUR FACE~!

More than likely you'd be thinking "WHAT THE F*** IS THIS S***~?!"

Not to mention the engine decoupling which would severely alter the performance of the mechs.

So no, gratefulness does not factor into things, and won't until PGI pulls their collective heads out of their collective a$$es and fix all the crap that they've broken in the game since DAY FREAKING ONE~!

#22 Clanner Scum


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 09:00 AM

I want a solaris arena style, or bigger team game mode or something.

#23 Stone Wall


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 04:35 AM

View PostClanner Scum, on 16 March 2017 - 09:00 AM, said:

I want a solaris arena style, or bigger team game mode or something.

something like this with Duncan Fisher commentating?

#24 Dino Might


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 07:51 AM

View PostDovisKhan, on 16 March 2017 - 02:27 AM, said:

Exactly this, even in a mode with a huge green circle on a minimap most people fail to go into it, so offering anything more would boggle their tiny brains and explode their heads.

This is a shooter with robots, so ROBOTS AND NEW WEAPONS to shoot them with ARE THE CONTENT we want.

I've come to accept that the above reflects the sentiments of the majority. Well, enjoy another arena shooter. I'll be off spending my time elsewhere. I will continue to stop in once in a while to see if anything changes.

#25 KingCobra


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 07:58 AM

Tarogato said (Better roles for light mechs require larger maps. Larger maps mean people playing slow mechs will complain that there is too much idle walking. So we can't have larger maps.)

This was solved in the past PC MechWarrior games by allowing players to pick there mechs after they knew what map and game mode was being played that match.

This was told to PGI 4+ years ago and they have yet to acknowledge the fact the older PC MechWarrior games had it right 90% of the time on game design.

And yes more game content Maps and game modes would be great. I really don't understand PGI they could take all the old maps rename them and use them in different game modes just altering the colors of the sky and terrain.

#26 G4LV4TR0N


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 10:29 AM

View PostKingCobra, on 18 March 2017 - 07:58 AM, said:

Tarogato said (Better roles for light mechs require larger maps. Larger maps mean people playing slow mechs will complain that there is too much idle walking. So we can't have larger maps.)

This was solved in the past PC MechWarrior games by allowing players to pick there mechs after they knew what map and game mode was being played that match.

This was told to PGI 4+ years ago and they have yet to acknowledge the fact the older PC MechWarrior games had it right 90% of the time on game design.

And yes more game content Maps and game modes would be great. I really don't understand PGI they could take all the old maps rename them and use them in different game modes just altering the colors of the sky and terrain.

One of reasons I play CW over QP. Beside Clan vs IS, you can pick mechs for maps. And I actually hate to play with Drop Deck of 4, having just Drop Deck of 1-2 would be better.

#27 Basilisk51


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 12:25 PM

I believe one of the best ways to fix the map issue is to let players pick their mech after the map. So many times i want to try a new mech or loadout and just know its not going to work on one of the 3 popular maps so taking it is way to risky and wont be fun. No point in taking a mech that cant perform on them or at least won't be any fun and throws the game for my team. You couldn't edit your mechs of course just pick which one you want to bring. They could even keep the weight limits from faction or something is they were worried about the weight balance. You could also que as a weight class and it matched based on that then you couldn't pick your mech outside that weight class. So many options to make the game more dynamic and enjoyable

#28 LordNothing


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 02:30 PM

their whole buisness model revolves around shoveling mech packs.so unless they change over to another model, like subscription (and i leave if they suddenly make me pay monthly fees to keep what ive already purchased) or micro transactions. from the get go they should have had more diverse equipment some of which is paid content (though think more along the lines of weapon manufacturer instead of different types, same base stats with some give and take). but since it revolves around mechs thats the content we get.

the steiner map was a kind of an experiment to see if they could apply the model to other content, and frankly without a solo lobby for that its kind of a wasted feature. if they were to expand it to a limited use for everyone model (like 3 drops a day), full use for premium time users, then it might work. otherwise we will get more of the same.

#29 Alan Davion


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 04:18 PM

View PostBasilisk51, on 18 March 2017 - 12:25 PM, said:

I believe one of the best ways to fix the map issue is to let players pick their mech after the map.

Yeah... How about NO~!

No to letting players setup specific mechs for specific maps, because that's what would happen.

Get a big wide open map? Get your sniper or LRMer.

Get a close quarters map? Get your LBX/SRM brawler.




#30 Mystere


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 04:35 PM

View PostTarogato, on 16 March 2017 - 02:21 AM, said:


This is a game that's about shooting stompy robots. Therefore every game mode will revolve around or reduce to shooting the enemy stompy robots. When PGI introduces objectives that don't involve shooting stompy robots, people complain. Particularly because of economy and stats - you don't get the good stuff unless you shoot stompy robots.

Better roles for light mechs require larger maps. Larger maps mean people playing slow mechs will complain that there is too much idle walking. So we can't have larger maps. Go play Living Legends.

Scenarios are for single player or third party leagues. If you want them, go play a Mechwarrior single player game, or wait for NBT or Proxis to start up again.

Uneven sided games are uneven. I don't know why you'd want this, it's not as enjoyable.

For the record, there is a new game mode coming out soon - called Incursion. I believe it will be similar to Assault mode. But it still be team deathmatch, because if it's anything else, people will complain.

This here is the very reason why we cannot have nice things in this game. For something that was billed as a "thinking person's shooter", this game seems to be highly populated by IQs below sea level. <shrugs>

View PostRedDragon, on 16 March 2017 - 03:40 AM, said:

Maybe, juuust maybe this has to do with the fact that PGI is just really bad at developing any content apart from new mechs? It's over 5 years now and they still haven't balanced the game, they still haven't introduced a meaningful and different game mode, they produce maps a a glacial pace, and when they introduce something new, it's either a convoluted band-aid that ignores underlying problems (hello, ghost heat) or is done with the least effort possible (skill tree rework, which basically is just the same placeholder that has been around for 5 years (!), now with nodes and monetized).
People pay a lot of money for this game, so they rightfully expect quality work. And what they get is only work, and most of the time not even that.

With the huge amount of people playing this game as the robot version of Pokémon, I doubt it.

Edited by Mystere, 18 March 2017 - 04:43 PM.

#31 Mystere


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 04:51 PM

View PostCoolant, on 16 March 2017 - 07:00 AM, said:

we had a new skill tree to look forward to, so my advice to those that complained would be that next time something is released on the PTS that you provide constructive criticism along with gratefulness. Consider the ramifications of your actions not looking only at your selfish wants but also those of others. Put yourself in others shoes, see other viewpoints and not only your own.

That is well and good assuming people are thinking something they do not consider garbage is being released. The boisterous (Posted Image) fallout says otherwise.

#32 Mystere


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 04:58 PM

View PostDovisKhan, on 16 March 2017 - 02:27 AM, said:

Exactly this, even in a mode with a huge green circle on a minimap most people fail to go into it, so offering anything more would boggle their tiny brains and explode their heads.

This is a shooter with robots, so ROBOTS AND NEW WEAPONS to shoot them with ARE THE CONTENT we want.

Let us make one thing crystal clear. People do not "fail" to go into the circle. They intentionally refuse to do so. They want someone else to do it and then blame those same people for losing the game for them by getting killed.

#33 TheArisen


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 05:07 PM

View PostMystere, on 18 March 2017 - 04:58 PM, said:

Let us make one thing crystal clear. People do not &quot;fail&quot; to go into the circle. They intentionally refuse to do so. They want someone else to do it and then blame those same people for losing the game for them by getting killed.


#34 dervishx5


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 05:16 PM

You wont be getting much game content that doesn't generate money until Mechwarrior 5 is out.

That's my guess anyway.

#35 Johnny Z


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Posted 18 March 2017 - 05:48 PM

View PostMighty Mutley, on 16 March 2017 - 02:11 AM, said:

I see another boat load of mechs, weapons, etc coming soon. I understand this is most likely to do with revenue stream generation, but the game remains the same more or less, basically since the beta many moons ago.

Is there any ongoing work to look at things like more game modes, more interesting objectives, perhaps bigger games with more players per side. etc?
There's so much that could be done with the system, but the vast majority of the effort seems to go into tweaking this and that and creating new mechs.

I've been 'into' battletech for many years now and whilst this game does what it does very well - the combat is brutal, looks great, feels like battletech, looks like battletech - it misses a lot of the rest. I like to drop and play a few games but they often play out very similar and after a days playing many of my group lose interest for a week or longer, simply because the game is just a 'drop and fight' game, there's nothing further to keep the interest.

Maybe I'm wishing for things that will never happen, but with more interesting game types, better roles for lighter mechs, scenarios, uneven sided games, clan specific sides. etc etc.
This is all stuff that would keep people playing longer, keep them more interested, and ultimately generate revenue as well.

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