Yumoshiri, on 24 April 2017 - 07:47 AM, said:
true, this one challenge has a high luck factor, and it was better if they left it out, most importantly because some take it too seriously and even disconnect or defracture their team in another way. but the amount of people crying over a mechbay here is astonishing.
I bought a hundred empty mech bays the last time they went on sale. I don't "care" about the mech bay other than it's always nice to have another.
This was so not set up to do anything other than piss people off. It's a pale shadow of an RNG luck event. RNG at least lets you throw your skill at something and then cross your fingers. This category was "cross your fingers", now wait (for Incursion...maybe for hours on end), now cross your fingers that you've got the right mech for the job (and there are at least 3 or 4 different choices here to decide on...LRMs? Fast light? Streakboat? Long range camper? Mid-range heavy shooter with a big engine? All of these are right or wrong depending on who picks up the cell, where they go afterward, and where their team-mates are as well as your own)....then cross your fingers that your teammates aren't going to scare all the cell carriers away even if you beg them not to, then cross your fingers that you catch that first cell carrier wave in the first minute of the game, failed that? cross your fingers that someone on the other team cares to pick up another cell at all the whole game, then cross your fingers that now that you're in the right place at the right time with the right mech that you can actually hit the enemy and destroy him before he's out of range, cross your fingers you don't get killed by a mob of the enemy while chasing him (getting killed by the one mech is skill based, having to chase him back into their territory is not), and finally cross your fingers that you get the killing blow while your teammates rain down missiles and laser fire on it.
I farmed Molten Core for the Eye until I was bored senseless but I got the dam thing and waved Thunderfury around to show off how much of my life I wasted on it...this event has nothing on that because THAT was a well designed infuriating RNG time sink for an extremely rare item. This reward category is for a dangled mech bay that people really want and there's no way in he11 they can just use skill to ensure regular shots at that RNG.
I tried lights. I tried missile boat lights, streak lights, ecm and laser lights. I tried LRM boats, fast/slow/medium/heavy/assault/even light, I tried fast heavies, long range gauss, I tried camping the cells, tried camping bases, etc etc. I played from Friday night until just now and saw all of ONE pickup by an enemy. I got a kill on a carrier thirty minutes ago...was it doing something skillful? No, it was after I gave up and was waving around my Dire Wolf's laser and blasting mechs in the center of the map. I never even saw the batter icon when I killed that nova and I think there's a very good chance it was a good samaritan that grabbed a cell when he saw he was in a bad spot and going to die anyway just to give someone a battery carrier kill. It wasn't next to a battery charging point. It wasn't at a base. It wasn't doing anything at all to try to get the cell carrier kill.
It just happened. That's not a skill related kill. It's not a normal part of the game. It's happenstance almost unrelated to even RNG. Pure accident.
It's ridiculously bad design. Give me something hard. Give me a time sink. Let me chase something and know that I don't have the time to complete it and give up knowing I didn't have what it took. Let me chase it and find that I don't have the skills to make it happen.
This? This is either trolling or ignorance. I don't know which I prefer. Honestly I think they saw that every now and then a battery carrier was killed during PTS play and said "hey this is rare, let's give people something they really want for something that happens once in a while! They'll love it!" I think they thought that putting 5 battery carrys in the task list would give people something to shoot at constantly. It's ignorant of how the entire game is played and how people are motivated. Who the blazes carries cells after the first wave? Who would bother? The benefits are decent but small and downright infinitesimal compared to your mech being on the firing line. The reward? It's not just that it's not huge...it's that you can get it by just playing a few more rounds and getting a battery in the first wave of lights. Even with the rarity of Incursion popping it's not that hard to make happen. It's not a barrier to getting the reward or the mech bay for the people who really really really want it.
It's frikkin' irritating and it's bad design. If they wanted lights to be running all game long they needed to find a different way to encourage the dynamic...and there's no way in hades lights are going to pop into the middle of a brawl and stand still for five seconds no matter what the reward is...you can't get it by being dead. Want more people running? Make it a hundred battery carries...then people would complain about it, but at least it'd be a skill based threshold where the only RNG is getting to actually see the game mode and having enough time to commit.
This was ridiculous. I admit that it's not like I haven't seen this sort of thing from PGI before and I've learned to just quit most of the time. The only reason I got this one was, again, an accident. If I wasn't just deciding to play some more while premium time was up I wouldn't have gotten the reward.
I can't even begin to fathom what level of ignorance it takes to get an early kill, see the wasteland out there for everyone else, and then strut around clucking about how skillful you are. I'm sure the shots you took to kill that one mech were very skilled. The idea that it was anything other than happenstance that you got to take those shots is ludicrous.