If you're lucky, a map that supports Incursion comes up for the match.
If you're lucky, players vote for Incursion, and it wins.
If you're lucky, the other team doesn't just march into your base and destroy it.
If you're lucky, you see a mech pick up the energy cell.
If you're lucky, you have the range to shoot at the mech.
If you're lucky, you deal the killing blow.
After this event, I will never, ever vote for Incursion. This event is pure bs.
Edit: PGI came through and made some welcome changes to the challenge, listening to its fan base. I was lacking the Delivery Failed, but got it because of the awesome community we have - and spent the last two hours of the challenge to try to do the same to others.
Thank you, PGI, for fixing this - Incursion might be fun in the future, if people have an incentive to do something else than just skirmish. Thank you, community and the nameless benefactor, who helped me complete 9/9 of the challenge!
Edited by elde, 26 April 2017 - 12:32 AM.