Dakota1000, on 29 March 2017 - 06:12 PM, said:
I've heard a lot of good from WoWS, quite a contrast to their original WoT. Its quite true that its a camp fest in which you hide your tank in a bush and wait for someone stupid enough to go out in the open only to pepper them to death while they can't see you because of the stealth mechanics of hiding in a bush making your multi ton combat vehicle invisible.
I'm not saying it can't be improved, it definitely can. I'm just saying its a great game already, improving it would just make it greater. I don't really know of a free to play ground vehicle combat game that I enjoy more... of course my knowledge is limited however.
World of Warships has gotten somewhat better. It soft-launched and then existed for a long time in an absolute garbage state:
-- Reams of false advertising (principally a unified economy with existing World of Tanks)
-- Severely limited and unbalanced vehicle selection (only two nations, with few tiers of them actually enjoyable and accessable)
-- Incomplete technical base including huge loading times, poor size optimization, vision system ported from World of Tanks without allowing for, you know, open water, critical information only available in 3rd party resources etc.
-- Numerous major mechanic exploits that weren't fixed from beta and that wouldn't be fixed/balanced for a while
-- *Very* pricey economy where single ships would go for $30-60, often in inflated "bundles" of junk to drive up price
-- Tech tree capped by a flagrant pay-to-win wall where you could get the mechanic-optimized fan favorite Yamato by spending a huge amount of real money to convert XP past the worthless, negative-economy factor made-up ship in front of it
-- Another Pay2Win where you could buy a Tirpitz, which is another famous, quality high-tier battleship with brawling torpedoes for entirely real money
-- Awful carrier mechanic that was reprehensible to play and painful to play against i.e. they play a 1990s RTS and you play getting sandwiched by two flights of torpedo-carrying UFOs
A lot of this has been fixed and expanded but it's taken years.