Ragnar Baron Leiningen, on 17 March 2017 - 09:07 PM, said:
They didn't
Crit HP is different to Structure and Armor (what you would typically consider HP)
The Crit HP is exclusive to Crits, and Crits will still be dealing the same 15% bonus damage.
There will be no difference in TTK in regards to Crits, or normal damage taken
What you may or may not see is weapons dying more quickly, or more slowly. Certain Clam weapons (and Spheroid 1 slot lasers) were decreased to 7.5 HP
This means they'll die the same to Gauss Rifles (one at a time) and PPCs (same percentage, up to 3)
Lasers and MGs will Crit them out faster, however.
Some Dakka got marginal increases, and will no longer be 1 shot from Gauss Rifles, and rarely from PPCs (they can still do up to 22.5 CritDam @3%, so impossible to 1 shot an AC20 at 25cHP)
Tamerlin, on 17 March 2017 - 10:19 PM, said:
Is it documented anywhere what "spread = 4" really means? 4 meters of spread over every x meters of travel?
Radius, in Meters, IIRC
El Bandito, on 18 March 2017 - 07:21 AM, said:
Bravo, PGI. Bravo. Can we dare hope for balanced Endo/Ferro for both sides, next?
LFF will be so laughable for Clam-Spheroid balance if it isn't adjusted (and simultaneously buffing the ever bad isFF)
Same 7 slots as the Clam FF
Under a third of the benefit
6% VS 20% weight savings
It would be absurd if PGI does that.
No, Potatos, "But Clam Mechs cannot change!"
*Laughs in KDK3*
Jman5, on 18 March 2017 - 08:39 AM, said:
Yeah crits from front loaded weapons do full damage as long as the shot does even a little damage to structure. Good news is I bet you were hit with a PPC or Gauss which are both being nerfed (Because situations like yours happen too frequently with those guns). The UAC/5 has 10 hitpoints and the Guass/PPC will only do 7.5 damage per crit roll. So it will be much less likely to be completely crit off the bat now with those weapons.
If he's talking about the PTS, there was also the issue of Crits rolling 100% of the time (and often 2-3x)
That's hopefully fixed
As well as the Gauss never Critting
DAYLEET, on 18 March 2017 - 10:12 AM, said:
From inside the cockpit or outside? i guess ill find out the 21.
There's also a visual effect from the outside, apparently.
Not sure I've noticed it in live, but a cloud appears around the mech
Which makes me wonder, are we also getting the Clam Cockpit blue Rader Derp ping this patch? It looked prettier than the white