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Hot-Fix Scheduled For 20-Apr-2017

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 01:41 PM

Greetings MechWarriors,
We will be rolling out a hot-fix, currently scheduled for Thursday, April 20th at 5:00 PM PDT (12 AM UTC), with the following changes:
Assassin (ASN-21 and ASN-21 [S]): Fixed the default loadout to correct the Jump Jet Class in CT. This will not impact Loadouts for existing ASN 'Mechs in your Inventory. ASN variants acquired after this hot-fix will simply have the correct default Loadout applied.
Escort Game Mode: ECM points are now captured by the first 'Mech to enter the radius (if they remain in range for the duration). The capture process is no longer interrupted and superseded by an ally entering an active capture.
Floating Chat (Crash Fix): Fixed a crash that could occur when a Chat tab contained a large amount of historical chat entries.
Floating Chat: Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to send Chat messages after returning to the frontend from a match or Testing Grounds session if the Chat was open prior to launching.
Floating Chat: Fixed an issue where inputting certain characters could cause display issues for other players.
Friends List: Fixed an issue where Group 'shield' icons were no longer being displayed when a player was in a Group.
Friends List: Fixed an issue where you could no longer use the context menu to join the Group of a fellow Unit member when they are the Group Leader.
Incursion Game Mode: Fixed an issue where Ready statuses would not update in the pre-drop screen. Incursion Game Mode: Fuel Cells are now retrieved by the first 'Mech to enter the radius (if they remain in range for the duration). The retrieval process is no longer interrupted and superseded by an ally entering an active retrieval.
Inner Sphere Map: Fixed an issue where the IS Map could appear blank after returning from a Private Match.
Loading Screen: Fixed an issue where the map name text for The Mining Collective was truncated.
Roughneck (RGH-1C and RGH-2A): Fixed incorrect Leg Armor values.
Scouting Game Mode: Intel points are now captured by the first 'Mech to enter the radius (if they remain in range for the duration). The capture process is no longer interrupted and superseded by an ally entering an active capture.
Select 'Mech Screen: Added missing Hero names for the Roughneck, Supernova, and Assassin Hero 'Mechs.
Targeting: Fixed an issue where targeting an Enemy 'Mech or object, quickly switching targets to another nearby enemy or object, then firing LRM or S-SRM weaponry would cause the missiles to strike the previously-targeted 'Mech or object.
Match Reward and Score Adjustments
Retrieving a Fuel Cell
C-Bills: Increased from 500 to 800
XP: Increased from 100 to 150
Match Score contribution increased
Installing a Fuel Cell
C-Bills: Increased from 2000 to 3000
XP: Increased from 300 to 350
Match Score contribution increased
Destroying an Enemy Base element (Mobile Field Base or Tower Generator)
C-Bills: Increased from 15,000 to 25,000
XP: Increased from 300 to 350
Match Score contribution increased
Destroying an Enemy Missile with AMS (when targeting an ally)
Match Score contribution decreased

#2 PFC Carsten


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 01:45 PM

No patch without a Hotfix.

#3 MovinTarget


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 01:45 PM

The escort changes are interesting, definetely give lights on both sides more incentive to push....

edit: GD you Carsten, I wanted to be first for once LOL!

I might be in the minority on this but unless they make it harder to take a base in incursion, you are just sweetening the pot for the yolos out there... The fuel cell are fine because chances are you can work on that near a front...

Edited by MovinTarget, 20 April 2017 - 01:48 PM.

#4 Rhialto


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 01:49 PM


Destroying an Enemy Missile with AMS (when targeting an ally)
• Match Score contribution decreased

By how much? Again no numbers (sigh).

It wasn't a problem you know, sure a few posted about it bur read what I posted about it, I'll paste it here.

Finally I was able to play maybe 15 matches in a KF to test that out and I don't think it's a problem for now. First LRM are not in every game and when I was finally in a game where I could test this out and running to catch LRMs (not targeted at me) I endend up with a OK score, not an exagerated highscore but just a normal bump from doing my duty of protecting and that's a nice welcome.

Of course video like above specially crafted to show the problem is different but other than that I don't think current values are an issue. I don't see everyone suddenly running 3 x AMS because of this. It's new so you may see more for now but all will go back to normal shortly.

#5 Luscious Dan


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 01:52 PM

Shame about "THE MINING" it was a very mysterious name and added some intrigue to my gaming experience.

#6 xSleeZyx


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:06 PM

I like this hot-fix-patch except one thing.


Destroying an Enemy Base element (Mobile Field Base or Tower Generator)

• C-Bills: Increased from 15,000 to 25,000
• XP: Increased from 300 to 350
• Match Score contribution increased

Problem as it is already is people rush the base for the quick wins.
And in my case usualy as a light is gathering the power source (Buff to that is quite okay since it makes it more worth it, i had couple games where my match score n cbill was terrible yet i retrived 4 cells for our team, but we won due rest of our team just rushed base.)

If anything this should be lower.
Or make the turrets very strong early on in the game so we can't light rush 4 ppl to win the base.
And over time they get weaker, and/or within how many enemies killed.

Incentive higher rewards for something that is already occuring is not a good thing, not for this game mode.
As a light i actually enjoy feeling usefull in some way other than 6 spl brawler, in this mode lights can shine somewhat due getting the cells early.

But now you buffed both parts - rushing base + getting cells... kinda counter productive imo. Unless i'm missing something.

#7 MovinTarget


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:13 PM

View PostxSleeZyx, on 20 April 2017 - 02:06 PM, said:

I like this hot-fix-patch except one thing.

Problem as it is already is people rush the base for the quick wins.
And in my case usualy as a light is gathering the power source (Buff to that is quite okay since it makes it more worth it, i had couple games where my match score n cbill was terrible yet i retrived 4 cells for our team, but we won due rest of our team just rushed base.)

If anything this should be lower.
Or make the turrets very strong early on in the game so we can't light rush 4 ppl to win the base.
And over time they get weaker, and/or within how many enemies killed.

Incentive higher rewards for something that is already occuring is not a good thing, not for this game mode.
As a light i actually enjoy feeling usefull in some way other than 6 spl brawler, in this mode lights can shine somewhat due getting the cells early.

But now you buffed both parts - rushing base + getting cells... kinda counter productive imo. Unless i'm missing something.

Or turrets/bases/towers are buffed inversely proportional to the number of pilots shooting them out of the total possible shooting them... this means early in the game its less conducive to bolt to the enemy gate, but later in the game when there are fewer mechs, the targets are weaker, making them more viable...

#8 Trev Firestorm


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:16 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 20 April 2017 - 01:41 PM, said:

Destroying an Enemy Missile with AMS (when targeting an ally)
• Match Score contribution decreased

Would have been nice to see a /small/ cbill reward added as well.

#9 chucklesMuch


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:25 PM

Thanks for changing the capture mechanic for escort /scouting. That was really annoying

#10 Windscape


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:40 PM

aw man they should have added in the feature to use the chat while searching in this hotfix :(

maybe next time

#11 Daemon04


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:48 PM

incursion on crimson strait appears to favor the one side that starts in the lower city G3/G4. the other side has to saddle push or hold base and both are bad options considering the high ground the enemy has.
both reach the saddle in the same amount of time but only one base is in optimal position and its not the D8 base.
while lights and mediums try to reach the enemy base in G3 half the base is destroyed and enveloped by the enemies.

did i mention that i havent played a single match alpine domination so far and it didnt appear in the voting screens either?

#12 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:52 PM

Well....they are definitely making it more worthwhile (cbills and xp-wise) to be the one who destroy's at least some of the base and to not just wait till all Mechs are dead before doing 1% damage to the base and ending it.

So, people will probably more often make an earlier run at it now. Which might lead to more engagements near the base (vs. skirmish near the middle). Could be interesting...Just have to see how it plays out.

#13 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:00 PM

I approve this hotfix. Always nice to see quick resolutions when possible :-)

#14 Jman5


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:13 PM

Hey PGI, can you please just release matchscore values? I'm pulling my hair out trying to isolate numbers and it's leading to a lot of confusion for your playerbase.

Advantages of releasing numbers:
  • Will allow players to test for bugs in the scoring
  • Will allow players to provide valuable feedback based on hard numbers instead of just feels.
  • Will help veteran players explain matchscore to new players

Disadvantage of releasing numbers:
  • Will take 5 minutes out of your day.

Please just save me the time of trying to figure out on my own and potentially releasing innacurate information.

#15 Dee Eight


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:28 PM

So there's finally incentive for players to carry their own AMS and now you decrease it... thanks for nothing.

#16 PlayerUnknown


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:13 PM

down time ?

#17 Tibbnak


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:17 PM


#18 Darkmenace


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:29 PM

Webpage claims the game is up but client still says they are in Maintenance mode.

#19 MrKvola


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:30 PM

Same here, can't connect.

#20 RoadKill XP


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:34 PM

View PostDarkmenace, on 20 April 2017 - 04:29 PM, said:

Webpage claims the game is up but client still says they are in Maintenance mode.


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