Bishop Steiner, on 23 April 2017 - 08:38 PM, said:
I'm really hoping he was new. He was trying to shoot generally in the direction of a rifleman. I wanted to crop out all the names/chat/etc because there were some unhelpful things being said and the poor guy got nuked with fire. However you can just see the bottom of the riflemans feet in the top of the clipped shot. The're right to the left of center; which was where the guy was shooting. He was blazing away at empty space about a mech width to the Riflemans left.
He was so bad. So terribly, terribly bad. I'm glad you guys noticed the JJs + coolshot that he had. I didn't get a screenshot to show him trying to do a JJ turn - because, apparently, he goes so fast he's got to use JJs to change direction without swinging wide.
He finished under 100 damage. What's amazing to me, truly amazing, is that he can't be new. He saved up the cbills to buy and modify a Dire Wolf.
I hope he's doing better and enjoying himself but that build and watching him in the last bit of that match reminded me why QP is so terribly, terribly bad. He probably hid down there the whole time because he was scared of LRMs - because that's the sort of player that gets demolished by LRMs and the LRM player ends the match thinking 'ZOMG LRMs are so amazing! I destroyed that Dire Wolf so EZ! I have all the skillz!' when the reality is that they could have killed that guy with 1 MG by slowly walking to the left in a circle around him. The Rifleman killed him by standing still and shooting and not missing. A skill still beyond our unambitious friends keen, even after earning enough CBills for a Dire.
The other option, that he bought a Dire via the Dire package or MC hurts my heart too much to think about.