Johnny Z, on 23 March 2017 - 03:07 PM, said:
LRM's are very powerful in the right hands on the right team. They also get trolled a lot in quick play and are not actually that bad.
Agreed, but in this Case would you Support a Trade off? Velocity for Range?
The6thMessenger, on 23 March 2017 - 03:38 PM, said:
Annoying as seeing potatoes lurm from beyond 900 meters and not share armor, that massive expanse of range is sometimes useful. I'd probably lower it to 900 meters, and have the spread not uniform across all ranges.
I'd agree if they make it so that the farther you are from 500 meters, the wider the spread.
ive reworked the Topic abit to be 40m/Hex so it will be more like 840m which i think should be ok,
Threat Doc, on 23 March 2017 - 03:57 PM, said:
I'm going to cut what you've said down because I couldn't give two shits what most players want in the game, I care about what would be right to make LRMs viable. Your objections are noted, but they are wrong, period.
well games usually change for balance and what most people feel is balanced,
so it does matter what the majority thinks, you disagree thats fine post your thoughts,
my objections are still valid until you give counter arguments to convice me im wrong,
which you havent dont yet so till you do i still feel im right, .... um Period?
Threat Doc, on 23 March 2017 - 03:57 PM, said:
Not only is this backwards, it's untrue. I don't hide back at 950m or 1000m or 1100m, I advance within 200m behind my group, which gives me the opportunity to have some protection from my team if I get jumped, which happens entirely too often, but it also allows me to support them from a distance. Further, I have only ever been accused one time of not "sharing armor", and I find the concept offensive and counter to good tactics and strategy. Complaining about not sharing armor is for the weak-minded who cannot fathom using their LRM team mates appropriately. I would much rather spread damage and make the opponent die for their country, rather than sharing armor and dying for mine. I cannot hit under 180m, and any gun monkey with a brain understands the concept that I have to remain behind, somewhere, so I may as well take the safest place I can and HELP my team mates kill the enemy, so there is LESS ARMOR SHARING... what an asinine concept.
this isnt an attack on anyone its just LRMs have gotten a bad name,
this is mostly because of some players afraid of getting their Paint Scratched,
they stay in the back & dont share armor with the team, & as such arnt considered helpful to the Team,
LRMs can be Useful in coordinated Attacks, but a lone person cannot use them as such,
yes dealing damage is important , but keeping your Team alive as long as possable is as well,
the more of your Armor you Share the longer your Team Lives, more Players Alive = more Damage / Time,

as an LRM player i assume you have back up weapons to fend off should the worse happen?
Threat Doc, on 23 March 2017 - 03:57 PM, said:
With what you're proposing, you will not do this, you will simply nerf the hell out of LRMs all the way into the dirt. LRMs need to be versatile to be useful.
Agreed which is why im proposing a range reduction to go along with a Velocity and Spread Buff,
Threat Doc, on 23 March 2017 - 03:57 PM, said:
If you're to LRM "right", being with the team, you're cutting your neck to spite your face. This might work with Clan 'Mechs, because they have 0 minimum range, but it does NOT work with Inner Sphere 'Mechs. The moment I close to within 300m of my opponent, they are on me like stink on **** and I'm dead, useless to the team, and though I'm softening to the idea, especially with the forthcoming change to the FedCom Civil War, I will not drive a stinking tubie 'Mech.
ok just so you know, you may not have played Clan too much, but Clan dont have a 0m min Range,
once a mech gets under 100m Clan LRMs do less than 0.1Damage a missile,
why 300m? ive used LRMs up to 200m, just aim down abit as you fire,
most of the time doing so can force all your LRMs to hit CT, which could help in last Ditch,
Threat Doc, on 23 March 2017 - 03:57 PM, said:
You asked what could be done to improve LRMs and, based on the other thread we've been participating in, how it's helped shape my perception, helped me to recall what I know, and thus form a better opinion, that's what I've placed in this thread, improvements. In the other thread we were discussing the differences that could be made between direct and indirect fire, and I've added those, here, and you didn't have any objection to them in the other thread, so why the sudden animus toward them?
i agree some of your ideas and concepts are interesting,
but thats another topic, here im asking if a Range reduction for Spread or Velocity Buff would be fair,
i would love for you to make a topic on your ideas, i would encourage you to,
Bishop Steiner, on 23 March 2017 - 04:04 PM, said:
"LONG RANGE" Missile.
So we want to reduce the range? I'll pass-.
Thanks Bishop always a Pleasure,
dont suppose you could,... um add anything to the topic?

do you think a Range for Velocity or Spread Trade off?
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 23 March 2017 - 06:21 PM.