Quicksilver Kalasa, on 19 April 2017 - 11:07 AM, said:
The problem with plain ol skirmish is there is nothing there to encourage engagements, so what do teams do when they start to get more coordination? They find a strong defensive spot and hold it, there is no incentive to not. In Conquest you can't just sit on the edge of the map, you must either find a way to destroy the enemy team before they can get enough of a cap advantage or you must control caps through strong positioning.
That's the ONLY issue with Skirmish, it doesn't have any way to force engagements (forcing engagements is how you prevent camping). How it goes about doing that is also very important because you still want to make sure you don't have a central contest point (which is why Polar is honestly one of the better designed conquest maps), you want more options/avenues of approach to be available like there are in Skirmish.
Assault is crappy period, it doesn't encourage dynamic games and is much more limiting, it forces you to play one of two ways:
- Hold a defensive position between the line of no return (midway between your base and the enemies base) and your base.
- Commit to a push over the line of no return with either your full force or a 1-3 mechs that go to grab base.
Then we get to the whole deal where it doesn't belong in QP if it has respawns. Not that it fixes the issues with this game mode, since it is still just like assault which is still worse than Conquest.
So here is the thought. The bases are so weak right now that moving far away from them is bad unless you can prevent the enemy from getting close or get to the enemy base first. Bases need a buff, and the batteries need a buff. I really think the base needs some bomb-*** turrets to come online with the jammer. I think it was Aylward who suggested these bad boys http://www.sarna.net...Calliope_Turret . And yes, we should get notable rewards for the getting the batteries and keeping the base going. Radar pings should be more frequent (every 10 secs). Those rewards need to be good.
Now I think moving the bases together helps create a more dynamic battlefield. Take this map (my fav layout)
There are multiple angles of attack and each side has access to very strong defensive hills. Bravo and Charlie will no doubt fight around the valley base G10, G11. Alpha lances get the unfriendly task of fighting over the battery points out west or grabbing the one battery in the valley.
And here is where having better battery powered defenses comes in. Starving the enemy base of power leaves it vulnerable to a light rush. So if blue team crushes greens lights out west it becomes for green to protect their base. But, having the bases closer together means they dont have to abandon the main fight to still have a chance of driving off the lights that are attacking the base.
As I look at it, there are four control points for the slow mechs (h11, i10, f10, g13) as well two out west for the fast mechs (i5, j5). The better the lights do, the less concerned a team needs to be about the base and vice versa. We are forced into map control, but the assaults don't have to spend all day moving between cap points. The assaults have one objective in mind (base) the lights can go different ways.
I also would note that a base rush can still work here. For example, green team's Bravo and Charlie lances can move into the valley base while their alpha lance skirts up the eastern edge of the map. They should reach the blue base/blue bravo &Charlie lances before bluelights could return from i5, giving green a 12-8 advantage. By spreading out the sub-objectives, we allow more strategy towards achieving the objective.
Mystere, on 19 April 2017 - 11:47 AM, said:
Which is why voting needs to go the way of the dodo bird. It's an impediment to a whole lot of possibilities.
I do want QP changed from the currently very boring "12 vs. 12 all sides must be equal" eSports nonsense.
Bummer. PGI is clearly not going that direction. If it really is important to you, maybe start your own company?